Month: June 2020

Attempted murder in Portland

From the bravest independent journalist in America:

Kicking a man in the head while he I’d unconscious can kill him.

I have covered the dangers of head trauma before.

He didn’t need a bunch of assholes with no medical training and rolls of gauze in Ziplock bags.  He needed to be taken to an ER for a CT scan.

Stay away from these protests.  They are dangerous as hell.  These people hate you and want t to kill you and nobody is there to help you.

Bad target selection

From FOX News:

South Philly gunstore owner guarding shop overnight shoots, kills armed looter: report

What else did you expect to happen?

A 67-year-old South Philadelphia gun store owner shot and killed a man he said was looting his business for what he suspects is the second night in a row.

Greg Isabella, who owns the Firing Line Inc, one of the oldest gun shops in the city, said he saw a group of looters on his surveillance video breaking a padlock on his gate using bolt cutters and descending on his shop in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

The incident occurred just after 4 a.m. when Isabella then confronted the thieves, and one — in a group of what he says consisted of 3 or 4 people– pointed a gun at him, according to reports by Fox affiliate WTFX.

Isabella fatally shot the gun-wielding robber using an AR-15 and the alleged thief died on the scene, reports say.

The owner suspects that on the previous night, looters attempted to break in through a back door of the shop, ramming and beating at a steel door that showed signs of battering, and even marks that a crowbar was used to pry it open — to no avail.

A bunch of looters wanted the score of a lifetime, a shit load of guns and ammo.

They tested the gun store’s security the first night – which passed by the way.

So they came back better equipped to do the job right.

Instead all they scored was incoming rifle fire.  One even won the grand prize of a body bag.

Gun store owners tend to believe in the Second Amendment and are aware how their retail items are often targeted by thieves.

Here’s a hint for wannabe looters: don’t rob gun stores. It will end up badly for you.  The local vegan food mart with the Prius with the Moms Demand Acton bumper sticker parked out back is a much softer target.

On the sack of Gotham and elsewhere

I saw Miguel’s post.

He’s right about New York City and Florida.

I noticed something else.

The Venn Diagram of cities suffering the worst riots and cities and states with the most restrictive Coronavirus lockdowns has a lot of overlap.

I’m very sure that most of the chaos is a direct result of people being put out of work and on lockdown until their last nerve was frazzled.

This largely isn’t about George Floyd or police brutality in general.

This is two months of lockdown pressure being vented.

This is an emotional BLEVE.

A BLEVE – boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion – happens when a pressurized flammable gas expands and ignites and it is far more dangerous than just a typical gas fire.

These people were pressurized under lockdown. They got out and ignited and the whole thing turned into a runaway, out of control, human explosion.

I don’t think politicians will ever admit that the social controls they exerted exacerbated this, but we need to understand that and not let them forget it.

The Police Will Protect You: The Van Nuys Example.

Grant you, trying to call attention to cops by elevating your shotgun like in a WWII movie was not the best of ideas, but it also speaks for the quality of cops they have over there that they manage to arrest somebody who just got to the location and had nothing to do with the event.