Month: December 2019

More than 2,000 guns stolen from cars in Houston – Bearing Arms

Via Bearing Arms:

Regardless, we know criminals look for guns in cars. With that in mind, don’t be an idiot and leave your gun in the car unsecured. A couple of thousand guns on the streets in criminal hands are a couple of thousand too many. While it may be sometimes unavoidable, it also needs to be rare.

If we don’t start policing ourselves, we’re likely to see more and more calls for legislation aimed at criminalizing such behavior. While I will always oppose the prosecution of crime victims, we can avoid that by stepping up and being the responsible gun owners we always claim to be.

One of the posts I caught the most heat was the one where I dared point responsibility to gun owners who left unsecured guns inside unlocked cars.  I was “victim blaming” and I just let it go. But seeing reports like the above, I have to forget niceness and  call on the stupidity of leaving free guns in cars for the stealing and being part of the “iron pipeline” that provides guns to criminals.

If you have to a place where firearms are not allowed, have the decency to drop some cash and get yourself a box like this one which can be found for around $20 and up.  (And if you are thinking “What should I get Miguel for Christmas, I’ll be more than happy to get the Hornady Alpha Elite box since my old one is in need of retirement.) And if you made it home at the end of the day/shift and park outside, take your firearms inside the house.

These are neither expensive nor excessive tasks which is why it pisses me off that people ignore them and the complain they lost a gun on a mpletely avoidable crime.



Quote from a discussion about the Miramar shooting

I was talking with a buddy of mine, who is a gun nut like myself and currently lives in Miami, about the Miramar shooting.

He said something that I couldn’t let go un-shared.

“The scariest thing about the whole shootout what that cops thought it was a good idea to take cover behind civilian vehicles with people still in them, trying to get out of the line of fire.  What cop comes up with the idea ‘I’m going hide behind this soccer mom in her van’.  Who the fuck trained these guys, Hamas or Hezbollah?”

“Yeah, the more I think about that shooting the angrier I get.  That could have been me or my wife or daughter in the car on the Miramar Parkway.  Just sitting in rush hour traffic when Floridaman McBadgeholder decides to use your kid as a fucking meat-shield when he lets loose with his Gold Dot bukkake.”




Florida: HB 809 – Screwing With The Licenses to Carry Concealed Weapons or Firearms


HB 809 – Licenses to Carry Concealed Weapons or Firearms

General Bill by Fernández (CO-SPONSORS) Smith, C.
Licenses to Carry Concealed Weapons or Firearms: Reduces term and fee of license to carry concealed weapon or firearm; requires retention of fingerprints in specified state system; requires proof of completion of firearms training or safety course or class meeting specified requirements to renew license.

Once again, on first impressions and by the description, there is nothing ominous about the bill, but the text tells us otherwise. Firs, once again we have another idiot trying to reduce the length of the validity of the license from 7 to 5 years.

Next we have this jewel:

Fingerprints shall be retained in the statewide automated biometric identification system under s. 943.05(2)(b) and when available, the national retained print arrest notification program under s. 943.05(4).

Congratulations! The State of Florida will consider you equal to a criminal by the simple act of getting a CWL. This is the application of Moms Demands’ mantra “All Gun Owners are Law abiding till they are not” or basically your pre-crime statute.  And knowing that only half of one percent Floridians who were ever issued a CWL committed a ANY felony or misdemeanor domestic abuse since the inception of the licensing belies the need for this level of scrutiny. This is the scheme they have in Hawaii were you are stripped of your guns and licenses if you are ever arrested for anything, not even convicted.

The last part of this bill is the obligatory 8 hour “firearms training or safety course or class” every time you need to renew your license. I am not going to bother with the details, but I see it as designed to have people say “screw it” because they do not want to waste a day teaching the class or instructors refusing to teach the class because it requires “Information on the statutory and case law of Florida relating to handguns and to the use of deadly force” and since most instructors are not lawyers, they would (or at least should) fear that they would get sued if something were to happen.

This bill makes it very clear why we need Constitutional Carry in Florida.

Florida: HB 6049 or the death of Castle Doctrine.

HB 6049 – Use of Deadly Force in Defense of a Person

General Bill by Joseph
Use of Deadly Force in Defense of a Person: Repeals provisions relating to home protection & use of deadly force, which creates presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm in certain circumstances & provides that person has no duty to retreat & has right to stand his or her ground & meet force with force in certain circumstances.

At first gaze, the bill’s summary does not look bad, right? But if we go straight to the text, we see the first huge problem in Section 1:

Section 1. Section 776.013, Florida Statutes, is repealed.

And what evil thing does Section 776.013 do that needs to be eradicated from the Florida Statutes?

Title XLVI
Chapter 776

776.013 Home protection; use or threatened use of deadly force; presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm.—

(1) A person who is in a dwelling or residence in which the person has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and use or threaten to use:(a) Nondeadly force against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of unlawful force; or
(b) Deadly force if he or she reasonably believes that using or threatening to use such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony.

Oh yes, boys and girls, the elected morn pictured above wants to eliminate your right to defend yourself inside your home or dwelling.  Do you want to know something funny and brimming with irony? You guys remember Donovan Stewart, the man sleeping in his van who shot to death a robber armed with an A 47 clone saving his girlfriend and kid in the process? If Ms. Joseph’s bill was already the law of the Land, Mr. Donovan would have been arrested and sent to jail awaiting prosecution for murder. And the ironic part is that this event happened in Liberty City which is within Ms. Joseph’s district. How’s that for a kick in the ass? One of her constituents defends himself and others and Ms Joseph comes with a bill to put him in prison.

But wait! There is more! The bill then goes to modify Section 776.012 to eliminate the most hated section (for Liberals and Democrats) of Florida’s Self Defense statutes: Stand Your Ground.

That is what the strike-out means. And it makes sense if you think about it: If your life is worth defending inside your home, why should you be allowed to defend it outside your home?  I wonder if Ms. Joseph got the idea from her native Haiti in some sort of spiritual resurrection of the Tonton Macoute era .  Making self-defense illegal is a great way to maintaining the populace under control cheaply: They send a small detachment of goons to mess you up at home and you are afraid to kill them because you will end up in prison. It is a well and proven tactic all over south of the border.

As an immigrant, it is repugnant to see another when another immigrant thinks the fascist formulas from the old country they left behind are the best and that goes double for her who apparently worked in the UN and other posts dealing with refugees. I guess she got a taste for having people unable to stand for themselves.

Hat Tip Sal F.



The worst argument for gun control yet from Charlotte Clymer

Last time I wrote about Charolette Clymer it was when she was ignoring the facts about the most recent California school shooting.

This time she decided to use the Pensacola Naval Air Station shooting to push gun control, proving once again, that the facts are irrelevant, she just wants to take your guns.

To bring you up to speed:

‘Barbaric’: Saudi national opens fire on Pensacola Navy base, kills 3, injures 8

A Saudi man training at the Naval Air Station Pensacola opened fire on the base early Friday morning with a handgun, killing three and injuring eight before deputies fatally shot him, authorities said.

The shooter was identified as Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, a member of the Saudi military, a U.S. official told The Associated Press. The official wasn’t authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity. A motive for the attack is unknown.

The shooting began around 6:30 a.m. CT and the suspect was halted by two Escambia County sheriff’s deputies, who arrived on scene in less than five minutes, Sheriff David Morgan said. An official who was not authorized to speak publicly said that the gunman did not use his military-issued service weapon.

The shooter is a Saudi national and a member of the Saudi military.  He would be prohibited by Federal law from buying – or as Miguel pointed out, even using – a gun in the United States.

So where did he get his gun, because I couldn’t have just gone off base and bought one at the local gun store?

Knowing how tight security is around foreign nationals is for training at US installations, I wonder how much free access he had to wander around off-base to find a gun?

Furthermore, Pensacola Naval Air Station still prohibits personal weapons on base, making it a gun-free zone.

None of these facts made any difference to Clymer, who used this attack to call for more gun rights restrictions.

Tell me exactly what loophole or law allowed this to happen, I’m curious.

When she was challenged on this she acquiesced to the fact that guns are not allowed on the base, but people could still smuggle them in.

So someone who will break the law to smuggle a gun onto a military base will obey the law buying the gun?  I doubt it considering that the law prohibits foreign nationals from buying guns in the US.

When she was called out on this, she resorted to “but I’m a veteran.”

You know what.  Fuck her veteran status.  Her status does not give her the right to eliminate the civil rights of American civilians.

Do you know what a system is called when the military has special rights to dominate and restrict the freedoms of the citizenry?  A junta.  Clymer’s fantasy land is a Progressive junta where Leftists in uniform get to decide what rights the rest of us have.  Because she’s a veteran.

And just for good measure, she decided that insulting her opponents intelligence was a good counter to facts.

Nothing about a foreign national getting his hands on a gun in the US and trying to sneak it onto a US military base is legal.  There is no passable gun control law that would have prevented this.

But that doesn’t matter, Clymer wants total civilian disarmament because she’s a veteran.

Also, I suspect that this is a coordinated act of terrorism and there is a conspirator in the US who provided this guy with his gun.  I’ll continue to monitor this event.

The UPS Truck Shooting.

I want you to look at the photo. That is the UPS truck up front and (visible) 24 law enforcement vehicles from 9 agencies chasing after it.

Click to enlarge

This was a Far East Fire Drill (apparently I cannot say Chinese Fire Drill anymore) in the making and proven true at the end of the chase when the UPS driver and a bystander ended up dead.

Yes, the bad guys had already proven they were dangerous: they were armed, shot an employee of the jewelry store and kidnaped a civilian to escape authorities, but this was police overkill.

I do not know who shot who and I will not comment on that till the investigation is done. But there is no excuse for this posse attitude from the agencies. At least two agencies (Broward Sheriff and Miami-Dade PD) have helicopters that could have followed the truck and the suspects and the cops be distributed in a way that anticipated the kidnapers.

I have the strange feeling that nobody was talking to anybody else (including up and down the respective chains of command) and in the best South Florida tradition, this was a Greyhound race that ended up with the bunny dead.


Miramar UPS shootout

This is a whole lot of bad:

UPS driver killed in armed robbery, chase and shootout identified as a young father

Family members and friends are mourning the loss of a UPS driver and young father, killed after being taken hostage by two armed robbers in Miramar.

WFOR reported the name of the driver as Frank Ordonez, one of four people killed in the incident. His brother told CBS Miami he’d been a driver with UPS for the past five years.

However, Thursday was Ordonez’s first day as a UPS driver.

Ordonez leaves behind a one-year-old daughter.

Killed on the first day of his job in a police shootout?  This is like something out of a Lethal Weapon movie.

The ordeal began as an armed robbery and possible shooting at Regent Jewelers in Coral Gables on Thursday afternoon. A female employee suffered injuries in the armed robbery.

Police said the armed robbery suspects then carjacked a UPS truck as the driver was making deliveries.

Holy shit.

The police chase ended with the armed robbery suspects and police exchanging gunfire on Miramar Parkway, just west of Flamingo Road. According to CBS Miami, 19 officers from five different agencies fired into the UPS truck. The number of shots fired could exceed 200 rounds.

Were they making up for Broward’s lack of response in Parkland or did they take shooting lessons from the NYPD?

The two armed robbers were killed.

The FBI identified the pair as 41-year-old Lamar Alexander and 41-year-old Jerome Hill.

Both are from Miami-Dade County.

A civilian motorist was also killed in the shootout.

Two bad guys, a bystander (by-driver?) and the hijacking victim were all killed.

The FBI is taking the lead in the investigation, according to Miramar Mayor Wayne Messam, who spoke to CBS12 News reporter James Torrez on Friday.

Good, because when you watch the video the question is: killed by whom?

There are some hair-raising videos from that shooting.

Every long “pew” that you hear in this, is a bullet whizzing past the person recording this.

There are civilians behind the bad guys when the police started shooting.

Those are police taking cover behind civilian cars with people still in them.

I’m amazed more people were not killed.

I’m not a cop, I won’t even pretend to be on the internet.

I’m just curious about the wisdom of engaging in a massive firefight on the Miramar Parkway during heavy traffic.

This is one to follow.