Month: November 2015

“We need to regulate guns like cars!” The Onion agrees.

CHICAGO—Touting the program’s convenience and affordability, Chicago officials unveiled Monday the city’s new gun-sharing service, “QuikShot,” which allows individuals to check out a loaded firearm for short periods of time.
The municipal initiative, through which users can rent semiautomatic pistols, shotguns, rifles, and submachine guns at more than 250 self-service kiosks, has reportedly been designed to make firepower easily available to residents and tourists alike nearly everywhere within the city limits.
“QuikShot lets anyone with a credit card walk up to one of our street-side firearm stations, select a gun, and head out into the Windy City fully armed in just a few seconds,” program director Arvind Reynolds told reporters, noting that borrowers can either rent their weapon for increments of 30 minutes or withdraw it for a full 24 hours if they plan on using it throughout the day.

Source: Chicago Introduces New Citywide Gun-Sharing Stations- The Onion.

I support this program fully if just to avoid the hassle of having to go through the hoops when checking in a gun in your luggage at the airports. Or if you need to send your gun to the smith for a trigger job? Rent a nice Kimber Custom or Nighthawk.  Test ride the latest Plastic Fantastic or go for the exotic and classics like a Colt Python.


And on a very serious note…

Two days ago, tragedy visited upon Borepatch’s co-blogger Mark (ASM826):

A Parent Should Never Have To Bury A Child

But it happens all the time.

Yesterday it happened to me.

We had fours sons.

One of them took his own life yesterday.

I know some of my readers will visit their houses of worship today, some tomorrow and some have their own particular way. Don’t care.
A prayer, a candle,  a song or even a thought for a young man and a grieving family.
Thank you.

Practical Jokes, “Wild West” style.

“There ya are, ya low-down polecat!” he bellowed. The passers-by paused in their tracks. “Ah’m gonna kill ya b’cause of what ya did ta mah sister!” He paused, trying to collect himself. “Mah pore, pore little sister.”The shorter man was frozen in panic. He didn’t react when the redhead pulled out his gun, cocked it, and fired. The shorter man fell to the street, writhed in pain for a moment, then died. The railway passengers sprinted back onto the train, some women fainted and had to be carried to safety as townsfolk wrestled the gun away from the redhead and dragged him off to jail. The dead man was unceremoniously dragged into the nearest saloon while the terrified passengers remained flat against the train’s floor, afraid to move. Thankfully, the train started rolling once again westward.

Source: Day 985: The Greatest Show In The Wild Old West – 1000 Words, 1000 Days

And all that was just one huge practical joke pulled by the town on unsuspecting train travelers. Pure craftsmanship right there.

Sorry Youngins, you guys did not invented p’wning and certainly not at community level like these folks. Don’t worry, we old farts did not do it either.

As Paul H. noted, one wonders if the stories about the Wild West we hear about from our Opposition come from some Great-Grand-Something of the Brady Campaign that happened to be travelling in that train.

Hat Tip to Paul H.

“All is well…All is well, damn it!”

All is well

That is pretty much the new message coming from the Gun Control side regarding the brutal loss in Virginia.

I have no problem having the Opposition voluntarily burying their collective heads in the sand. When the enemy is making a mistake, do not correct them.

Update: Apparently I was wrong. Gun Control had nothing to do with why they lost, hell it was not even in the electoral radar this year.

Your belly laugh for today: Bill Ayers says it is ‘Beautiful’ Idea to Indict NRA in People’s Tribunal.

That would be the asshole on the left.

After a question about gun violence in Chicago, a man in the front row suggested one solution would be to “indict the NRA.” It’s unclear how that would solve the high murder rate in Chicago, which has some of the toughest gun control laws in the nation. Bill Ayers called the idea of a “people’s tribunal” against the NRA “beautiful,” and Bernardine Dohrn nodded in agreement

Source: Bill Ayers: ‘Beautiful’ Idea to Indict NRA in People’s Tribunal – Breitbart

And we are supposed to be the ones with wild fantasies. I swear this guy was born in the wrong side of the equator, he would have been a fantastic Latin American dictator.

So basically what Mr. Ayres wants is a Stalinist Show Trial for whatever imaginary crimes we may have committed. I am sure that after the trial we will be invited for a train or bus ride to the nearest Gulag Resort and Casino for an extended stay.


Thee only thing I can say is that he and his buddies are welcome to try to impose those “People’s Tribunals” as we need the target practice.

Hat Tip Derek Ward