Month: October 2019

What to do when you are trespassed in a Hotel.

Singer Gretchen Wilson gets evicted and she is not happy.

I do not know about the Hospitality laws in all states. I know that in Florida they side heavily with the hotels and apparently so do in New Mexico.  If the management f a hotel asks (tells) you to leave, you are bound by law to leave or the cops get called. The hotel does not need to provide a reason for the evection.

You probably have seen in COPS when cops get called to a domestic and somebody gets arrested? How they say there is nothing they can do because they are bound by law to make the arrest if they see a sign of violence? This is stricter as they just need only the request of management to escort you out or plain arrest you if you don’t leave.

What should you do if you are trespassed & evicted? Don’t argue. Pack your stuff, be very polite because in all probability you will be in camera.  “But what about what I paid for?” says you, well that is now a civil matter to be resolved at a later date, not a criminal one. Once you are done packing, call Front Desk and ask for the manager to come to the room to have it inspected before you and the cops leave the room.  This is for your protection so the hotel cannot say you left a mess behind and charge you a damage fee in the thousands or threaten you with that if they think you will sue them. Ask and officer to accompany you and the manager and use  your phone video cam to record  the inspection and have the manager say things are in good shape or not and why. If the manager refuses, you still ask an officer present to accompany you while you video record the condition of the room. Be thorough! From light bulbs to faucets and anything breakable, makes sure you have everything in video.

Get a report number. wether you will proceed or not with a lawsuit, you need to have it so you know what officer were present and what evidence will be available (body cams).

I cannot stress the importance of remaining polite and calm, specially with video cameras running. Yes, you can express your disappointment at what is going on, but don’t take it out on the responding cops nor go on rants  laced with cuss words. Police videos are public records in most states and they eventually make it to the internet. People will side with you faster if they see you as the composed aggrieved party and not the childish asshole throwing a tantrum that truly needed to be evicted.

If you actually watched the video, you may have seen this interesting caption:

“That guy” was the Front Desk Manager or attendant that the cops talked to when they came in (2:03).  I felt and probably the cops also did, he was embellishing the story, specially accusing her in a roundabout way of being drunk. That was a dick move that would probably cost the hotel some money for defamation.

And once again, if you are in Florida, do not refuse a trespass if you are armed because if you are arrested, you go straight for a felony. Your state may vary.


VPC’s Concealed Carry Killers: Still fudging numbers.

I have to apologize. I read one of my go-to bloggers this morning about the Violence Policy Center infamous database titled “Concealed Carry Killers!” (cue dramatic fanfare) but I forgot who was it. He was mentioning an article published in Newsweek.

So I decided to drop by VPC and check the latest permutation of the report and see if for once, they dared to be truthful. As usual they were not.

VPC titles its work as Concealed Carry Killers hoping that you do not realize they are not using the legal term “murderers.” Why? because it would cut drastically in their statistics and reputation.  If you never read about this, hold on, it will be clear soon.

This is the splash page of Concealed Carry Killers:

Florida will always have a nice place of hate in the heart of VPC since we were responsible for the Concealed Carry movement across the nation.  Since we have the most carrier of concealed licenses (over 2 million), we are bound to be the biggest bunch of bloodthirsty murderers out there, right?  That is 84 people killed this year! How’s that for gun crazy people? Wait… not this year? Last year then….No? then when? All “killings” since 2007? 12 years? That comes to 7 killed per year or what they call Tuesday night in Chicago.

But like in any good infomercial: Wait, there is more!  Remember the use of the word “Kill”? It is because they cannot say Murder for one little reason: A lot of cases have not had a legal determination (trial) yet and they keep them as “Pending.” Does VPC understand the concept of Innocent till proven Guilty?  Maybe yes, but as I mentioned above, it would screw with the stats as by my count and in their page covering Florida, there are  13 cases with the tag “Pending” with at lest one case going back to 2008.  So now, we no longer have 84 people “Murder/Killed” but 71.

And they actually included one case in which the person committed suicide and one in which the victim was a CWL holder and was shot with his gun by somebody without a CWL. That brings the numbers down to 69.  But not happy with that, they included 10 unintentional/accidental shootings because padding is necessary and we are down to 59 killed in 12 years or 4.91 killed per year.

And I am bored already with the math, so I am going to do one last calculation so I can show how ridiculous VPC’s outrage is. I don’t know exactly how many people with CWL were in 2007, but the sake of calculation let’s place it at a low even number: one million. So 5 killers per million CWL carriers ends up being 0.0005%.

0.0005% chance that you will be killed by somebody with a Concealed Weapons License Holder in the State of Florida. Or to make it simpler:

Chances of being killed by Concealed Weapons License Holder in the State of Florida: 1 in 200,000

Chances of being hit by lightning in the State of Florida: 1 in 3,000.
(Via FSU)

Basically, we are safer than Mother Nature and by far.

PS: I think I got the math right, but double checking is always appreciated.

Another Democrat seeking political help from rapists

From Twitter:

Congresswoman Barbara Lee represents California’s 13th district, which is mostly Oakland and the Bay Area.

She believes that the Republicans are going to try and cheat their way into victory in 2020, because projection.

So she wants the UN to oversee our elections like third world shit-hole nations.

Who would oversee our elections in 2020 from the UN?  How about Sudan, Libya, Venezuela, Somalia, nations with a record of reliable elections and peaceful transfers of power.

Who would be the boots on the ground for this poll watching?  The uniformed and unaccountable serial child rapists of the Pakistani UN Peacekeeping Forces.

Lee can want the UN to patrol polling stations and intimidate voters, the way Democrats got the Klan to do back in the day.

I just think she underestimates the Americans I know.

The only thing they would love more than voting for Trump to piss of some California Democrats is to have to shoot their way through a bunch of Blue Helmets to cast their  vote.

Florida: SB 634 (Fishing with AR15 Verbotten)

SB 634: Lawful Ownership, Possession, and Use of Firearms and Weapons

Lawful Ownership, Possession, and Use of Firearms and Weapons; Prohibiting a person from owning, possessing, and lawfully using firearms and other weapons, ammunition, and supplies while engaging in certain lawful uses if he or she is within a specified distance of the real property of certain locations, etc.

If you listen carefully, you will hear the howling of outrage from the Florida OCIs. It seems that they never expected that the Opposition would bring a bill against the little Open Carry we have left to the Legislature.

Dear OCIs: this one is 100% all on you.  How’s that “Normalizing Open Carry” is coming along?