Month: December 2019

For The Atlantic, the Jersey City Shooting is inconvenient

When I found the article, I figured it was The Atlantic finally acknowledging that antisemitism in their neighborhoods is not due to a bunch of Rednecks doing a country version of the final solution but to true hate from the local flavor as J. Kb. posted earlier. It was not to be, instead and with a thin veil of political sorrow, the complain that the perpetrators of the shooting screwed the narrative.

If you were to read the article without knowing who were the shooters  before hand, you would leave unsure of their race. If you do like most people and just read the first half or even the first third, you end up confused and trying to figure out who was the white people that killed Jews in New Jersey.  Why? The graphic below is a capture of the full published article and the explanation goes as follow:

#1 Blame Trump because he is being impeached and distracting us from the real problems.
#2 Obligatory mention of a Black mass killing by a WHITE guy totally unrelated to the event in Jersey City.
#3 Finally mentioning not the race of the killers but that they may have belonged to a hate group associated with the word “black.”

But according to press reports, the shooters in Jersey City belonged to a congregation of Black Hebrew Israelites—a label applied to a variety of largely separate groups, some of which have a long-standing history of racism against ethnic Jews—and had published a slew of anti-Semitic content online. (Bold are mine)

The Political Inconvenience of the Jersey City Shooting

Yes, almost all the way to the bottom of the article to get a sliver of info on the perpetrators of a HATE crime. .And if they could have gotten away not only erasing the color but assigning the crimes to a couple of North Carolina visitors, they would have done so.

But have no fear. You know and I know that by Sunday morning, this shooting will be scrubbed from most if not all political shows and by Monday all the Liberal Pundits will be back again trying to convince you that the size Trump’s salt & pepper shakers is an impeachable offense and we must do it to save our democracy.

Openly Gay Filipino confirmed as Judge for the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court.

The Racist Gay-Hater President Trump nominated Patrick Bumatay for the open position and the Senate confirmed him along party line.  Yes, you heard right: The Democrats voted against him.

Sens. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), the only out lesbian in the Senate, and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), the only open bisexual, were among the Democrats voting against Bumatay. Also voting against was Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), the chief sponsor of the Equality Act in the Senate.

SHOCKER: Senate confirms Trump nominee as highest-ranking out gay judge

Nice little members of the minorities are not supposed to cross the street and play with the neighbors or they get punished by sending them back to the plantation to do menial work for their White Democrat owners.



Tablet Mag gets this one about Trump right

I am not the biggest fan of Tablet Magazine.  It is a Left-leaning Jewish magazine and part of the cult of Tikkun-Olam, wherein they define being a good Jew as supporting Left-wing Social Justice causes.

But yesterday they published an article that is dead-on correct.

The Real Dangers to Jews
Twitter-fueled partisan insanity is preventing society from keeping Jews safe—at exactly the moment it’s most needed

The past 24 hours provided a clear and painful picture of the momentous challenges American Jews face these days.

The day began with news that President Trump had issued an executive order designed, the White House said, to fight anti-Semitism. Reporting on the order, The New York Times stressed that it will “effectively interpret Judaism as a race or nationality, not just a religion,” and that it “could be used to stifle free speech and legitimate opposition to Israel’s policies toward Palestinians in the name of fighting anti-Semitism.” Leftist NGOs echoed the same talking point, and a phalanx of pundits took to Twitter to decry the order as anti-Semitic because, allegedly, it somehow paved the road to defining Jews as something less than fully American. From the Hollywood actress who thundered, “You, stupid crook president do not get to decide this so your white nationalist pals get to stick me in a concentration camp,” to the law professor who blasted the order for deeming Jews to be “some nationality other than Americans,” our bien-pensants were whipping everyone into a wild frenzy, portraying the president as an unhinged anti-Semite and a clear and present danger to the Jews.

And then something else happened.

As Twitter was aflame with vitriol directed at the president, gunmen shot up a kosher market in Jersey City, New Jersey, killing three—including two Jews. Those of us rushing to report on the attack were initially reassured by a host of sources, official and unofficial alike, that there was no larger story here: The shooting, we were told, was random—not a hate crime specifically targeting Jews. The early reports in the press echoed these sentiments, with most not even mentioning the fact that the crime scene was a kosher establishment.

It didn’t take long for the truth to come out. The shooting, we now know, was a premeditated attack, and one of the suspects was a black nationalist who had a long and proven track record of posting anti-Semitic screeds online.

And then we learned something else. We learned that, unbelievably, it turned out that at the exact moment that Jews were being murdered for being Jewish, a bunch of blue checkmark assholes were inaccurately and outrageously railing against the president for doing nothing else but … protecting Jews.

This is exactly what I said yesterday, too.

When Trump’s executive order was finally made public, it turned out that far from somehow defining Jews as this, that, or the other, as our self-appointed moral and intellectual superiors falsely and hysterically claimed, it did little but extend the same protections afforded to minorities under our existing civil rights laws to Jews as well. “Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq., prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance,” it reads. “While Title VI does not cover discrimination based on religion, individuals who face discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin do not lose protection under Title VI for also being a member of a group that shares common religious practices. Discrimination against Jews may give rise to a Title VI violation when the discrimination is based on an individual’s race, color, or national origin.”

This is in no way, as the Times implied and many on the left have tweeted, an attack on free speech on campus or anyplace else. It is, in fact, nothing more than an extension of the Obama White House’s own legal guidance about the treatment of Jews and Sikhs under existing U.S. civil rights law. You may challenge the wisdom of designating groups of people as a protected class—as some on the right do, arguing that protections ought to be granted to individuals, not collectives—but as long as our laws exist the way they do, and as long as Jews remain America’s most targeted minority, affording them the same legal protection enjoyed by other minorities isn’t just right, it’s a moral and physical imperative.

But none of this matters to the social media addicts in charge of public discourse. To our intelligentsia, no explanation is feasible unless it underscores the evil intentions of Trump, their sworn enemy.

This is the danger of Jews falling victim to TDS.   They hate Trump so much that they actually harm the Jewish community.

Even in a political climate rich with petulant outbursts and virtue-signaling, the reaction to Trump’s executive order sets a dangerous precedent. Portraying measures clearly designed to combat anti-Semitism and protect Jews from harm as being in of themselves somehow anti-Semitic is not only an affront to logic and morality, but also a reckless move when violence against Jews is on the rise.

If you want to see this muddled logic carried to its extreme and ugly end, just look at what New York’s mayor, Bill de Blasio, said in a press conference after the Jersey City shooting. The attack, he said, “tragically confirms that a growing pattern of violent anti-Semitism has now turned into a crisis for our nation. And now this threat has reached the doorstep of New York City.”

The doorstep? The threat has been far inside the mayor’s own house for years. But acknowledging that would mean fessing up to his own calculated inaction—and finally explaining exactly why he’s allowed targets to be put on Jewish backs.

The mayor’s laughable campaign for president is one likely reason for his inaction in the face of all this violence, and for his belief that threat has only now reached his city’s limits. Another may be the fact that the majority of the hundreds of hate crimes against Jews in New York were perpetrated by African Americans and Hispanics, not by enraged white nationalists, who are frequent targets of the mayor’s rhetoric but have been found responsible for exactly zero hate crimes in the city of New York.

Most of the Jewish community has turned a blind eye to the violence against Orthodox Jews because that would require speaking hierarchies against Progressive Orthodoxies.  Namely that Blacks can be racist too and antisemitism isn’t just something found in White Supremacists.

Jews make up about 2% of the American population, yet were the victims of a whopping 57.8% of all religious bias crimes last year, according to the FBI. Rather than vocally and unequivocally demanding that their Jewish constituents be protected, the politicians representing those targeted—from de Blasio to New York Sen. Chuck Schumer—have been largely silent on this issue, while at the same time loudly and vigorously accusing the right of racism. Videos like this one, shot at the scene shortly after the Jersey City attack and featuring local neighbors blaming the Jews for Jews being murdered, are not likely to make any politician on the left take action, especially not someone like de Blasio, who has for years been kissing the ring of Al Sharpton, an anti-Semite best remembered for inciting an actual pogrom against the Jews of Brooklyn.


The correct phrase is “never again” but that has been co-opted by Leftist Jews protesting for open borders.

What American Jews need right now is clear and concrete action that protects them from anyone who wishes them harm.

Blue steel designed by John Moses Browning is pretty concrete action.

Whether you like it or not, the fact is that yesterday New York’s senator and mayor took no such steps. The president did.

Fucking aye.

Another Jew woke up yesterday.

Maybe a few more who read this in Table will wake up too.

The Left is not about to change, they are too deeply invested in their hatred of the President.

It’s the rest of the Jewish community that needs to recognize this and walk away from the Left.

California ammo law is working as intended

From the Sacramento Bee:

Thousands of lawful California gun owners are being denied ammunition purchases. Here’s why

Zachary Berg usually buys guns and ammunition with relative ease. After all, he’s a Sutter County sheriff’s deputy and needs them for his job. California’s stringent gun laws usually don’t apply to him.

But Berg couldn’t buy shotgun shells at his local hardware store in Yuba City prior to a duck hunting trip last month. He was rejected under California’s stringent ammunition background check program that took effect July 1, because his personal information didn’t match what state officials had in their database.

Sorry if this makes me sound like a dick, but if there is one upside to the Left’s growing anti-cop attitude, it’s police no longer getting special exemptions for restrictive gun laws.

Berg was one of tens of thousands of Californians who have been turned away from buying ammunition at firearms and sporting goods stores, even though they appear to be lawfully able to do so, a Sacramento Bee review of state data shows. Between July 1 and November, nearly one in every five ammunition purchases was rejected by the California Department of Justice, the figures show.

One in five.  That is 20% of all ammo sales.

Think about what that might do to the financials of a gun store.

Of the 345,547 ammunition background checks performed, only 101 stopped the buyer because he or she was a “prohibited person” who can’t legally possess ammunition, according to state Department of Justice data.

So 0.03% of attempted ammo sales were by criminals.  So why were the other 19.97% of sales denied?

Yet another 62,000 ammunition purchases were rejected as well. Those people left empty-handed because their personal information hadn’t been entered into the state’s system, or the information on their identification cards didn’t match what officials had entered into the California gun registry database, which retail sellers must review when they do the ammunition background check.

So law-abiding citizens were denied their rights because of bureaucratic errors.

“It’s a little ironic the fact I’m a deputy that I can’t buy ammunition,” Berg said. “But at the same time, anybody else who’s legally allowed to, they shouldn’t be denied based on address (errors). … It’s just crazy.”

It’s not ironic and it’s not crazy, it is the system working the way the California legislature intended.  To be a Kafkaesque bureaucratic nightmare where your rights go to die with no accountability.

But to gun-rights advocates, the mass denials are confirmation of their long-standing assertion that liberal gun-control laws disproportionately burden law-abiding gun owners who follow the rules, even as criminals continue to acquire guns and ammunition without jumping through the regulatory hoops.

Plain as day, clear as crystal, that’s the point.

The rejections appear to have occurred because of errors and omissions in the Department of Justice’s own gun-registration database.

So the state makes a mistake, the citizen pays for it, and the bureaucrat who made the error is not punished.  Seems like California has fully modeled itself off the Soviet Union now.

Beginning in 2014, Californians who’ve bought a shotgun or a rifle are in the database, and handgun owners have been in the system for even longer. If a gun owner has a weapon in the database, and their government-issued identification card matches the gun registry, an ammunition buyer pays the state a $1 fee for each ammo transaction, and then he or she walks out of the store with their ammo in a couple of minutes.

Those who don’t have a gun in the Department of Justice’s system are required to pay the state a $19 fee and undergo a more comprehensive background check, a process that can take days, or they can go online and register a firearm in the database.

Something, something, motherfucking poll tax.

Dan Logan, a 72-year-old retired California Highway Patrol officer and Vietnam veteran, said he attempted to register a shotgun this fall so that he could have his information in the Department of Justice system, yet he was still denied in October when he tried to buy a box of shotgun shells at his local Big 5 sporting goods store in Folsom.

To him, the experience was especially frustrating, given the gun-control laws voters passed in 2016 also prohibit him from traveling out of state to stock up on ammunition.

“If I go to Nevada and buy ammunition there, I can go to jail,” he said.

And we’ve hit the nail on the head.   The whole point of this is to disarm law-abiding California gun owners by denying them ammo by way of an unaccountable, opaque bureaucracy.  If they try an end-run around the bureaucracy, the way residents of the other 49 states can, they go to jail.

Gun-control advocates say the issues ammunition buyers are having are merely minor inconveniences that will get sorted out as the database is updated.

Ari Freilich, an attorney with the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, likened it to a traveler having to go through security at an airport. He said the system is already working as intended. He pointed to the 101 people who were legally forbidden from possessing ammunition being prohibited from buying it. He argues an unknown number of other dangerous people likely didn’t make the attempt, knowing they’d be caught breaking the law.

Because everybody loves the TSA.

“Any one of those people, they were committing a serious crime trying to acquire a product designed to take human life,” Freilich said. “And they were stopped from doing so in that moment.”

No, they are getting ammo from Nevada or Arizona from gang members, the way people buy cartons of cigarettes from Delaware Indian reservations and sell them loose in NYC to avoid the tax.

Gun-rights groups argue the new ammunition registration is being used as a de facto gun registration system, because gun owners who’ve never registered a weapon must now be entered into the system.

Ding, ding, ding!!!

But Freilich argues it’s critical to have an up-to-date registry of California’s firearm owners so that law enforcement agencies can use it to remove guns from dangerous people.

Under the state’s “red flag” laws, Californians can petition a court to have police remove firearms from those threatening to harm themselves or others. The law was recently expanded to allow teachers, employers and coworkers to seek the temporary removal of firearms from the homes of people making threats.

“Because of this DOJ database, (it) allows law enforcement to know that that person has arms, to know what kind of arms they have and to know where they reside, so they can ensure that the people who have been subject to threats are safe and that guns are removed from that dangerous situation,” he said.

They are admitting to everything we said would happen.  Our nightmare is their wet dream.

Hunting associations say the mass rejections were a one-two punch for California’s already shrinking ranks of hunters.

When they could find the ammo they are legally required to use in the field, many hunters were unable to buy it.

Hunting groups argue the ammunition rejections and the lack of availability are reflected in a noticeable spike in year-over-year declines in hunting license sales.

This year, 10,631 fewer Californians bought hunting licenses than they did at this point the previous year, according to data from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. That’s about double the decline in license sales in 2018.

In California, around a quarter of the Department of Fish and Wildlife’s budget is paid through hunting and fishing license sales and taxes on their firearms and gear. The funds go to pay for state wildlife programs such as habitat restoration and refuges.

Here is what is going to happen.  The government is killing off hunting because it is a large part of the gun culture that they hate.  Then they are going to bemoan the budget shortfall the comes from a lack of hunting licenses and tags.  Then they will try and figure out how to make up the funds by screwing over gun owners more.

How do I know this?  California upped the gas tax to encourage people to drive more fuel-efficient cars like hybrids.  Then they bemoaned the loss of gas tax revenue when people bought less gas and are trying to figure out how to tax hybrid drivers more.

Fiona Benjamin, 23, is one of the new hunters the state is actively trying to recruit, but she said she found herself blocked from purchasing ammunition this fall because she hadn’t registered a gun. Up to that point, she’d borrowed a friend’s shotgun when she was out in the field.

In order to get registered to buy ammo, Benjamin, a recent UC Davis graduate from Half Moon Bay, said she did what California lawmakers, who are wary of having more guns and ammunition in circulation, probably didn’t intend when they passed their gun legislation.

She bought a new shotgun, and she said she plans on stockpiling ammunition when she clears the Department of Justice’s system.

“I’m probably going to buy a whole case of the stuff I like to shoot to avoid problems in the future,” Benjamin said.

Except… the seller has to report the number of rounds sold.  I can easily see California decided that buying a couple of cases to avoid the hassle, later on, is something worth red-flagging a person over.  How do they know that you are stocking up for a couple of matches and not a mass shooting?

This feels like another trap aimed to catch law-abiding gun owners and turn them into criminals.

This video is from the Sac Bee and shows what buying ammo in California is like.

Now keep in mind that down the road from Sacramento is San Francisco where illegal aliens are allowed to vote (supposedly in local elections only).
Welcome to California where the worst thing you can be is a law-abiding, tax-paying citizen.

The Right Stuff caught on camera.

I am a hardcore fan of the movie The Right Stuff. Coming to the end of the movie, the Mercury astronauts are being dined and wined in Houston while Chuck Yeager hops in a plane that is more rocket than a plane and goes in the air with it. Things happen, he loses control and the plane crashes. To me, this is the best part of the movie: it is the end of the old school, by-the seat-of-your-pants pilot era and he closed that chapter magnificently.

So much to my amazement, I find out that there is actual footage of that flight by Yeager and it was just released day before yesterday by Edwards Air Force Base.  It is not sexy, no Hollywood production, but damn! It is history.


It is beginning to feel like Socialist Christmas in Venezuela

Once again I have to revert you to another post from earlier this year where videos were showing people from Caracas, Venezuela getting their water from this open sewer of a river because the city’s water system had failed.

This same open sewer river is still running, but it looks prettier now that is fully decorated with festive lights brining out the reality of Socialism: A shithole with a lot of make up to make it presentable from a distance.

Trump does more to help American Jews in one stroke of a pen than the Democrats have done for years, so the NYT makes sure everyone knows he’s Hitler for it

I’m sorry that today is such a Jewish news heavy day, it’s just turned out to be one of those days.

Earlier today I wrote a post debunking the media narrative from a few days ago that Trump was an antisemite because of what he said before the IAC.

Since then, the media’s deliberate, mendacious, mischaracterization of Trump’s actions as antisemitic have only gotten worse.

Trump signed an executive order that declared that antisemitism is a violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as it pertains to federal funding of colleges.

How did the New York Times report on this?  As accurately as their reporting on the Holodomor.

This lead to an internet freak out, where Trump’s EO was said to be tantamount to what Hitler did and that this was the first step in defining Jews as “not Americans” and getting them ready for deportation.

I fuck you not.  I heard that shit from Jews I know, blasting panicky text messages at me.

Like just about everything else the media says about Trump, this was fucking wrong too.

Yair Rosenberg of the Jewish magazine Tablet highlighted the relevant text on Twitter:

The Jewish Insider has the whole text of the EO available, and says this about it:

As first reported by The New York Times on Tuesday, the order formally calls on government departments enforcing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism.

The order calls for the enforcement of “Title VI against prohibited forms of discrimination rooted in anti-Semitism as vigorously as against all other forms of discrimination prohibited by Title VI.” The order also calls on departments enforcing Title VI to consider “‘Contemporary Examples of Anti-Semitism’ identified by the IHRA, to the extent that any examples might be useful as evidence of discriminatory intent.”

Initial reporting indicated that the order would include language defining Judaism as a “national origin,” setting off a frenzy among major Jewish organizations, activists and lawmakers. The draft text of the order obtained by JI makes no such reference.

So why is this EO both good an important?

Inside Higher Ed reports “A Surge of Anti-Semitism” on college campuses.  Jewish students who want to study abroad in Israel are being denied letters of recommendation, harming their academic advancement.

The New York Post reported “‘Eviction’ notices placed on doors of Jewish students at Emory University.

CNN reported “UCLA student is latest victim of anti-Semitism on campus” when she was denied a student government position because she was Jewish.  This went on record in the official minutes of the Student Government.

Then there all of these incidents seen in these various documentaries.

Jewish students are facing threats, intimidation, violence, harassment, harm to their academic careers, and naked bigotry, almost universally from the Leftists and Progressives on college campuses.

Trump’s EO would provide those Jewish students with the same level of protection that other groups are entitled to under the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

But because Trump is protecting Jews from radical Leftists, the Leftists in the media have to twist this into Trump being bad Orange Hitler out to destroy the Jews.

Given the reaction I’ve seen, they’ve succeeded in cementing that narrative.

Trump is the best President Jewish Americans have ever had and the Left is going to make abso-fucking-lutely sure that American Jews don’t know this and believe the opposite.