Month: August 2018

Why the Democrats are miscalculating on guns

The truth about how Americans view their Second Amendment freedom is actually much more interesting than mere political affiliation. This is a reality check worth having just now, as New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, and many other politicians are now openly taking an extreme stance on this issue.
A Gallup poll shows that 27 percent of Democrats, 43 percent of Independents and 55 percent of Republicans say there is at least one gun in their home. Overall, Gallup reports that 42 percent of Americans say they have at least one gun in their home.

Why the Democrats are miscalculating on guns

Let me start by apologizing for the minimalistic approach to posting today, but it has been busy and promises to continue to be even busier.

Reader John R. sent me the link to the article which I managed to read during a break. Now, remember that a lot of people still do not share their gun possession status with others so the figures may vary upwards.  The truth about the influence of those numbers will come soon enough in November. I don’t think either side is going to be happy.

Go to hell Alexa

This commercial hit me on YouTube.  I don’t know what algorithm decided I needed to see it, but it’s wrong.

First of all, I will never have an Alexa or Echo or any other voice activated smart device.  Sorry, but I don’t like having some tech mogul eavesdropping on my house.

This is another commercial where dad is incompetent and without mom’s henpecking, he can’t do anything right.

But this one take that theme to the next insulting level.  Mom has to have her pre-programmed digital assistant henpeck dad.

Just look at him.  He looks like he doesn’t have a job.  It’s one thing to have a telecommuting job like consulting or software development, but there is no indication of that.  He just has that “I spend the whole day in sweatpants” look and glassy-eyed stare of the unemployed.

I don’t know much about his relationship but he’s been turned into such a spineless putz that when Alexa tells him to take the kid out in a downpour he does it.  He doesn’t even have the wherewithal to say “I’m not taking the kid out in the driving rain, that is stupid, ‘Alexa cancel the play date.'”

The most insulting part of this commercial is how Alexa has to remind him that “Laura loves him and [he’s] doing a great job.”

It’s the evening, where the fuck is Laura?

Probably getting pounded like a railroad spike by a non-beta male, while Alexa is telling her husband she loves him.

I’m just tired of the husband/dad is incompetent theme in commercials.

Imagine a commercial for a chain of auto parts stores that goes like this:

Wife says that she’s going to change the oil in her car to save some money.  Husband says “okay” and leaves.  He comes home an hour later and there is five quarts of old oil spilled out all over the driveway because wife used an old pie pan as a drain pan.  The oil filter is the wrong size and cross threaded.  Wife is poring Canola oil into the engine and says to her husband “I didn’t know what 5w30 meant so I got organic.”

Then the tagline of the commercial is “our associates can help anybody with the simplest maintenance task.”

That store would be bankrupt by the end of the day.

Yet no ad agency bats an eye at the idea of making hubby look worthless.

If the only way you know how to sell items to women is to make men into useless sacks of shit, fuck you.

ACLU finally wakes up


Ben Wizner, the director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s (ACLU) speech, privacy and technology project, warned Monday that bans against Alex Jones and Infowars could set a dangerous precedent.
Wizner told HuffPost that the hate speech policies many social media companies cited when they banned Jones can be “misused and abused.”

Wizner said companies had a constitutional right to regulate speech on their platforms, but added that hate speech “turns out to be an extremely subjective term.”
“If [Attorney General] Jeff Sessions, for example, were deciding what’s hate speech, he would be less likely to think KKK and more likely to think [Black Lives Matter],” he said.

ACLU: Alex Jones ban could set dangerous social media precedent

Dancing Monkeys and Performing Bears have is that they are damned slow to realize that the laws used against their enemies and they cheer so much about will eventually come back to be used against them.  I call it Getting Robespierred Being destroyed (politically or otherwise) by the same Revolution you worked so hard for and became an elite member of it.

If there is a truth is that things evolve or change, nothing is immutable. The Social media of today will disappear and Facebook will be as influential as AOL Chat Rooms and that the Champions Against Free Speech will end up with half a face blown up waiting for the blade to fall after found guilty of Hate Speech.

Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre waiting for the guillotine to be ready for his neck during the French Revolution. 


I am a wealth of bad advice

So I was going through one of the internet forums I regularly read looking for post ideas when I came across a thread about toilet paper tablets.

They are super compressed towellets made of a material that is somewhere between a shop towel and a thick gauze bandage.  They are about the size of a large asprin and will expand into the size of a paper towel sheet when you get them wet.

They have their uses.  I’ve known a few people who would take them camping or back packing because they are small and light.  Other suggestions include keeping some in your car for emergency use.

Preppers love them.

Here is a video of a prepper explaining his love for these things.

So…. onto the forum.

One person was still unsure of exactly why these things were so great.

Namely, his problem was that you need water to unravel them.  They don’t work dry and you can’t pull them apart without loosening them up first.

So in an emergency, you need a source of – presumably clean – water to get the process started.  If you are pulling over into the woods or whatever, you may not have have the water necessary to activate your toilet paper.

Enter my comment:

See, you are using them wrong.  You don’t get it wet and unravel it.  Swallow it like an asprin.  Give it a few minutes then pull it out so it cleans you like a boresnake.  It’s a lot more effective and you only need to use one.

I can’t help myself with snark like that.  I just hope nobody dies from it.


The Battle of Portlandgrad

He brought an American flag to protest fascism in Portland. Then antifa attacked him

Paul Welch came to the downtown protest Aug. 4 to let his political leanings be known.

With pride he clutched his U.S. flag as he moved among the crowd of like-thinking demonstrators.

Soon a group of black-clad anti-fascist protesters, also known as antifa, demanded he lose the flag, calling it a fascist symbol. Welch refused, and a tug-of-war ensued.

It ended with Welch taking a club to the back of the head, lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood.

Only Welch was not a Proud Boy, a Patriot Prayer supporter or among the other conservative activists who descended into the area that day, many from out of town.

He was one of hundreds of progressive Portlanders who had turned out to oppose the right-wing rally held at the Tom McCall Waterfront Park.

Many have assumed the tussle over a U.S. flag placed Welch squarely in the right-wing camp.

Not so.

“I had felt like showing that a liberal, free Portland — or any major city, really — is much more American and much more numerous and strong than any of these interloping groups,” he said.

A “slightly progressive leftist” by his telling, Welch is a registered Democrat in Oregon, voting records show. He cast his ballot for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 presidential primary and Hillary Clinton in the general election, he said.


*Deep breath*


The Anti-fascists beat an actual Democratic Socialist bloody because they thought he was a right winger.

The Pacific North-West has turned into the Eastern Front.

I feel the same way about Antifa and Bernie-bros as I do about ISIS and the Syrian Army.  Let them fight until the last two die choking each other to death.