Month: October 2018

Rick Scott and his road to Private Life.

I am the weird one, the one that gets that call from pollsters and actually sits with them and answers all the questions. And I am weird also that as Hispanic, I tag myself Republican and Conservative (sorry, pollsters give no options on the “conservative for some stuff and libertarian on others.”) which I have noticed it has startled some callers who seems to be working for the other side.

Last night I got a call and the two first questions were:
If the elections for Senator were held today, who would you vote for. The Republican candidate or the Democrat Candidate?

My answer was The Republican. (There is a method to my madness)

The next question was:
If the elections for Senator were held today, who would you vote for. The Rick Scott, the Republican or the Bill Nelson, the Democrat?

My answer was an emphatic:
I am not voting for either of those assholes.

That left the pollster in a bit of a bind. Apparently there is no “He/She ain’t voting for either asshole” in the poll form.  She asked me if I was undecided, apparently the only available box to check mark an my reply was “Oh hell, I am fully decided all right. Neither one of those morons gets my vote.”

I have no idea what she marked and really don’t care. if they have a section for notes, I hope she wrote that subject simply will not vote for the assholes in the ballot.

Bill nelson is a known asshole and we can mold strategy knowing for sure he will screw us up at the first chance. Scott is an asshole that will also fuck us up at the first sign of pressure. Senator Flake is retiring and we really don’t need to add another flaky bastard to the Senate under the disguise of a (R) after his name.

And this is an email I got this morning. It must be stinging a bit in Scott’s HQ.

PS: This is the way I am voting, just in case you needed to know.

Some advice for the GOP for the next 34 days

Here is video of activist screaming at Senator Jeff Flake in an elevator.  This is the point at which he capitulated to the demand for an FBI investigation.

Here is video of activist berating Senator Mitch McConnell in an airport.

Do you see a trend?

It is the number of women who are saying (paraphrased) “I was sexually assaulted.  If you support Kavanaugh, you are saying my assault doesn’t matter.”

What they are saying is that because one man assaulted them, another man has to be punished for the most flimsy and spurious of accusations.

We saw this basic idea before in the trial of George Zimmerman and hearing of Officer Daniel Wilson.  The white defendant du jour  must be convicted for murder of a black man, regardless of the evidence, because there have been white men who have killed black men in the past and were not punished for it.

This is a transparent demand for collective punishment.

Why bother with sex crime investigations anymore?  When a woman reports that she’s been assaulted, why not just jail the first random white man off the street the police can find.  One while man is interchangeable with any other white man for the purposes of social justice punishment.

The Republicans need to hammer this home over the next 34 days.  They need to hammer home to wifes and the mothers of sons that the Democrats are destroying the very principles of our judicial system before our very eyes.

This is a Stalinesque future where people, especially men, are going to have to spend their lives looking over their shoulder for when a whisper or rumor or baseless accusation that will destroy everything they ever worked for.

Unless, of course, you are a high ranking Democrat, then never mind…

Orwell was wrong about one thing.  We didn’t need a centralized big brother to destroy society.  It has been wiki-ized by giving SJW’s cellphones and Twitter.

Every other policy is peanuts now.  What is at stake is if our justice system will be totally destroyed.

That is the message that has to be spread.

Poll: Almost a third of US voters think a second civil war is coming soon

From USA Today:

 A war may be brewing within the United States, almost a third of voters say in a poll released Wednesday.
Amid widespread political polarization on issues like immigration and recent public confrontations of Trump administration officials, 31 percent of probable U.S. voters surveyed said they think “it’s likely that the United States will experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years.”

I am one of those and I do believe there is a group of politicians pushing for it thinking it can be controlled and regulated for their benefit.

Their mistake.