Month: February 2016

B.O.L.O.: Stolen 9mm SBR Prototype

9mm SBR prototype

This 9mm SBR was stolen last Sat the 6th of Feb, from our booth at the Great American Outdoor Show. We are offering a $3000 reward for formation leading to the return of rifle and arrest and conviction of perpetrators. Serial number F150153. Precision Firearms PF15F. It was our one and only prototype 9mm Subgun.

Share this post and make it as difficult as possible for the thieves to sell it or use it. 2 guys and a woman. White.

Talk about stealing the wrong gun. That thing is now radioactive, three idiots just got themselves a crapload of Federal charges besides the State ones.

Pass the word.

Home sweet home

A man in Jupiter, Florida has been arrested for throwing an alligator through the Window of a Wendy’s drive-thru, and has claimed his action was a prank.

My favorite part of this story, is that he has been charged with assault with a deadly weapon.  Yes, an alligator is officially a deadly weapon.

It takes a Captive Wildlife Permit to legally possess an alligator in the State of Florida.

So begs the question, if you have a CWP and CCW, can you legally carry an alligator concealed for defensive purposes?

What would be the best way to carry a concealed alligator?  I for one would want some sort of strap around its mouth, removed with a thumb break to prevent accidental discharge mastication.

Alligators have between 74 and 80 teeth in their mouths, so would that be considered high capacity assault alligator by Everytown and Bloomberg crew?

How big can your alligator be before you have to register it as a destructive device?

I just can’t wait for the caliber wars on this one: alligator vs. crocodile.

Oh Florida, don’t you ever change…

CSGV suddenly gets religion and does not like Holocaust.

CSGV Nugent

I am so happy to see that the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence is now on the side of keeping people away from concentration camps and/or extermination. In the past, they had no problems on mass detentions as long as a judge signed up on it or your eyes were not round or the tone of your skin was on the reddish side.

We welcome Laddites in general and their new-found respect for the Constitution.

/end sarcasm.

PS: Yes, Ted can spout all the Anti-Semitic shit he wants, just not as NRA Board Member or even as NRA Member, period.  And if he can’t figure out memes, he should not use them.

PS: I should have added the original Ted Nugent Facebook post.

Ted fucking up

It can happen to anybody

I like Travis Haley.  He is one of the few shooting instructors that I’ve seen make videos that doesn’t look like a total, roided out, doofus from the John Woo school of shooting.  From the outtakes of the Magpul dynamics videos, he also seems like a really cool guy.  He was also Marine Recon, so you know he knows his stuff.

And just the other day, he had a negligent discharge while filming a new video.

I’m not going to berate him for it.  He had his weapon pointed in a safe direction.  He recovered quickly.  If you shoot rounds, it happens to everybody.  Yes, I’ve ND’d too.

This is a perfect example of why you should ALWAYS FOLLOW THE RULES!!!

Also, it doesn’t matter how much you want to operate with your AK (or anything else for that matter), use your damn safety.  You’re not a Delta, this is not your safety.

The Fox asking the Chickens to do away with Fangs. A convicted killer for Gun Control. 

Via Say Uncle.

The NRA and like-minded interest groups justify the status quo with red-herring debates and self-righteous interpretations of the Second Amendment. This isn’t about politics, it’s about greed. The wicked irony, of course, is that mass shootings have in the past increased demand and positively effect earnings.

It reminded me of the December night in 2001 when I easily obtained a (straw purchased) assault rifle from a friend and used it to shoot an associate of mine named Alex in the head. He, too, sat unarmed in a car, this one on a Brooklyn street. I killed Alex after learning that he was extorting a man who sold drugs for me. I can’t change what I did even as I feel remorse for it—the responsibility for pulling the trigger is mine alone.

Source: Easy access to guns helped me commit murder. I’ve changed, but the loopholes remain – Quartz

What is next? NAMBLA Day Care centers? Schutzstaffel Bakery and Oven Repair? ISIS European Tours? Oh wait, never mind…it makes sense now.

That shit-stain drug-dealing gang-banger and convicted killer is going to be considered a hero, an example to be followed by the Antis, but I am a dangerous insurrectionist whose biggest crime has been going 20 miles over the speed limit with nobody around in the Florida Turnpike.


Sometimes you get to make sweet lemonade.

So yesterday afternoon the house phone rings, Caller ID shows “Private” and I have no idea why I decided to answer since I already figure is somebody trying to sell me crap.

Me: (Sounding like Sasquatch growling at a wolf) Hello?
Caller: (Lady with a heavy Caribbean accent) Good afternoon sir, I am calling from Windows Technical Support.
Me: No, you are not.
Caller: Sir yes I am from Windows Technical Support.
Me: No, but go ahead. What are you trying to sell me?
Caller: (Slightly pissed) I am not trying to sell you anything, I am calling to let you know your computer is in trouble.
Me: Bullshit. She is not. Just go ahead and pitch your product.
Caller: (getting louder) Your computer is corrupted and….
Me: Nah, she is fresh. And you should really stop trying to bullshit people.
Caller: (lost it) You know what? Your soul is corrupt! You are bad people!
Me: Well, now that you mention it, the Devil has my soul in lay-away.  Easy monthly payments…
Caller: (click)
Me: Hello?….Hello?

customer rep

UPDATE: @Groundshy over Twitter had the same lady call him. Apparently she does not handle rejection well as she went ballistic too after hanging up n her and called him back.