Month: February 2018

Gun Owner’s Virtue Signaling.

Virtue signaling is the expression or promotion of viewpoints that are especially valued within a social group, especially when this is done primarily to enhance the social standing of the speaker.

 Wikepedia or some crap like that.

In a Facebook Florida Gun Owner Group, there was an entry about how fast are the CWP being processed right now in Florida and the fees lowered. After the chain of loses we’ve been having because certain GOP senator was doing the beast with two backs with her Democrat counterpart and voting the way he wanted, you kinda figure a bit of good news is welcomed.

Cue the “Muh Rights!” Gun Owners AKA “The Chest Thumpers.” First they began with  “I am for Constitutional Carry!” like the rest of us aren’t and they are the only Pure Virgin Vestals in the Second Amendment temple. Then they proceeded to put down the news because… “Muh Rights, Damn it!”  Last, they crapped on the person in charge of the department because he is running for public office and therefore he is just trying to appeal votes out of Gun Owners.

So fucking what? What do I care he is accelerating the issuance and lowering the costs of permits? Is there any moral superiority in your posing as Super Hero of the Second Amendment? None, because you are just posing. You maximum effective range in the fight for our rights is zero.  In fact it takes the posting of one idiot to be read by a staffer of that candidate to sour his possible in help  advancing the cause of the Second Amendment in Florida if he gets elected.

VS = BS. Virtue Signaling is Bull Shit.



Adding SSL Certificate. (UPDATE)



Thanks to Shawn D’s donation, I went ahead and pulled the trigger on getting the SSL Certificate for the site. As I have been told by the people who know, it will make visitors feel warm/fuzzy about security and increase my Google ranking/visibility.

I was assured the transition should be smooth… fingers crossed.

Don’t panic.


Update: It appears to be working, but it may take up to 72 hours for all kinks to get fixed.

Humpday Music Selection

And I include movie selection. I have no idea why, but this scene from Dr. Detroit decided to play in my head early this morning.  You can’t go wrong with James Brown anyway.

Dr. Detroit was not very well accepted by the critics nor it made money for its investors (Production budget of $8 million, box office of $10 million) but it was a “profitable” enterprise for two of the cast. Dan Aykroyd and Donna Dixon met and eventually got married; hell, they are still married 35 years later and have 3 kids. As she tells it and he confirms it, she had to chase after him because he was (and is) a notoriously shy person.

Dear Katy Tur

Katy Tur does not read this blog.  Why would she?  She’s from a California media dynasty and a host on MSNBC*.

*Isn’t privilege great? Being 34 and an MSNBC host because your parents are Emmy and Edward R. Murrow awarding wining creators of the Los Angeles News Service is a hell of a thing.

If she did read this blog she might have read the posts I made about Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz bad mouthing the Trump tax cut, and continued push to make a $1,000 refund into a detestable pittance resented by the people that got it.

That is some hyper-elite tone deafness.  But when you are an MSNBC host with an estimated $400,000/year salary and $200,000/year book royalty fee, $1,000 can seen small.

Well, Katy Tur went to Twitter to mock Middle Americans and their $1,000 bonuses.

See, foolish Americans thinking that every little bit will help.

How date they try to find a ray of light in “crumbs” and aspire to have kids and send them to college because they have some extra money?

It’s not like the Democrats made giving birth in a hospital or going to college any cheaper with their higher tax rates (in fact, they made is more expensive).

So what is the alternative that she puts forward?  If the government didn’t cut taxes and these people didn’t get their bonuses, would their lives be better off?

Of course not.

It really gives you the impression that she thinks that we’re just a bunch of sharecroppers doomed to eek out a living with the only way up being government programs.

Only if we were all born with the fortune of parents that could get us six figure jobs in media, we’d understand that a $1,000 bonus is worthless.

No wonder people hate the media.


That Publix thing pissed me off

The thing that Miguel posted about Publix not paying for PrEP for HIV then being strong armed into it has really pissed me off.

It was only a week ago I made a post about why LGBT acceptance has gone down.  Well, right now, I’m mad as hell at the LGBT community.

At this point in my life I am an employee.  One day I hope to be an employer.  I’d like to stop working for the man and become the man.  This is the kind of thing that worries me about starting my own company.  Not that my ideas or technology won’t work, but that I’m going to get screwed financially out of existence by regulations and bullshit before I ever get off the ground.

The comments I’ve seen in the news are that Publix did this because they are homophobic, and donates to Republicans.  More comments by (gay) people are that it’s a bigoted policy because Publix covers the flu shots and birth control, but not HIV prophylactics.

As a future employer this is how I see it.

At some point in their lives, about half the country is going to be on birth control.  Providing birth control has become a standard benefit from employers.  I could not pay for it, but then I wound’t be competitive and my ability to attract and retain good employees – either women or men who have their wives covered – would be diminished.  The cost of birth control is between $15 and $60 dollars per month.  Taking the average, that is $380 per year.

Take an average engineer salary of $75,000 per year.  Salary is about half the value of an employee to an employer.  So an engineer at  $75K, actually is worth about $150K per year.  That’s $75/hour of work time.  That is the break even math bases for my analysis.

At $380 average for birth control, it costs me 5 hours of time for a female engineer to pay for her to fuck her husband without a condom.  If that is what it takes, roughly half of one working day, to have good female employees, that’s a no brainier.  The math works in my favor.  Done.

Let’s take the flu shot.  That costs about $40 per year.  The flu is highly contagious in an office environment.  The flu costs $10.4 billion in lost work hours in America every year.

If a $40 flu shot keeps an engineer from taking ONE sick day in a year, it was a good investment.  It cost me 30 minutes of his time to save a whole working day.  Done.  Money well spent.

PrEP costs about $13,000 per year.  That is 173 hours or 21 work days just to cover the cost of PrEP.

For the cost of one gay may to fuck random men in the ass without a condom, I can pay for 34 women to fuck their husbands and boyfriends.

If a female engineer gets pregnant, I could cover the cost of her delivering by cesarean for less than the cost of PrEP.

It is unbelievably arrogant, monumentally narcissistic, for a gay employee to think that he is worth almost 20% more than any of his co workers in preventative healthcare costs so that he can be a night club cum dumpster in his off hours.

If the mantra is “equal pay for equal work” than that gay employee better be putting in some serious overtime to justify his medical costs, not to cure a disease, but as a prophylactic.  If he thinks he can do is 40 hours and go clubbing, he’s not pulling his economic weight.

Insurance is a risk pool.  I’d cover cancer, heart attacks, etc, because in all likelihood most employees won’t ever need that level of care.  If they do, it should be a one time deal.  How long can we expect an employee to be on PrEP?  Five years?  Ten?

Going back to Publix, a full time, non-manager salaried position makes about $27,000 per year.  If that full time, non-manager is a single gay man, he’s asking Publix to cover health benefits to the tune of 48% of his salary – for him to take it in the butt without a rubber.

That’s the equivalent to him making one-and-a-half times as much as his co-workers in terms of overall costs to the company.

The simple economic truth is that single, young, gay men are just to expensive to employ if the company has to subsidize their irresponsible lifestyle.

The gay community and its allies who threatened to boycott Publix didn’t think this one through.  They got all high and might on social media and signaled their virtue on Twitter.  The reality is they strong armed Publix into a financially unfeasible situation to appease a fraction of a tiny minority of potential employees.

Rep. Carlos Smith should be ashamed of himself.

I’ll tell you exactly what is going to happen now.

Business after business will see a young man drive into the parking lot in a Mazda Miata or with a rainbow flag sticker on the bumper and all of a sudden “the position has been filled.”

And to hell with all the activists who protested or went to Twitter with this.

Gay men have priced themselves out of the market as useful employees.

You did this to yourselves.

Pit Bull attacks owner. It gets tased and shot. (Graphic Warning)

So we know J. Kb’s stance on Pit Bulls and I am a firm believer that is the people who are too effing dumb to own dogs, here is a video showing what happens when you do not take dogs seriously.

If anything, this reinforces my belief that people get dogs as accessories to their lives and not because they need them as working animal and sure as heck do not know  how to control them.  Can a dog go crazy and attack its owner? yes. It has happened due to sickness or mistreatment or simply the dog is not right upstairs. We were given a German Shepherd that never took training, would not patrol and eventually came to ambush our other dogs for no good reason. One night he tried to attack me as I was walking by, but the body language betrayed him and received several good kicks for his attempt to harm me. The next day I took him to the vet and put him to sleep as I could not take the chance to have him injure a member of my family.

A dog is not your baby, is not your kid, is not a human member of your family: It is an animal that, as much as you can love, comes second to a human life.  With the exception of the shepherd mentioned above, I have suffered every dog that has died in our family, but that ever meant the next one was going to be treated any different.

If you own a dog, specially a big dog and you have not considered the possibility that you may have to get physical and even kill it, you are better off getting one of them miniature dogs or better yet, a cat.