Month: October 2018

After the 2nd they come for the 1st

This was an angle I was not readily expecting following the Tree of Life Shooting.

I was bracing for the usual anti-gun and anti-NRA wave that always follows a mass shooting.

What I didn’t expect is this:

Here is the article:

Fox News and the rest of the right-wing media can’t escape responsibility

After a “lone wolf” Islamist militant attack, the media invariably ask: What inspired him to kill? Usually the answer is found in Islamist militant propaganda. We need to ask the same question about right-wing terrorism. What inspired Cesar Sayoc to allegedly send mail bombs to prominent liberals? What inspired Robert Bowers to allegedly gun down 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue? What inspired Gregory Bush to allegedly kill two African Americans in Jeffersontown, Ky., after failing to enter a predominantly black church?

To ask these questions in no way obviates the perpetrators’ ultimate responsibility for the evil that they do. But terrorists do not operate in a vacuum. So who created the environment in which right-wing terrorism has become far more commonplace — and, since 9/11, far more deadly — than Islamist terrorism in America?

President Trump — by championing “nationalism,” denouncing “globalists” such as Jewish financier George Soros, vilifying immigrants as “snakes” and “animals,” fearmongering about a refugee caravan and defending white supremacists as “fine people” — bears a substantial share of the blame.

Where do these politicians get these noxious ideas? From a right-wing media industrial machine that includes Fox News, Breitbart, Infowars, Newsmax, the Daily Caller, Gateway Pundit and many other outlets. It was Maria Bartiromo of Fox Business Network who asked Grassley if Soros was behind the Kavanaugh protests — and after Grassley endorsed the charge, Trump gave it his imprimatur. The Wall Street Journal, in turn, ran an op-ed endorsing this calumny. Last week, Fox Business host Lou Dobbs interviewed Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch, who claimed that the Central American caravan was directed by the “Soros-occupied State Department,” echoing neo-Nazi propaganda about a “Zionist-occupied government.” (Fox Business has since apologized.)

There is partisanship on both sides of the political spectrum, but no left-wing outlets propagate extremism as successfully or widely as conservative media do. A new study of “Network Propaganda” by three Harvard researchers notes that liberals, by and large, get their news from sources such as The Post, the Times, NPR and CNN that, regardless of any political bias, also engage in rigorous fact-checking. Conservatives, by contrast, are being brainwashed by right-wing media that are an “echo chamber” for “rumor and conspiracy theory.”

The frightening thing is that the right-wing media will be here long after Trump and the current crop of Republican politicians are gone. These outlets have a First Amendment right to say what they want, but investors and advertisers also have a right to take their dollars elsewhere. If Rupert Murdoch and his sons won’t rein in its extremist propaganda, advertisers should flee Fox, and investors should flee its parent company, News Corp. Its stock should become as toxic as shares of mining companies that produce “blood diamonds.” The propagandists and politicians who are radicalizing the American right must not be allowed to escape responsibility for the dangerous consequences of their actions.

So according to Max Boot, and endorsed by Jenifer Rubin, the problem isn’t just Trump, it’s the “Right Wing Media.”

The blood of 11 Jews from Pittsburgh is squarely on Tucker Carlson’s hands.

If Boot’s proposed boycott doesn’t work, obviously the goverment should do something.  The Right Wing Media must be reigned in from spreading this kind of hate.

Then there was one time Presidential candidate and governor Howard Dean. is apparently a platform like Twitter but without Twitter’s desire to control the speech of its users.  It is a platform of unapologetic free speech.

Bowers, just like Dylann Roof used Gab to post hateful and bigoted messages that would have gotten him banned on Twitter and Facebook.

Howard Dean believes that makes Gab an accessory to murder.

I guess if some neo-Nazis publish a news letter or flyer for a hate rally, Hammermill Paper is an accessory to murder too.

Three high profile people are now using the Tree of Life Shooting as an excuse to gut the First Amendment.  No more free press and no more free speech.  If you espouse an idea, or host that idea unchecked on your platform, that could be blamed for inciting violence, you deserve to be shut down and treated as an accomplice.

This is a level of extremism that is beyond anything we’ve seen before.

“We want to fight neo-Nazis by taking away your guns and only allowing the press and speech we agree with to be published” is not a good look.

I will not allow any of my rights to be taken because people, even my people, were murdered.


To Jews on the Liberal Side of Issues, a friendly warning.

On an earlier post I tried to make the point that Robert Bowes, the Tree of Life Shooter is not the opposite of the Liberals but rather in the same intellectual vein: Both accuse the Jews of genocide and both hate President Trump.

Dear Liberal Jews: This is not a coincidence. Liberals have a lot in common with the real White Power and Klan groups. I said it many years ago that the two groups that do not want Blacks to have guns for self-defense are the KKK and the lefty-leaning NAACP.

And I know, there are liberal Jews that march the streets feeling “embarrassed” about Israel and accusing its leaders of genocide.  Stop being stupid. please. Do you think you have a higher status and protection because you are the modern Kapos keeping the other Jews in check? Do you think you somehow will be spared by the Palestinian Fans that stand with you if they are successful in destroying Israel? They are not going to be satisfied if the Jews in Israel are exterminated, they will come for you eventually because it is not Israel that they hate, it the Jews they loathe.

So, when you are embraced by a Liberal who has consistently riled against the Holy Land and you believe him, take his side and give him/her your money, you are an asshole  making a reservation to take a trip in the modern cattle car going East. The Politicians that are now throwing ashes on their hair and ripping their clothes in “solidarity” with the victims and family of the Tree of Life massacre will forget and dispose of you when the time comes. American Jews are tagged as inoffensive and easy to kill, not so other races and religions that they truly fear.

Dear Liberal Jews: Stop being useful idiots. Arm your synagogues and temples. Arm yourself, defend your family, defend your faith.

“If he come to slay thee, forestall by slaying him.”
Sanhedrin, folio 72a.

I cannot deal with the Tree Of Life Shooting

I think this will be my last post on the Tree Of Life Shooting.  I cannot deal with this topic.

I’m almost not mad at Robert Bowers.  Jews have been dealing with anti-Semitism, sometimes violent anti-Semitism, for 6,000 years.  It is not something that is going to go away any time soon.  The next attack is inevitable.  Somewhere someone is planning to hurt a bunch of Jews because they are Jews.  Hopefully law enforcement will prevent it before it happens, but that is not always the case.  If is wasn’t this Synagogue on Friday it would be another one on another day.

The Israelis understand this better than any other Jews.  They live their lives, they have fun, they go to clubs and the beach, but they are always vigilant and every place where Jews congregate has at least one Jew with a machine gun keeping an eye out for the inevitable.

It’s rarer that these things happen in America which is why so many Jews feel this attack more acutely.

Like other Jews I feel for my people in Pittsburgh.  My heart goes out to them.

Then I run face first into those God damn, Liberal, Progressive fucking Jews, and virtue signaling Progressives in general.

Joyce here wants to hear from Bsarack Obama.   The Barack Obama that put Iran on the path to a nuclear weapon and gave them pallets of cash to fund terrorism?  The Barack Obama that used the Federal Government to try and influence the Israeli elections against Benjamin Netanyahu?  The Barack Obama that routinely criticized Israel and demanded concessions from them but wouldn’t criticize anti-Israeli terrorism?

So what did he have to say about this?

A fucking sales pitch for gun control.

So why does Joyce here want to hear from Obama and her Rabbi?  Because she’s a fucking progressive who forgot the First Commandment and has put Obama on the Progressive pedestal of cult of personality.

Why the fuck not.  The bodies are just being buried, their families have just started sitting shiva, and you have to start stumping for gun control.

I shouldn’t be surprised by this because the Democrats didn’t wait 36 hours to remind people that gun control part of their platform.

Then there are all the people who decided that the real cause of this shooting wasn’t some white nationalist asshole, it was Trump, the Republicans, and the NRA.

These people are so fucking nuts that they heckled Marsha Blackburn when she tried to hold a moment of silence for the Tree Of Life Victims.

Clearly none of these fucking people give a shit about dead Jews.  They just want to use this as an excuse for pushing their Progressive horse shit.

The Brady Bill didn’t stop the 1999 LA JCC shooting and Bill Clinton was President when that happened.  Barack Obama was President in 2009 when a white supremacist shot people at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in DC.

Here’s the thing, the targets of their finger pointing include me.

I am a Republican, I’ve been one since I first registered to vote.

I am an NRA member and have been one since I was 18.

I am a gun owner and I own more handguns than most white supremacists have teeth.

Why?  Because I know shit like this is inevitable.

So I own and carry guns because if I am there and the inevitable happens, I’m going to shoot fucking back.  This is the Israeli approach.

But since I’m not a Progressive Jew with my head in the sand or up Obama’s ass, I’m at fault.

I am actively hate by half the people I should be uniting with in solidarity, and it’s killing me.

Right now, this feels like the Jewish equivalent to the Pulse Nightclub Shooting.

Everyone blamed Trump, turned out the shooter wasn’t a Trump fan.  People blamed the NRA and Republicans, and there was an outpouring of solidarity with the LGBT community.

But the Pulse Shooting also gave birth to Operation Blazing Sword.  Some gays learned that they have to protect themselves.  Nobody will do that for them.

I hope beyond hope that at least a handful of Jews are not so deep inside the Progressive bubble that they realize the same thing.  Barack Obama and the Democrats are not going to ride in on white horses and protect the Jews.  We must protect ourselves.

I am ready for Operation Golem.  I humbly submit that in honor of my favorite story, the Golem of Prague.  When the Jews of Prague were threatened, they created the Golem, which defended the Jews by killing those engaged in the Pogrom.

I will teach every Jew who wants to learn to shoot how to shoot.  I will help you buy a gun if you have never done that before.  I will put you in touch with instructors far better than myself if you really want to hone your skills.

What I will not abide is “We should vote Blue because the Democrats will save us from Trump’s rhetoric” because that is worthless horse shit and I don’t want to hear it.



Where can you find White Supremacists? In the New York Times, of course!

How bad and stupid it got for the NYT and Taco Stand?

“Poorly framed.” The truth is that journalists today do not require anything but a left leaning political attitude and the occasional access to a search engine. I will emphasize the word “occasional” because otherwise they would not have made such an idiotic “framing” job.

Liberals: Do not defy the Dogma.



  1. a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.

You are not allowed to have guns. Failing to obey orders will be severely punished as if you were scum of the earth. You may be a black lesbian , but of you own a gun, you shall be treated as a Nazi war criminal.

I love it. It is like we don’t even need to give reasons make our point.


An American Jew questions his brothers and sisters in Faith about self defense.

David Wynn is a Facebook friend and penned this. I am reproducing with his permission.

In light of yesterday’s HORRIFIC incident in Pittsburgh, I have a question for my Jewish family and friends…
Listen… like most normal American Jews, I have a justifiably negative opinion of the Hasids. Most of us have had a negative experience with our Hasidic cousins who think they’re better than we are, and that we’re not real Jews.
But that being said, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
One thing the Hasidic Jews actually have right is the Shomrim Patrols.
Much like the Israelis, the Hasidic Shomrim Patrols leave no Jewish facilities unguarded.
With GUNS.
They even go far (in typical Hasidic fashion) as to bribe the NYPD for pistol permits to make that happen.
They are determined to have men with guns at every Jewish facility in Brooklyn, even if it means breaking the law to do so.
And when was the last time you heard about a Jewish facility in Brooklyn being attacked?
NO ONE who would want to mess with the Hasidic in Brooklyn would dare to actually do it.
Why? Because they know they’d get shot by them.
I was in a Facebook group yesterday, and an Israeli member of the group was absolutely shocked to learn for the first time, because of this incident, that American synagogues don’t have armed guards in them during Shul services on Shabbat. He was absolutely flabbergasted, and demanded to know why American Jews would be so stupid as to leave their holy facilities unprotected.
When my father was clergying in Connecticut, at least one or two members of the congregation were always armed during every single service. Usually, it was myself and at least one of the cops who was a congregation member. Same with every house of worship I attended while on active duty. As soon as they found out that I was a Marine Infantryman, I was asked to carry during services.
So the Israelis have learned this lesson, the Hasidic have learned this lesson, and the Christians have learned this lesson.
Why hasn’t American Jewry? How come MY people are too stuck in their political ideology to learn to take practical steps to reduce or stop horrific, evil, tragic incidences like this from happening?
American Jews feel plenty safe in Israel. There are Israeli soldiers walking around everywhere with machine guns, and every historical or cultural location you go to, and every house of worship you attend, has either a soldier, a cop, or a normal citizen who is packing an insane amount of firepower.
And NO normal American Jews feel uncomfortable about it when they visit.
I have literally NEVER spoken to an American Jew who felt uncomfortable about the level of firepower that they witnessed in people’s hands and strapped to people’s bodies everywhere they went in Israel.
So how come they flat out REFUSE to arm themselves OR allow others who are well-trained to carry their guns in Shul here in the States?
How come they don’t even authorize Shomrim Patrols?
How come, in the era when people can literally PRINT a functioning AR-15 or a machine gun off of a 3-D printer in the comfort of their own home, American Jewry is still stuck on this insane, archaic idea that they can successfully legislate guns out of the hands of neo-Nazis (who typically know how to make them in a machine shop anyways), and they don’t need to allow other trained, willing Jews to carry in our houses of worship or community centers.
I want an American Jew who believes in gun control to seriously answer this question for me. I’m open to hearing your logic.