Month: October 2018

The Obligatory Pre-Electoral mass shooting has occurred.

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Eight people have been killed and a number of others injured after a shooting situation at The Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill on Saturday.
KDKA’s Meghan Schiller reports that a suspect, a heavy-set white male with a beard, has surrendered. The SWAT team had been talking with the suspect, and he was crawling and injured. It is unclear the extent of his injuries.
KDKA sources confirm to Andy Sheehan that the suspect is 48-year-old Robert Bowers. It is believed that he acted alone.

8 Dead, Several Others Shot At Pittsburgh Synagogue

It is not that they happen, but when they happen and they just hit the important talking points for politicians: Attack Jews (which is the only time it is bad according to the Liberal, otherwise Israel can die), White guy screaming racist stuff and I am waiting to find the weapon used.  So these last days will be all about Gun Control.

Kudos go to President Trump for not bowing to the obvious easy escape route:

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — President Donald Trump says the outcome at the Pittsburgh synagogue would have been different if there was armed protection.

Before boarding Air Force One, Trump told reporters, “They had a maniac walk in and they didnt have any protection and that is just so sad to see. The results could have been much better.”

Trump: If Pittsburgh Synagogue Had Armed Guard, ‘Results Would Have Been Far Better’

I had in my mind that no self-respecting synagogue or temple would have services without armed (and sometimes) heavily armed) security.  I even know one Rabbi that not only carries, but was encouraged by cops and parishioners to do so and take a lot of extra training.

I guess it is not kosher to keep your people safe anymore?


Alyssa Milano once again inserts foot in mouth.

As far as I have read (not much, I admit) none of the “devices” was viable or even contained an explosive. But that is not the issue as Cesar Altieri Sayoc was not a  prohibited person even though he had a LONG list of felony arrests. I don’t think he even spent misdemeanor jail time. If you go over The Gun Writer, you can read all the charges dating back to 1,991 in (where else) Broward County. I did a search in Florida’s Department of Corrections’ database and it came out bupkis. Sayoc got either adjudication withheld or nollo prosed time and time again which probably will be blamed on Trump or the NRA. .

Twitter ignores fake bomber but not me.

I know you have not forgotten I was sent to Twitter Gulag for posting that the best response to a racist trying to shoot you is to shoot back. Self-Defense was considered by Twitter a no-no and violation of their sacred rules.

But if you are a certified nut case that sends fake pipe bombs in the mail and issue threats in Twitter, you are OK.

I am sorry, but this whole incident makes me laugh.  The tough ones in the Democratic party inciting their followers to be butch and threatening are no shifting their undies because somebody sent pieces of pipes and Dollar Store timers.

Imagine what would happen to their bowels if we were to get really upset.

Gillum on Police

“Law enforcement society cannot work and, quite frankly, law enforcement cannot do its job if it does not have a trusting relationship with the community,” Gillum said.
“At the time that a law enforcement official has to go to a weapon, to a gun, to a baton, to a Taser,” then they’ve already gone “too far by their very presence,” he added, according to The Beacon.

 Andrew Gillum: Police ‘going too far’ if they pull out gun, baton or stun gun.

If I were  a suspicious man (and I am) I’d say that Gillum was to repeat at State level what he has done in Tallahassee and other mayors have done in places like St. Louis and Baltimore: Hobble the police, watch crime rise and then demand to come down on freedom and rights like the Second Amendment.

We cannot have this guy a governor. Go effing vote if you have not.