Month: October 2018

The unpersoning of Megyn Kelly

Megyn Kelly got fired from NBC.

Every headline was screaming “Megyn Kelly Defended Blackface.”

Really?  Call me skeptical but did she really?  I find that to be odd.

Christopher Cuomo did a segment on this which he Tweeted.

I watched the video.  Not being a hysterical Leftist, I don’t think she was exactly defending blackface.

Blackface to me has a specific meaning.  It is stage makeup that portrays a very negative stereotype caricature of a black person used in minstrel shows.

I’m pretty sure Megyn Kelly agrees that donning that kind of makeup to portray a black people in a negative way is pretty awful and racist.

It seems as though she was asking if it is racist to dress up as a specific person if the intention is not to be mocking or bigoted.  Hence mentioning this person who dressed up as Diana Ross, presumably because she was a Diana Ross fan.

There is a world of difference between “it’s OK to put on a minstrel show” and “it’s not racist to dress up like [famous black celebrity you admire] for Halloween.”

To the irrational those points are equivalent.

Chris Cuomo points out that white people doing blackface and black people doing whiteface is very different.  Is it really?

Hollywood did make this movie only 14 years ago.

That’s two Wayans brothers doing a really terrible stereotype of rich white people.

If we go further back in time, to when Megyn Kelly was 14 years old, here is an SNL skit of Eddie Murphy playing a white man.

I’m pretty sure that is nothing but a color reversed minstrel show.

But to suggest that it was never approporate to do blackface, here we can go back to when Kelly was six to show Hollywood didn’t believe that.  Here is a scene from the great movie Silver Streak where Gene Wilder did a blackface skit with the fantastic Richard Pryor.

But we don’t need to go that far back to see that Hollywood believed that it was fine for a white man to play a black character for laughs.  Here is our moral superior and arbiter of social justice, Jimmy Kimmel in The Man Show from the early 2000’s.

Kimmel had a whole series of these where he payed NBA player Karl Malone.

I’m pretty sure Don Lemon’s statement “Megyn is 47 years old, she’s our age, there has never been a time in her 47 years that blackface has been acceptable” is a tad off.  It was by Hollywood standards until very recently.

As recently as Fred Armisen playing President Obama on SNL.

That may not be full on blackface, but Armisen is playing a black man, and he’s not that tan in Portlandia.

All of this takes us back to Kelly’s point.  Is it racist?

Well, in terms of Halloween, is it racist for a white kid who is a huge fan of Black Panther to dress up as Black Panther?  No makeup, just the full costume like they sell at Target for $20.

This is not a rhetorical question.  Woe be to the mom of a white kid who loves Black Panther and lets her child be a superhero who is black under the mask and gets called out on social media.

Clearly the point of this wasn’t to have rational people decide what is and what isn’t racist.  It was to exert power.  All of this media pontificating, about how Megyn Kelly’s ‘blackface’ comments show her true face is little more than this.

Li Fanwu, the governor of China’s Heilongjiang province, being denounced and tortured at a rally in Red Guard Square, Harbin, August 1966. One of his alleged crimes was political ambition, evidence for which was found—according to the photographer Li Zhensheng’s book Red-Color News Soldier (2003)—‘in his hairstyle, which gave him an ill-fated resemblance to Mao and so was said to symbolize his lust for power.’ Two Red Guards chopped and tore out his hair, after which he was made to bow for hours. The banner behind him reads, ‘Bombard the Headquarters! Expose and denounce the provincial Party committee.’

Megyn Kelly was unpersoned for being Megny Kelly, and this was their excuse.

Never forget the way these people operate.

I’m going to leave the last word of this post to Reason.

No wonder our schools are screwed up.

 Broward Superintendent Robert Runcie received an award for his courage in the aftermath of the Feb. 14 school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High, where 17 people were killed and another 17 injured.
The Council of Great City Schools honored Runcie with the “Courage under Crisis” award at its annual conference in Baltimore on Thursday night. The council tweeted the announcement, which the Broward school district’s Twitter account shared.
“The courage you all exhibited after a tragedy and the stand that you all took after to make ensure schools become safe is absolutely amazing!” the tweet read.

Broward superintendent wins award for courage through Parkland shooting; victim’s father calls honor ‘reprehensible’

And the Broward sheriff’s Office will win an award for School Safety too?

This mafia within school systems is worse than I originally thought.  It is bad enough that some idiot even nominated Runcie, but to go ahead and award him after him being one of the complicit individuals that set up the system so Nick Cruz  could go into his rampage is beyond words.


The deconstruction of a narrative.

There is no doubt that a majority of Blacks vote democrat. But that hold that the Jim Crow Party has held for decades appears to be cracking up.

I caught some tweets coming out of the Young Black Leadership Summit of 2018. And I have to say this has to be giving Democrats a small case of ulcers.

Yes, it is not a multitude but they are seeds. And seeds that do not care being seen with a MAGA hat which appears to trigger the worse in the Left. Seems White Boy does not like a black man getting off his political plantation.

Love him or Hate him but Trump has shifted the political tectonic plates of the country.  It is going to be interesting to see where will all of us be in 6 years and what the country will look like.

I am actually kind of hopeful. A smidgen.

Urgent Strategy Session at the Democratic Party Dirty Tricks Office

-OK, the  fake bomb campaign failed. People are laughing at us.
-I thought the media was with us?
-They are, but still they can’t get people to take it seriously.
-Truth be told, the bombs look like they were built by a drunk Joe Biden.
-I have an idea. Can we get somebody who really knows how to make a bomb?
-I can ask my nephew, he is one of them Antifa groups. Why a real one?
-We won’t be taken seriously unless we hurt somebody with it.
-So, who do we choose to have a bomb sent to?
-It has to be a Democrat politician that is recognizable, but we can afford to lose.
-Obviously, none of the people who we already sent one of the fake ones.
-Nope, somebody else.
-Let me think. I’ll get back to you.