Month: August 2018

So you have been wanting an AR 15 but could not afford one

Palmetto State Armory has this deals right now. Some assembly required, but it is fun!

A good quality AR 15 for under $400? I know, it is not a Daniel Defense but you could probably buy 3 of this and have money left for magazines, ammo and maybe a red dot.

Speaking of magazines, they have the D&H 5.56 30rd magazines for 6.99 a pop.

I will be fiscally responsible and only spend money on the upcoming website renewal…damn it. Go ahead, buy one and let me know so I can live vicariously through you.



Guns always end up with the bad guys, have you noticed that?

This from the injunction just issued against Cody Wilson’s 3D blueprints, page 17:

Until April 2018, the federal government took the position that technical data related to the design and production of weapons using a commercially-available 3D printer posed a threat to world peace and the security and foreign policy of the United States. Some of its concerns related specifically to the undetectable nature of a gun made from plastic. Because they were virtually undetectable in metal detectors and other security equipment, the State Department feared that they could be used in assassination attempts, hijackings, piracy, and terrorist activities. Other concerns related to the portability and ease of a manufacturing process that would allow terrorist groups and embargoed nations to evade sanctions, repair weapons, restock arms supplies, and fuel violent regional conflicts. Both aspects of the technical data at issue would, the State Department feared, subvert the domestic laws of nations with restrictive firearm controls, impairing the United States’ foreign relations with those nations

How come the only foreign people who will get hands in guns are bad? Or at least that is what seems to be used as excuse to restrict rights.  Maybe people in Turkey needs gun to fight against the regime there. Same for Nicaragua, Venezuela and about half the African continent. How many people are out there that can start a fight for democracy and freedom  with a simple 3D printed gun?

This victim thing is going off the rails

Did I read that correctly?

Hello all,

My name is Justin Saline, I am from Saint Marys, PA
I go by “Swizzy” in the Madden Community, or others would know me as “NewAgeMadden” on Twitch.
I’ve been a part of the Madden Community for over 10 years.

On August 26th at a Madden Qualifier in Jacksonville, FL. The madden community lost a few soldiers. Trueboy (Eli Clayton) & Spotmeplzzz(Taylor Robertson).
As a community we always come together to try and set their families as straight as possible.
My relationship to these players was friends. These are people that we all as a madden community, first meet online, & eventually meet and hang out iin person.

All donations and proceeds will go towards the families of the 2 lost, split 50/50 down the middle.

RIP Trueboy & Spotmeplzzz

Yes I did.

On August 26th at a Madden Qualifier in Jacksonville, FL. The madden community lost a few soldiers.”

Not “players,” not “gamers,” but “Soldiers.”  He’s asking for $100,000.

Yeah… no.  I’m empathetic but that’s a seriously obnoxious way of phrasing that.

Cameron Kasky Tweeted it and David Hogg Retweeted it.

I get that bad things happen but getting rich of getting shot just seems crass.

It never occurred to me to set up a gofundme when my dad died of cancer.

Maybe one of the things that we need to do is not just stop giving shooters renegotiation but stop turning victims and their families into charity grifters.

Between the media, and the victims and their foundations, the reaction to mass shootings has become a multi million dollar industry.  No wonder we keep getting more of them.


Jesse James needs to go away

I hate Jesse James.  I could not stand his terrible show.  I could not stand his terrible bikes.  I’m not alone in this, the fact is, he was hated by real bikers at the Rally in Sturgis.

His bikes were show bikes.  None of them was ever meant to be ridden further than from the trailer to where it was being shown, then back again.  He took one of his bikes out on a ride and had to be followed around with a pickup truck with some gas cans because he mounted a 124 cubic inch engine to about 1.5 gallons of gas tank and would run it dry every 20 minutes.

West Coast Choppers was more of a brand than a bike shop.

Then for some stupid reason he decided to get into guns.

His work is garbage.  Pure garbage.  Yes, I’ve seen them.  I’ve held a few in my hands.  Garbage.

His guns are like his bikes, they don’t run for shit.  I know people who make beautiful 1911’s.  At the heart of every one, is a functioning gun.  Jesse James’ guns are gaudy bling, and they don’t function.  He don’t know how to tune a 1911 to make it work for all the money they cost.

Then there are his designs.

This is his suppressor, the Aero Sonic.  It costs $3,000.

That is failure.  A suppressor is a pressure vessel.  The major load the body deals with is hoop stress.  A long axial seam bolted together is about the worst way to build a pressure vessel.  There is a reason no engineer at any other suppressor company has ever made a can like that before.  There is a reason no other engineer has ever made a pressure vessel like that before.  That is $3,000 worth of “come apart during firing” on the end of your gun.

Then there is this $8,100 turd.  Jesse’s personal JJFU “Califas” shorty.

Do you know what happens when you put a muzzle break inside your skeletonized aluminum handguard?  You blow apart your handguard.

I’ve seen it.

This is his muzzle break.

That looks like some community college Machining 101 jerking-off.  That is not a serious design by a serious gun maker.

For another $3,000 you too can take a colt 9mm AR parts kit and have it Cerakoted by a kid with a Boba Fett fetish.

That brings us to today’s news.

The Incredible #JJFU “Fitzpatrick” Damascus Cisco2 1911. This very special pistol was commissioned by Magpul Founder Richard Fitzpatrick. It features 1040 layer Forged Damascus with a piece of World Trade Center steel woven into the billet. Richard provided the steel to forever commentate that day which was very significant as a US Marine Sargent. The pistol is 45acp with a #JJFU TearDropped bushing Barrel and Switchblade trigger.

The major structural steel in the US is A36, which is pretty much iron and manganese with 0.29% Carbon.  It’s probably forged with 15N20 which is what he used on his other Damascus gun.

Known what I know about firearm function, I’m glad he admits is a presentation piece because I’m not going to trust those locking lugs in the slide to hold.

It looks like someone had fun with the niter blue too.

I just can’t stand shit like this.  The heaping “never been done befo'” praise for a overly blinged up show piece.

I know engineers in the firearms world.  I know the difficulties in designing and manufacturing guns.

Mr. “I have a CNC and all the money Discovery Channel can offer me” taking two years to build a single 1911 just infuriates the engineer in me.

But what else can I expect from a guy who is charging $700 to CNC a chef’s knife out of same medium carbon stainless that Kershaw made a $40 pocket knife out of?



Hard To Say I’m Sorry (Not the song)

One of the other repetitive themes in my blog is “Ego Kills.” I have written about how a runaway mouth leads to incremented shit storms and probably a situation that later on we will be sorry about.

Not only we don’t need to win all arguments but it is OK to lose them in the search for not having to post bail or be posted in the morgue. This episode of Michael Bane’s Downrange Radio is perfectly on spot about de-escalation with a simple “I am sorry.” The strategies that he presents are proven and I should know since I have used them. Give it a listen.


They get mad when we call them Fake News because…

I bumped into this tweet earlier today:

Her statement of Florida not doing background checks on gun sales is obviously mistaken. I thought she meant the background checks Faux Scandal for Concealed Weapons Permits we had back in June. Nope.

Click to enlarge.

This web rag appears to be part of the New York Magazine conglomerate.  Being brutally generous and saying the author initially got confused and said it was Gun sales instead of CWPs, he and his editors have had the chance to make the correction since publication and chose not to. They are purposely leaving the obvious lie stand without correction for motives they only know but we can suspect.

If your cause is righteous, why lie?