Month: December 2018

Why this Alabama voter hates AOC

There are a lot of media Blue Checkmarks who rush to the defense of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

One of them, happens to be a reporter from Alabama, who clearly hates the voters of his own state.

As an Alabama voter, here is why I hate Congresswoman-elect Ocasio-Cortez.

Think about everything we know about the Parkland shooting.

Nikolas Cruz was a known problem student in school.  He was violent and fought with other students.  The school put him in the PROMISE Program so that his violent behavior would not result in disciplinary action that negatively affected the record of the school or the school administrators.

Cruz and his family had more than 40 interactions with the Broward County Sheriffs Office that resulted in no arrests or convictions.

The BSO and FBI were both tipped off that Cruz wanted to shoot up a school, no action was taken to prevent it or act on the tips.

On the day of the shooting, the SRO at the school violated every policy and ran and hid behind a tree.  The other responding BSO deputies hid as well.  The BSO captain on the scene violated policy, formed a perimeter, and prevented Coral Springs PD and FD from entering the school and helping the wounded.

In the aftermath of the shooting, the school lied about Cruz being in the PROMISE Program.  Broward Sheriff Scott Israel said that the SRO hiding didn’t reflect badly on him and he showed “amazing leadership.”  The SRO was allowed to retire with his pension.  The captain was allowed to resign with her pension.  The members of the school board gave the Parkland assistant principal and superintendent an award.

Absolutely nobody was fired.  Nobody can be prosecuted for the gross negligence of allowing this shooting to happen because of qualified immunity.

Take everything I just said, and apply that to your healthcare system.

Imagine going in to see a doctor more than 40 times for a cough.  Being told it’s just a chest cold and given cough medicine.  Then you die of lung cancer that was not diagnosed because doing an x-ray and proper diagnosis is just expensive and time consuming and the budget is stretched thin and there are a lot of patients that need to be seen, and it doesn’t matter how many patients your doctor processes, he gets paid the same.

Your family sues the doctor just to find out that your doctor has qualified immunity and can’t be fired or held accountable no matter how grossly negligent he is.

That is goverment bureaucracy healthcare.

Don’t believe me? How about this from the Clarion Ledger:

VA protects problem employees

It takes more than registering as a sex offender, performing an unnecessary operation that ends in a patient’s death or getting indicted on a charge of killing a patient to keep you from getting hired at — or get you fired from — a Veterans Affairs hospital.

“The VA’s leaders aren’t at all serious about holding problem employees accountable,” said U.S. Rep. Jeff Miller, chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. “After all, the VA is a place where egregious employee behavior, such as armed robbery participation and wait-time manipulation, is routinely tolerated. To make matters worse, VA leaders are choosing to ignore a law Congress passed that would help them swiftly fire employees who can’t or won’t do their jobs.”

Or maybe this one from the UK:

Mother-of-three died in agony from Crohn’s disease after doctors said she was ‘imagining most of her pain’

The cause of death was first given as pneumonia, caused by Crohn’s disease.  But a post mortem examination revealed she actually died from multiple organ failure stemming from a perforation to her bowel.

Her husband David told an inquest into her death that doctors at Medway Maritime Hospital said his wife was imagining a lot of her pain.  On one occasion, a nurse threatened that if she did not stop screaming out in pain, she would be discharged, he claims.

Bureaucracies just don’t care about you.

They don’t get paid to.  They get paid no matter what happens, and frankly, you asking them to do work is an inconvenience to them.

Don’t fall for the false dichotomy of arguing that the alternative to single payer Medicare for All is the crap system we have now.  It’s not.

What I am saying is that if you want to think about what Medicare for All will be like, imagine the Broward County School Board and Parkland principal are your hospital administrative staff, Sheriff Scott Israel is your doctor, and School Resource Officer Scot Peterson is your nurse.

Is that what you want?  Just a bunch of inept gold-bricking cowards avoiding hard work and tough decisions until they can run out the clock and get their pensions.

Because I don’t, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez does, and that’s why I hate her.

Bernie wants to become Burnie

Good ol’ Bernie.  Every time a socialist goes on Twitter, they show just how little they know about the economy.

I don’t remember Trump saying that.  Even if he did, what Bernie proposes that Trump said is an economic impossibility.

There is no across the board tax cut that wouldn’t benefit the rich.  What Bernie wants to do is raise taxes on the rich and “cut taxes” on the not rich.  There is a lot of economic evidence to explain why that doesn’t increase the Federal revenue and why it hurts the economy.

So what if that plunges us into the next recession, it feels “fair” to the socialists and that’s all he cares about.

This was his next Tweet.

Somebody isn’t reading the French news.

I know that riots and protests are common in France so the French burning shit over a bureaucratic regulation isn’t new.  Americans don’t do that as often.

Here is the problem with that.  The US economy is small business driven, with 80% of our GDP derived from that.  We are an entrepreneurial nation.

France… not so much, and it’s getting worse.

In a nutshell, the French government give great pensions and benefits to goverment workers.  Large French companies can match those benefits with goverment help.

Small business just can’t and they get their beignet taxed off to pay for the government benefits.  Starting a business is hard as there is an incredible rat’s nest of red tape to do that in.  As a result, most French would rather work for a big company than start their own.

Different states in the US have different rules, but in general the US is a far better entrepreneurial and small business country.

So who is going to get really hosed by $5 per gallon gas?

The independent plumber or small general contractor.  The small caterer or independent trucker.  America’s small business operators who will see their costs of doing business go up.

Furthermore, what regions of the country will get hit the hardest?  The suburban and rural parts of America that lack the public transportation infrastructure of urban coastal cities.

So when Bernie gets his plan put in place for the economy to serve the people and not the profits of the oil industry billionaires, who is really going to pay for that?

Working and middle class entrepreneurs and small business owners in Red states or Red counties in Blue states whose business expenses make them noncompetitive and ultimately go under.

The Bernie Bro hipster in Brooklyn won’t care about $7/gal gas until he sees how much and Uber ride costs.

The HVAC repairman or electrician who sees the gas bill on his work truck quadruple is going to have his profit margin kicked in the junk.

Just do that to every gas powered tool on a construction site and tell me what the cost is for running equipment.

If you want to get Middle Americans to start burning things, and worse, destroy the small business profits of millions of Americans in Red States so some Silicon Valley techie can get subsidized solar panels on his roof.


How do you say schadenfreude in French?

PARIS (Reuters) – When Emmanuel Macron rose to power, he put the environment at the heart of his agenda. Eighteen months later, anger over those policies has stoked protests that are a huge challenge for the French president. Rioters torched cars and buildings in central Paris on Saturday following two weeks of protests caused partly by higher fuel taxes which Macron says are needed to fight climate change.

France’s Macron learns the hard way: green taxes carry political risks

The Left: President Macron, we need to do something about Global Warming. We support you!
President Macron: We will raise taxes of Fossil Fuels which are the number one contributor to this awful Climate Change
The Left: Va te faire foutre! (Go f*** yourself)

Everybody in Europe is a Socialist till they hit them in the wallet.  The problem is they expected the sacrifices were to be made by somebody else, not them since they are perfectly good Socialists entitled to free foie gras and wine while ranting the evils of Trump and Capitalism.

An overdo followup

About a year-and-a-half ago I covered the shooting of Justine Damond by Minneapolis police officer Mohammed Noor.

At the time, I thought that he was a massively unqualified “diversity hire” to appease the growing Somali immigrant population in the Twin Cities.

Yeah, it’s so much worse than that.

‘He fired with tragic accuracy’: U.S. cop who shot dead Australian woman in her pyjamas after she called for help ‘intended’ to murder her, lawyers say

Prosecutors are trying to bolster the murder charge against the former Minneapolis police officer accused of using ‘tragic accuracy’ to shoot dead Australian life coach Justine Damond Ruszczyk.

Mohamed Noor initially was charged with third degree murder and manslaughter in the second degree, but prosecutors have asked a judge in Minneapolis to add a more serious second degree murder count.

‘There is probable cause to believe the defendant committed second degree intentional murder and the State respectfully requests that the court grant the State’s motion to amend the complaint,’ prosecutors wrote in Thursday’s filing.

‘The circumstances surrounding the crime show that the defendant acted with the intent to kill.

‘He fired at Ms Ruszczyk from no more than six feet (1.8 metres) away.

‘He fired with tragic accuracy, managing to send a 9 millimetre bullet across his partner’s body and through the narrow space of the open driver’s side window.

‘His bullet struck Ms Ruszczyk in her torso, five inches above her waistline, and caused nearly immediate death.

‘As a trained police officer, the defendant was fully aware that such a shot would kill Ms Ruszczyk, a result he clearly intended.’

I thought that he had shot through the door, as in the bullet passed through the body panel of the door.

He fired through a partially open window into Ms. Damond’s stomach.  That is about a level trajectory.

I can see why prosecutors are saying it is more than just an accidental discharge, which is what I thought it was earlier.

I had to get this report out of the Daily Mail because what I am seeing in the US on this is a near media blackout.

I really want to see what happens to Noor at trial.

What cops need to consider about armed citizens – Mike Wood

Great article in PoliceOne.

Read the crowd. If you roll up on a scene where there’s an armed person surrounded by a crowd of onlookers, that’s a good indicator the person with the gun is not a threat to innocents. If they thought he was a threat, they would probably be showing some kind of fear and running away from him, instead of staying nearby.

Having a cop shoot a citizen carrying a concealed weapon was unavoidable. And sorry but anybody saying the opposite is full of it because we do not live in a perfect world filled with people making the right decisions even when they do not have evil in their hearts.

If anything, I am amazed that it has happened so few times in 40+ years of Concealed Carry. That speaks a lot about the culture behind it and it goes contrary to the expectations of Gun Control. That being said, there is always room for improvement and updating training which is what this article does.

This part, to me, is still the scary one specially when the officer moves from a restrictive area such as NYC or L.A. to departments anywhere in Florida.

Evaluate your culture. In some geographic regions, and in some departments, the local police culture hasn’t caught up the reality of a lawfully armed public. Officers in these agencies are still trained to think that the only people who have guns, besides cops, are criminals.

Training never stops. Our advantage is we are flexible and do not have to follow a chain of command or be approved by and unyielding bureaucracy or deal with elected officials who are less than friendly to the concept of Armed Citizens.

Hat Tip Tom W.

Gun Saving Event: Machete-Weilding man gets stopped

Witnesses said the man went outside, grabbed the machete from his car and started chasing someone around in the parking lot while wielding the broad blade.
It was then that, witnesses said, another patron, pulled out a gun.
“All of a sudden, I hear four gunshots,” said DeBortolli.

Witnesses said the gunman then put his weapon on the ground and calmly waited for police.

Machete-wielding man shot dead outside Coral Springs bar

Poor victim selection by the attacker and the shooter followed proper post-shooting procedure. Although this particular article mentions him as a patron of the locale, others simply state that he was outside in a group and that he was cooperative with police, except the Miami Herald with such an sparsely written article you’d think somebody just shot the guy because he had a machete and doing nothing else.


Area residents were troubled by the violent chain of events.
“Shocked, like, it baffles me that this actually can happen here,” said Coral Springs resident Angel Jean, “because I’ve lived here for roughly two years now, and I’ve never had anything with guns, violence, nothing.”
“In Coral Springs, I was like, you never hear gunshots in Coral Springs,” said DeBortolli.

This is sad but you must realize people still believe that nothing bad will ever happen where they live. My neighborhood is damned quiet, but we do not stop from being careful and taking the proper precautions. Don’t get charmed with the song of “Nothing Never Happens Here.”

PS: Yes, I still hate machetes.

And the answer is: Because she is dumb as rocks.

Newsweek tried to shame those who questioned what came out of the mouth of Ocasio Cortez:


Unfortunately, she went ahead and provided the answer just today:

The US Budget is $4.094 trillion for FY 2018. The US Department of Defense spent 610 billion in 2017 and if the comments I read beating around the expenditure on Defense between 1789 and 2018 (which includes several wars and “inexpensive” stuff like the Manhattan Project) only reaches $18 trillion.

We are not questioning her IQ, I think it is pretty much set and done. We are here with the popcorn enjoying the show.