Month: February 2018

The Woodstock Effect.

Back in the Hippie Ages of 1969, there was a concert in Woodstock, NY touted as “Three days of Peace, and Music”  and as it was the times, an anti Vietnam War gathering but without the stupid fanaticism.

About a decade later, maybe more, I dusted the album (A triple vinyl) one day to listen to it again and as i was reading the cover, I noticed that some of the artists were still relevant even after they were dead like Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin, some bands disappear as they reach the end of their creative life and the artists continued on their own. But what called my attention were the artists that were still alive and working, but nobody cared for them anymore like Joan Baez. Most of those artist had something in common: They got political and Anti-War in a heavy way. People simply had stopped paying attention, specially since the war was over, the sentiment changed from being against the soldiers to embarrassment for crapping on them plus everybody was tired and did not want to hear about Vietnam anymore.

It is my contention that those Anti War musicians were perennially associated with their political activity and, the moment the politics changed, they became irrelevant in the eyes of the music lovers. I call it the Woodstock Effect: If you are an artist and dabble in politics, you will eventually lose.”

When my partner and I had the studio, one of our policies was zero political work, including government work. We never did work for any political party and trust me, they came with literally briefcases full of cash so we would give in. But we knew that if we happened to do work for the asshole that lost, the asshole that won would have taken it personally and send government people to screw with us. Once the word spread out that we didn’t do political stuff for anybody, they stopped coming and no winner ever messed with us. We understood that all politics are cyclical and some people have long memories. It simply was not worth the risk in the long run.

So I could not help and smile when J. Kb. wrote:

“This is why you don’t bow to obnoxious activists. When the news cycle shifts to the next big topic, all you’ve really done is fucked yourself.”

Shit has not changed, it just got much faster and has a wider reach.

It is good that a new generation reached the same conclusions.  I can now retire to Florida…. Oh wait…. shit.



Post Parkland Florida Gun Bill: The Good The Awful and The Stupid.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018 Open Calendar
8th Week of 2018 Session – 10 Days until the End of Session

And we got us SB 7026 which at first glance goes with what the Senate and House leaders announced they were going to do some days back. Here is my take and remember IANAL.

-It creates that weird Office of Safe Schools. I still see it as a a bunch of people sitting and discussing shit. But if it keeps them from making bad laws, I am all for it.

-It creates an emergency fund to pay for medical bills of those affected by Mass Shootings. It also gives Florida a legal definition of Mass Shooting: “As used in this section, the term “mass shooting” means an incident in which four or more people are killed or injured by firearms in one or more locations in close proximity.” No issue with this bill at face value. I do see a potential of abuse to the fund every time a nightclub or Strip Joint is shot up my members of warring gangs.

-It mandates no individual under 21 can buy any firearm. This is downriight stupid and leaves good people without the chance of defend themselves, go hunting or participate in a firearms-related event unless they are gifted the guns. The posibilities for people unknowingly doing Straw Purchases will skyrocket. If anything this will be the law that makes felons out of good people while real gun traffickers get a slap in the wrist at a Federal level.(SUCKS & STUPID)

-It regulates how to keep guns out of the hands of individuals with mental issues. Again, IANAL, but I don’t see the possibility of California-style abuse with this part. It conforms to what we already have in terms of adjudication and recover of rights via appeal.  But I would not mind a lawyer go through it. (Tentative OK)

-Mandatory 3 day waiting period for all firearms, not only handguns. (SUCKS) Exception provided to anybody with a Concealed Weapons Permit and now they added “To a person who completes a minimum of a 16-hour hunter education or hunter safety course approved by the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission or similar agency of another state, unless that person is purchasing a handgun.” Basically you can get a Long Gun immediately but not a handgun.

-Bumpstocks banned. The text reads as follows: (1) DEFINITION.—As used in this section, the term “bump fire stock” means a gun conversion kit, a tool, an accessory, or a device used to alter the rate of fire of a firearm to mimic automatic weapon fire or which is used to increase the rate of fire of a semiautomatic firearm to a faster rate than is possible for a person to fire such semiautomatic firearm unassisted by a kit, a tool, an accessory, or a device.” Still does not affect Full Auto and although some claim it will be used by the courts to screw with regular trigger jobs. (BAD, but I would offer bumpstock as sacrificial anode if the age limit is removed from the bill )

-Risk Protection Order. Again I would like to have a lawyer read this, but I still don’t see a California-type of over-reach, actually the opposite as the Petitioner needs to sign under oath the request and evidence must be present for a judge to issue the RPO. (I have no problem with this initially)

-Supplemental Funding for Mental Health Assistance for Schools. “establishing or expanding comprehensive mental health programs that increase awareness of mental health issues among children and school-age youth; to train educators and other school staff in detecting and responding to mental health issues; and to connect children, youth, and families who may experience behavioral or mental health issues with appropriate services.”   Not bad by any means, but if violent events by students are still going to be hidden and the school population remain at danger for lack of action, this is just a waste of money. (OK I guess)

-Florida Sheriff’s Marshal Program, AKA Voluntary Armed Teachers. It is comprehensive in its requirements and narrowly tailored in its application as the teacher cannot act unless within a defined situation: “Active assailant incident” means a situation in which an armed assailant is posing an immediate deadly threat to persons on the premises or campus of a public school.” The teacher has no powers nor he/she can act as a normal LEO in other situation which is good as they are to be only to go active in case of SHTF . (GOOD)

What I don’t see in the bill: ELIMINATE THE COLLUSION BETWEEN LAW ENFORCEMENT AND SCHOOL BOARDS TO HIDE THE CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES OF STUDENTS.  Once again proving that laws are made to soothe the Media beast and not because they make sense or solve anything. Does anybody have any doubts that covering up all the shit that Nick Criz did over the years is one of the most important reasons nobody touched the asshole and made him a Prohibited Person?

What was the bad crap that was rejected?:

-Universal Background Checks.

-Assault Weapons Ban. (apparently wails were heard and students and assorted SJWs had to be taken to the ESR (Emergency Safe Room).

-Stupid Safe Storage. No minors near a gun, including if you were carrying concealed.

Elimination of the Second Amendment as a Unalienable Right in the State of Florida... yes boys and girls. This amendment was brought to you by Senator Thurston, (D, Broward County) because the Constitution is just a piece of paper.

-The Public School Emergency Response Learning System Program. Another Jobs program, and unnecessary paperwork. I do like the way they plane to stop Active Shooters with Flip Charts, communication cards and children’s books.

Overall it is a bad/not-so-bad (70/30) bill, but it could have been much worse if you factor in that the Florida Senate has been quite shitty in the last couple of years regarding guns. There is the possibility that crap can be removed down the road and we still have the House who are more Pro-Gun and suffer from a case of IDGAF.

Truthfully our best case scenario would be the Legislative session’s  clock runs out before anything gets sent to the Governor’s desk for signature. I’d hate for the Armed Teacher bill not to make it, but I just don’t trust the GOP senate and fear they will want to do some stupid shit when people are not looking.

Just in case, keep the pressure to both the Legislature and the Governor.  Don’t forget that Scott terms-out and he is going after Bill Nelson’s seat who is a devoted hater of Gun Rights. I do feel that Scott would veto any bad bill if he feels he can depend on gun owners to back him up in November

Keep the fight up, people. Call and email your Representative and Senator



Common sense lesson in business

Years ago, I remember being taught in one of my business classes in college about an anecdote about McDonald’s french fries.  McDonald’s used to cook their fries in oil and beef tallow.  That’s what made them so good.  A small group of very loud people, mostly vegans, PETA, and two angry Hindus, made a stink over this, and they switched to “beef flavor.”  The fries didn’t taste as good.  The vegans and Hindus in the US didn’t start eating at McDonald’s but McDonald’s fry fans stopped.  It was overall, a disaster for McDonald’s.

The lesson: a handful of very loud annoying people shouldn’t shift you from successful business practices.  It’s not worth throwing away huge sums of money to attract a few, really obnoxious potential customers.

This is why big business shouldn’t get into politics.

Delta dropped the NRA discount.  Personally, I don’t care.  I don’t fly for fun and my  company pays for the lowest cost flight, so I don’t get to pick my carrier.

What this did was piss off the GA state GOP.

Delta used to have a tax exemption on state fuel tax in GA.  That meant that Delta didn’t have t pay fuel tax on all the refueling it did through its Atlanta hub.  Saving the company some $40 Million per year.

The tax lapsed and Delta has been trying to get it back.

Just days ago it would have been a cake walk.  I’m not a fan of cronyism in business, but Delta was planing expansions out of Atalanta, including going all the way to China.  So a cut in taxes was supposed to result in job growth for GA, and I’m all for job creation.

Well, Delta caved to the anti NRA pressure and now the GA GOP has put the Kibosh on the fuel tax cut.

Delta wanted to play politics and now they got dunked on.

I’m not an accountant for Delta but I’d assume that the $40 Million in fuel taxes is worth a lot more to the company than the handful of militant anti gun owners who would boycott Delta.

People talk a big game about boycotts on Twitter, but most of those people, six months for now, will pull the trigger  on the cheapest or most convenient flight they can find and forget all about the boycott.  If Delta saw a drop in sales it cold tie to the NRA, then, next fiscal quarter or year they could announce dumping the NRA as a justified business decision.  Right now, they just blew a $40 Million dollar hole in their profits.

This is why you don’t bow to obnoxious activists.  When the news cycle shifts to the next big topic, all you’ve really done is fucked yourself.

General Mark Disarray

I know I have readers who served in the United States armed forces.  I am friends with and work with quite a number of veterans.  I thank them for their service.

To that end, to hell with some of the military’s top brass.  Their time in uniform is honorable.  What some of them have chosen to do once they retire is some fucking bullshit.

Back at the very beginning of this year I made a sarcastic post about the Navy Secretary carrying overseas, which turned into the mockery of some high ranking Army officers and their obvious deficiencies with handguns.  This picture being key.

I was corrected by a reader, through Miguel’s follow up post that the “tactical teacup” grip (not shown above) is still Army doctrine, or was until just a few years ago.

Fast forward to today.

CNN has hired former Army Lieutenant General Mark Hertling as a military and security analyst.

Hertling was brought in to do a segment on the AR-15.  This is the fucking tragedy that ensued.

General Hertling, thank you for your service of 37 years.

Now please shut the fuck and go home.

That chicken wing arm, stock bouncing around, lousy control was embarrassing to watch.   I get it, he was an armor officer, he didn’t need to use an M-16 or M-4 for most of his career.  Death before dismount.  Fine.  But it is clear from his pathetic demonstration and use of the nonsensical phrase “on full semi automatic” that he has no expertise what-so-ever on that weapon platform.

This display on CNN is a sham.

“Look at that 37 year combat veteran not hit anything with this dangerous ‘high velocity’ rifle.”

The General things that a person has to have a “whole lot of training” to use that weapon.  If it is the same level and quality of training that the General has, that ain’t much.

If you think my disdain is disrespectful, I’m sorry.  But right now this man, who swore an officer’s oath to defend the Constitution, is a pawn in the CNN “these guns are too dangerous for civilian hands” game.

Look, I’m not going to tell the man how to work and M1 Abrams.  That’s his universe.  But I’ve started to get into carbine match and I’m going to be lectured at by CNN and their pet retired General, how this weapon is not for me because he shoots like a a jackass.

This is the worst worst form of the “appeal to authority” fallacy.  Getting some retired career military officer with a terrible case of DC-itis to make the claim that these “scary guns” should only be trusted to the military.


Overplayed their hand on Hogg

CNN has jumped the shark with David Hogg.

This last interview with him on AC360 is ridiculous.

He’s now going through plot points for House of Cards.

Speaking of which, hasn’t he gotten the memo that that show is not to be talked about as Kevin Spacey is persona non grata in polite society?

EVERYONE that disagrees with him is a propagandist.  He’s telling the God’s honest truth, Marco Rubio, the House GOP, they are all liars owned by the NRA and Dana Loesch.

Miguel did a post mocking Hogg’s Aryan backpfeifengesicht.

Now I’m convinced.  Hogg is a high school Goebbels.  There is no lie so big, no accusation so egregious, he won’t spit it out to advance his tyrannical desires.

CNN is trying to use this kid to push a political movement an all I see is a anti-gun Hitler Youth.