Month: December 2019

Leftists to destroy telecommunications, the economy, and national defense because Orange Man Bad

On Friday, Trump signed a defense spending bill that officially created Space Force.

The #OrangeManBad NPCs on social media have been venting their frustration about space force when there are other problems the Left has created that Trump isn’t throwing money at.

Then there are people who live in the idyllic la-la-land where si vis pacem para bellum doesn’t apply.

Here is an article from NPR on what Space Force is going to do.

Trump Created The Space Force. Here’s What It Will Actually Do

When President Trump signed a $738 billion defense spending bill on Friday, he officially created the Space Force. It’s the sixth branch of the U.S. Armed Services, and the first new military service since the Air Force was created in 1947.

“Space is the world’s newest war-fighting domain,” President Trump said during the signing ceremony. “Amid grave threats to our national security, American superiority in space is absolutely vital. And we’re leading, but we’re not leading by enough. But very shortly we’ll be leading by a lot.”

The Space Force will fall within the Department of the Air Force, but after one year it will have its own representation on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, according to the text of the law that created it. That makes it similar in structure to the Marine Corps, which is a part of the Department of the Navy but has its own seat on the Joint Chiefs.

The new service branch essentially repackages and elevates existing military missions in space from the Air Force, Army and Navy, said Todd Harrison, who directs the Aerospace Security Project at the Center for Strategic & International Studies.

“It’s about, you know, all the different types of missions our military already does in space — just making sure that we’re doing them more effectively, more efficiently,” said Harrison.

“It will create a centralized, unified chain of command that is responsible for space, because ultimately when responsibility is fragmented, no one’s responsible,” he added.

Military systems in space provide crucial information to the troops. For example, GPS satellites help the military hit targets precisely. Satellites gather intelligence, detecting things like missile launches. They’re also used for communication and collect data on the weather.

These last points are what are most important.

Now, for a little bit of personal history.  Until I got sick and was rolled out, I was in ROTC.  I don’t talk about much for obvious reasons.

History was always a favorite subject of mine.  It comes from my dad who was a YUGE Civil War and Lincoln history buff.

Because I was ROTC, I majored in military history.  A subject I have continued to study to this day.

Those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it.  For instance, we forgot what caused WWII from the end of WWI and we are seeing much of that repeat itself today in Europe and the United States.

Along with military history is strategy as a favorite subject of study.

To understand Space Force we need to look at WWII, the formation of the Air Force, and current military and civilian strategic weakness.

For more than a century, it was understood that the nation that “rules the waves rules the world.”

During WWII, we learned that the nation that rules the air rules the battlefield.  An army cannot hold the ground if it does not hold the air above it.

During that war, all military flight operations were under either the Navy or the Army Air Corps.

Much of the senior Army leadership came from the infantry.  Air combat was new and the old brass didn’t have a full strategic and tactical conceptualization of the importance of air combat superiority.

We’ve seen this many times before in the military.  Issuing single shot black powder rifles when the enemy had repeating bolt actions.  Refusing to issue the BAR during WWI.  Generals who wanted to engage in cavalry charges across no-mans-land during WWI.  Poor development of tanks and tank tactics going into WWII.

The air was too important to leave in the hands of generals and commanders who thought of war as soldiers who carried rifles into battle.  The creation of the Air Force was to form a military command with a sole focus on air combat and the use of resources.

From the National Security Act of 1947:

In general, the United States Air Force shall include aviation forces both combat and service not otherwise assigned. It shall be organized, trained, and equipped primarily for prompt and sustained offensive and defensive air operations. The Air Force shall be responsible for the preparation of the air forces necessary for the effective prosecution of war except as otherwise assigned and, in accordance with integrated joint mobilization plans, for the expansion of the peacetime components of the Air Force to meet the needs of war.

The same mission-specific directive that split the Air Force off from the Army Air Corps and later the Army Ari Forces.

If what we are in now is 4th generation warfare, space will be 5th generation warfare.

I have said, I would  like to be a member of Congress and get all the Joint Chiefs and four-star generals at a table and ask them this question:

 “Think about all the strategy you would employ in our next war.  It might be against Pakistan, or North Korea, or Iran, or some rogue non-state actor like ISIS.  Think about what you would do to win that war.  Now… what are you going to do because all of your satellites are dead?”

My concern has been a growing reliance, I believe over-reliance, on digital technology.  That is my personal bugaboo as a meat-space engineer.

But that is the question that Space Force will answer.

Yes, our military is (over) reliant on GPS for everything from troop movements to weapons guidance.  The same for satellite communications.

But it doesn’t end there.

GPS has made commercial transport, shipping, and travel possible.  The way goods go across the ocean, get put in a plane, and ultimately get delivered by truck to your door is made possible with GPS.

An attack on civilian GPS systems would do severe harm, if not cripple commercial shipping, not to mention commercial aviation.

Our economy is driven by digital communications.  More Americans are going cell phone only.  Think of the panic that occurs after a natural disaster and cellphone service gets jammed. Consider the effect on our economy if an enemy nation or state-sponsored terrorist organization was able to destroy one or more civilian telecommunications satellites.

It would be a terrorist attack of incredible proportion to simply create an “area denial weapon” for a portion of space, by launching a rocket with a warhead that fills an orbital altitude with satellite shredding shrapnel.

A single unified command that defends military and commercial satellites is vital for both strategic and economic defense.

That is way more important than Orange Man Bad.

The best part about Space Force is that Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama is the leading site to place SPACECOM.

I cannot wait to become a civilian with US Space Force.


Florida: Why we are gonna get screwed next year? Dumb attitudes and expectations

Somebody in Facebook took affront to my post ‘Dear Floridians: This will be illegal next year” and left this comment:

And to scare you even more: Four others agree with him.

These are the moment you think “It is good everybody is behind a computer because this is the kind of shit that demands a proper dosage of the Clue By Four.” This has to be somebody who gets only the cute nice notifications from whatever Florida forum telling its members we are doing so good.  If Republicans being in the majority in our legislature was such a great thing, how come not a single pro gun bill passed the legislature in the current year of the Lord 2019?

It is my feeling that a lot of Florida Gun Owners figure that check-marking on (R) at the ballot during elections is enough to guarantee no bad shit will happen to our rights. Then they find themselves confused and even amnesic when the good stuff does not happen. Their effort to follow up on a politician and make him/her do what is right is simply non-existent.  We are talking about politicians for &*%$ sake’s! The same ones you crap on for being corrupt and liars, yet because it is gun rights you immediately think they will do what you want without prodding? Are you kidding me? What level of Cognitive Dissonance is that?

We are so fucked….

Maybe the extreme Trans ideology will be self correcting like a wild fire.

If you haven’t been paying attention, the Left’s favorite author, JK Rowling, has been CANCELLED!!!

Why?  Because she tweeted supported for a woman in the UK that acknowledged a biological reality that the radical trans-activists have decided is transphobic.

J.K. Rowling’s latest tweet seems like transphobic BS. Her fans are heartbroken.

Eagle-eyed Harry Potter fans have spent several years voicing their growing concerns that their hero, author J.K. Rowling, might be transphobic.

Now, in response to a significant UK court case, Rowling has provided what might be the ultimate, upsetting confirmation of her perceived transphobic leanings — and many fans are taking the revelation as a betrayal of the values of tolerance, compassion, and equality that they first learned from the Harry Potter series itself.

Rowling is customarily outspoken about her politics, which can be generalized as ranging from moderately liberal to progressive — though over time, she’s seemed increasingly less so than her fans. On Thursday morning, many of them woke up to a tweet from Rowling, which might seem at first to be a typical example of Rowling’s broadly liberal feminism.

In context, however, Rowling’s tweet reveals itself as a shocking dismissal of transgender identity: its first three lines seem to directly attack trans identity, while its final line mischaracterizes the facts surrounding a court case that involves significant transphobia.

So what is the #IStandWithMaya thing that caused the Progressives to turn on Rowing for being a TERF?

Maya Forstater: Woman loses tribunal over transgender tweets

Maya Forstater, 45, did not have her contract renewed after posting a series of tweets questioning government plans to let people declare their own gender.

Ms Forstater, who had worked as a tax expert at the think tank Center for Global Development, was not entitled to ignore the rights of a transgender person and the “enormous pain that can be caused by misgendering”, employment judge James Tayler said.

“It is a core component of her belief that she will refer to a person by the sex she considered appropriate even if it violates their dignity and/or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment,” he continued.

Ms Forstater had argued “framing the question of transgender inclusion as an argument that male people should be allowed into women’s spaces discounts women’s rights to privacy and is fundamentally illiberal (it is like forcing Jewish people to eat pork)”.

Here are screen grabs of the tweets that caused this woman to lose her job.

She is not wrong.  Biological sex is real.  No amount of hormones and surgery cannot alter that fact.

This reality has severe implications, like letting a hulking beast of a man on a woman’s rugby team “fold [opposing players] like a deckchair” or letting a trans-woman MMA fighter crush a female opponent’s eye socket.

JK Rolling’s tweet seems to support what seems to be the majority moderate position on trans people.  They have the freedom to dress and identify as they want, but the biological reality is immutable, and there are some times (like sports) where that reality should take precedence.

The extremist trans ideologues want to erase the very idea of biological sex and sex differences, and because Rolling diverged from that extreme position, she must be canceled.

How do we in civilized society deal with this reality denying trans-ideology?

We may not have to for that much longer.  This may be a self-correcting problem, like a wildfire that burns itself out.

From the Huffington Post:

Where Are All The Trans-Friendly Gynecologists?
The medical field still falls short of providing proper care to transgender patients. This is especially true for OB/GYN services.

What the actual fuck is this mess?

It was a battle for Jaden Fields to even get the appointment. When he, a trans man, tried to make arrangements with a gynecologist’s office, he was met with disrespect and disbelief. So much so that his primary care provider had to make the appointment for him. When he arrived at the office, he was dismissed, misgendered by the staff and eventually had the police called on him.

Fields, who described his experiences for Hello Beautiful, is far from the only transgender person to have a problem finding respect and affirmation from the health care establishment.

I have a suspicion here, let me see if his Hello Beautiful post confirms it.

When I called to make an appointment, they kept asking me the name of the patient because they didn’t believe it was me. My medical records list my gender as male so they didn’t believe I would need to see an OBGYN. The first person I spoke to thought I was trying to prank her, so I had to have my primary doctor set up the appointment for me. When I arrived, once again, I had to explain the appointment was for me and that I’m a transgender man. I explained that I was there for a pap smear and the nurse told me I didn’t know what a pap smear was, and they couldn’t help me.

See, the problem is right there in bold.  Here is a person who looks like man, with MALE on his records asking for a pap smear.  No wonder the nurses were suspicious.

Maybe, just maybe, medical records should be medically accurate.  If records do no say Female they should convey at an instate that the patient is something other than a biological and anatomical male.

I’ve mentioned this before.  Symptoms of heart attacks in women are very different than that in men.  Women don’t clutch their chests and left arms and fall over.  If a trans-man is having a female-typical heart attack and his records indicate he’s a man, he’s going to die while the doctors bumble fuck around not realizing the symptoms don’t match the patient.

Then I will feel sorry for the doctor who gets sued for malpractice.

My honest recommendation is that trans people get a medical ID that indicates their status, e.g. trans-male, on testosterone, no bottom surgery.

Women metabolize general anesthetics differently, and that information would be critical to know in emergency surgery.

Back to HuffPo:

“Engaging with the medical system as a trans person is always a scary proposition,” Katelyn Burns, a trans woman, freelance writer and Vox contributor, told HuffPost. “The health care system’s lack of general competence with trans people absolutely is a deterrent for all trans people to go to the doctor, but when we do find good medical providers, we tend to stick with them.”

Trans people are 0.4% of the population.  Just like people with other rare conditions, it is incumbent on them to find doctors who specialize in their condition and to stick with them.

My father had Crohn’s disease with UC.  He had to find a gastroenterologist that specialized in that, not just any GI would do, and that is much more common than trans-health.

It’s presumptuous and entitled to assume every doctor would just have a working knowledge of trans-medicine.

While there are excellent providers like Burns’ out there, the medical field in general still falls short of providing proper care to transgender patients. Deadnaming, improper pronouns and a general lack of knowledge about transgender issues lead many from the trans community to avoid the doctor altogether. General questioning of patients’ transgender identities is another common reason for doctor avoidance, said Kristie Overstreet, a licensed psychotherapist based in Orange County, California.

Research supports this. A 2018 study from Ontario, Canada, found that 54% of trans men surveyed avoided going to the gynecologist. Approximately 59% of those who avoided it cited being misgendered as one of the main reasons; 70% cited having to educate their providers themselves was another deterrent; 86% said it was due to the gynecological exam itself, which many respondents found physically and emotionally distressing.

A more graphic fear was: ‘As a man, will getting in the stirrups for an exam make me feel like a girl?’”

Lesson from a cancer survivor (despite what the Pink Bandana Mafia might think) with bowel problems:

Get fucking over yourselves.  I have had no less than six colonoscopies by the time I was 30.  I’ve had tubes jammed up my ass, in my dick, and down my throat.  I’ve been turned into some doctor’s personal water ballon, having my colon filled with a liter of Gadolinium contrast (not the kind you drink) and stuck in an MRI machine.  I have no shame telling doctors about my medical history or experiences.  Hiding information from my doctor only makes their job more difficult and hurts me.

I spent five days after kidney surgery with a urinary catheter.  They were pushing IV’s into each arm at full bore, and draining it out of me just as fast, to make sure I flushed out any clots or other things before they became obstructions.

Then they had to remove my catheter.  A nurse did it, while I was awake, in front of a bunch of med students.  She popped it out and I peed on myself.  Your body forgets how to not do that after several days with a catheter.  I actually had to pinch my dick closed like a garden hose to stop until I could get over to the toilet.

After my surgery, I was on so much opioid pain killer, that with my bowel problems, I got totally blocked up and couldn’t poop.  You have to poop to be allowed to leave the hospital, so after several days, a nurse came in had me lie on my stomach and started fishing around in my asshole to unstick me.

Yeah, it was all humiliating.  I’m still alive.

If you don’t want to see the gynecologist because you think it’s unmanly to get into the stirrups, if you die of cervical cancer, you have no one to blame but yourself.  My well of sympathy has run dry, fuck you.

“First, medical providers need to check their conscious and unconscious biases. They also need to be aware of the historical trauma the medical industrial complex has inflicted on people of color. There is a legacy of distrust because of that. I think medical providers need to understand the impact of systemic oppression on communities of color and how that trauma can lead to negative health outcomes,” he wrote. “When it comes to trans people specifically, I think they need to move away from gendering body parts and look at us as human beings.”

How dare testicles be gendered.

I know this sounds cruel, but maybe this extreme trans ideology of victimhood will eventually burn itself out when all the radical trans-women who fear admitting to a doctor that they still have a prostate die of prostate cancer.

One would think that when an ideology becomes suicidally dangerous people will abandon it, but here they plug ahead, denying reality and complaining when it bites them in the ass.

Although, that makes this into a self-correcting problem.

Dear Floridians: This will be illegal next year.

Castle Doctrine, that is.

LAUDERHILL, FLA. (WSVN) – Police are investigating a home invasion that, they said, left a masked gunman dead after exchanging gunfire with the homeowner.

Lauderhill Police responded to a 911 call along the 4400 block of Northwest 16th Street, just after midnight, Saturday.

Detectives learned that the gunman walked through an unlocked front door and exchanged gunfire with the homeowner, who left the property and made the call to police.

When officers arrived, they found the subject dead inside the home.

As of Saturday night, no charges have been filed.

Masked gunman dead after gunfire exchange with Lauderhill homeowner

HB 6049 (2020) — Use of Deadly Force in Defense of a Person (AKA The Death of Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground). : Repeals provisions relating to home protection & use of deadly force.

Just imagine: You are in your most sacred home with your family, somebody breaks in using deadly force. You return the force and your “reward” is 25 or more years in prison.

Democrat Representative Dotie Joseph thinks your home is not sacred and your life and the life of your loved ones  has no value.

If you are admiring what is happening in Virginia…

And you are amazed at the work of the Virginia Citizens’ Defense League and how they have managed to get the backing of so many people including Chief LEOs and the rank and file, I can tell you the “secret” of their success.

They never behaved like excluding dickheads. 

When VCDL went on to normalize Open Carry in Virginia, they sent letters to the local Law Enforcement agencies and media outlets inviting them to drop by to wherever locations  they would be holding their OC picnic. And it was a picnic for real: Full families, grilling, kids playing, etc.

Anybody approached them and they had pamphlets and people who would talk to anybody interested in what were they doing. “Wanna dog? Soda? Here you go.”  Just being neighborly and it paid off. Event though Gun Control tried to paint them as extremist, the only morons acting up in front of the cameras were the Anti Gun protesters. Eventually LEO agencies stopped sending cops over because it was more of a soft detail than actual prevention of any violence. I was told that at one event, the two cops “guarding” fessed up and said they were sent mostly to see if any Anti Gun nut was going to do something stupid and get free food.

VCDL used that neighbor-friendly and inclusive attitude with every gun issue and never went Chest Thumper™ and “Fuck Da Police”  even though they did have issues with some agencies at the beginning and with Norfolk  PD arresting twice VCDL members illegally IRRC. And the issues were resolved in court, not insulting and acting the fool. They always behaved like Ladies and Gentlemen because they knew that was the ticket to reach their goals.

And they kept that attitude till tody and it also has come to pay again handsomely with 2A Sanctuary counties and  the activism of people actually going to meeting and showing their resolve.  The voters may have faltered at the electoral boxes, but if the Democrats thought they were just gonna walk as easy as the Wehrmacht on Paris, they are awaken to a nasty reality.  There is a nasty resistance out there and  not the Liberal pussy hat wearing kind.