I saw Miguel’s post.

He’s right about New York City and Florida.

I noticed something else.

The Venn Diagram of cities suffering the worst riots and cities and states with the most restrictive Coronavirus lockdowns has a lot of overlap.

I’m very sure that most of the chaos is a direct result of people being put out of work and on lockdown until their last nerve was frazzled.

This largely isn’t about George Floyd or police brutality in general.

This is two months of lockdown pressure being vented.

This is an emotional BLEVE.

A BLEVE – boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion – happens when a pressurized flammable gas expands and ignites and it is far more dangerous than just a typical gas fire.

These people were pressurized under lockdown. They got out and ignited and the whole thing turned into a runaway, out of control, human explosion.

I don’t think politicians will ever admit that the social controls they exerted exacerbated this, but we need to understand that and not let them forget it.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “On the sack of Gotham and elsewhere”
  1. I tend to agree with you, the uncertainty, fear and anger induced by the COVID lockdowns has almost certainly fueled this outpouring of rage.

    I doubt any politician with a (D) behind the name will admit to that, however. Their comeback to that accusation would likely be that their accuser is attempting to minimize the tragedy of George Floyd’s death.

    Also, while I try to keep the paranoia to a minimum, I do find the timing interesting, in that this comes just as the COVID-related lockdowns and restrictions are starting to ease. Perhaps anything at this point would have tripped things over the edge; but a couple of weeks either sooner or later and the reaction might have been different, or at least more muted.

    1. That is a bingo.

      Progtards want the economy to stay in the shitter so they can “punish” the bad Orange-Man. And as per their SOP, they could give 3 flying f***s about what happens to regular Americans in the process.

  2. Maybe. But on the other hand there is the three categories that was posted a day or two ago: (1) actual protesters, (2) anarchist/communist terrorists, (3) criminal looters. Those seem to explain things adequately, it may be that CCP virus pressure increased things somewhat but I’m not sure one needs to reach for it to get an explanation.

    1. You have to admit, though, both the time and spatial scale of these riots are unlike anything we’ve seen since 1968. (I’d not seen those personally, but I’ve read about them.) This despite incidents in the not-too-distant-past that one would think would have similar emotional payloads. The questions are, why and how is group 2 being so much more successful at spurring this on? (Group 1 likely wouldn’t have the premade connections and resources, group 3 is opportunistic but not likely to be organized nationally.)

      I see two major differences between this time and, say, the Freddie Gray incident. One, the country has been in lockdown for 2-3 months, and about 25% of the workforce has abruptly lost their jobs.

      Two, it’s an election year, and the incumbent has (a) been incessantly vilified by the opposition party and the media since before he was inaugurated, and (b) has been the target of what amounts to a coup attempt by a subset of (a). I have to wonder if a lot of what we’re seeing was actually planned for November, and just moved up several months.

      1. I see your point about the lockdown and the depression.
        Another interesting question is how much foreign involvement there is here, either from fellow travelers or actual agents. It seems likely that Red China has invested a large amount into creating this chaos, with possible contributions from Russia and Iran.

  3. The other interesting thing about this and coronavirus, is that we will have nearly all of our questions answered in 2 weeks time…

    If the virus blows up big and begins to overwhelm the hospital system, then we know the lockdowns were worth it.

    If in 2 weeks time, nothing happens, then we know the lockdowns weren’t worth it, and the whole thing was a sham.

  4. I disagree.

    A BLEVE is, for all intents and purposes, accidental. It is not a desirable outcome. It is something that you likely try to avoid.

    There is nothing about these riots that is not orchestrated, not planned. Alinsky is in full play here. Had COVID-19 never reared its ugly head, these riots would still be happening sometime this year. I am 100% sure of that.

    An aerosolized bomb (MOAB) dropped over a wooded drought stricken area with the intent of causing a massive out of control wildfire is a more apt description in my opinion. Had COVID-19 never happened, the extent of these riots would likely be lower, but the people behind this uprising are taking advantage of frustrations in these cities. Much the same way a military strike would take advantage of the enemy setting up a fuel dump near a desirable targer.

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