Month: September 2020

F**k Howard Dean and his brother, play stupid games with the Viet Cong edition

Yeah, I said it.  I’m not walking it back.

So, again, introduction.  The Atlantic published a piece from “anonymous sources” that Trump called soldiers killed in battle “losers” and “suckers.”

Howard Dean Tweeted this in reply:

Here is the thing.  Dean’s brother wasn’t a solider.  He was a useful idiot.

As reported by the Baltimore Sun:

Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean confirmed yesterday that a joint U.S.-Laotian task force has likely discovered the remains of his younger brother Charles, who was kidnapped and slain while traveling through Laos 29 years ago.

The discovery resurrects a painful chapter in the life of the former Vermont governor, who was 25 when his brother and an Australian friend, Neil Sharman, were captured during a trip through Laos in September 1974. After months of uncertainty, the Dean family learned from Asian contacts in mid-1975 that Charles Dean was probably dead, but they knew little about the circumstances until recently.

Idealistic and gregarious, Charles Dean served as president of the student body at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and then went on to work as the county chair for Democrat George McGovern’s 1972 presidential bid.

But McGovern’s sound defeat by President Richard M. Nixon disillusioned and angered Charles Dean, who decided to head off on a backpacking trip to Asia.

At the time he was seized by Communist Laotian forces, Charles Dean was 24 years old and had been backpacking through Australia and Asia for about a year. During a trip down the Mekong River, he and Sharman were taken off a ferry and held by Communist forces in a dispute over a camera he was carrying, according to Howard Dean.

He was held in a local police camp for at least three months, and managed to smuggle out a photo of himself, which eventually reached the U.S. Embassy in the Laotian capital.

Through his father’s contacts with a group called the Asia Foundation, Dean said the family received a letter in May 1975 that indicated Charles Dean was likely dead.

George McGovern was very liberal.  How liberal?  Let the late great Charlie Daniels tell you who fans of George McGovern were:

I said would you beleive this man has gone as far
As tearin’ Wallace stickers off the bumpers of cars
And he voted for George McGoveren for president
Well he’s a friend of them long-haired hippie type pinko fags
I betcha he’s even got a Commie flag
Tacked up on the wall inside of his garage

Howard Dean’s brother Charles was one of those long-haired hippie type pinko fags with a Commie flag tacked up on the wall inside of his garage.

He went on vacation to a warzone where he went to commune with the very Commies he wanted to end the war against, and they captured him, tortured him, then shot him.

Quod erat demonstrandum: fuck Charles Dean and Howard Dean for lying about his brother to attack Trump.

You know those stories where some Lefties go off the Middle East and prove that Muslims are peaceful people and the concern over terrorism is just Islamophobia then get raped and decapitated?  Or some migrant’s rights activist gets raped by a couple of migrants?

And the rest of us say “how fucking ideologically blind and stupid can a person be, didn’t they know something like this could happen?”

This is the 1974 version of that, in Laos.

I shed no tears for a Leftist commy sympathizer who gets shot by the commies he sympathizes with.

Their projection is getting worse

If you follow the news, The Atlantic published a story that Trump skipped visiting a military cemetery in France because he though veterans who were killed were “losers” and “suckers.”  The Atlantic quotes only anonymous sources.  There are, however, five named eye-witnesses, and a redacted Whitehouse email saying that this never happened and the visit was called off due to weather.

Since the entire Russian Collusion hoax that was used to hinder Trump during the first four years of his presidency was the result of “anonymous sources,” I’m not going to believe anything that an anonymous source says and assume that the anonymous source is just a Trump-hating journalist’s asshole.

The military is heavily supporting Trump, at least among the low ranking enlisted personnel who do not see themselves as partisans in uniform, and I expect this story is 100% bullshit intended to undercut Trump’s support by the military.

So some shit-for-brains dude on MSNBC believes this story and says this is the result of us not teaching civics.

Holy fuck!  That is IMAX level projection.

It’s the Right that’s been complaining about the failure to teach civics which is why the Left is rioting in the streets, saying our nation was founded in 1619 on slavery with white supremacism as its core principle, that our Founding Fathers were evil, and that the Electoral College needs to be abolished as a tool of racism.

Nobody on the Right is going to believe that our troopers are losers or suckers because we didn’t learn civics in school.  It was the Left, starting with Vietnam and going through the War on Terror in the GW Bush administration that insulted our troops as too dumb to go to college or baby killers.  Bill Clinton was praised for using a Rhodes Scholarship to get out of Vietnam.

Now they expect us to believe that the Left thinks that our troops are heroes and the Right thinks they are losers for signing up.

This is such unbelievable bullshit, but that is TDS for you.

These people are insane.

Sidetrack Rant:

It’s time we change some laws regarding journalism.  The Supreme Court set a very high standard when it came to suing journalists for libel and slander.  This dates back to the Civil Rights Era when southern Democrat politicians would sue northern reporters for exposing their racism and ties to the Klan.  The Supreme Court wanted to protect journalists from being silenced by politicians.

Today, journalists abuse that protection by running horrible lies peppered with enough weasel words to skirt around a libel suit.  They turned a shield into a sword.  They lie and know that they can get away with it.

The same has happened with journalist shield laws.  They can attribute any lie to an anonymous source and in many states can’t be forced to expose their source.  That means either they can make shit up or quote some lying disgruntled former staffer.  A law intended to protect whistleblowers is not a tool for disinformation and mendacity.

It’s time we relevel the playing field.  Journalists who lie need to pay a price.  Journalists who drop career-ending accusations need to expose their sources.

Rant Over.

Antifa/BLM behaving like organized crime in Rochetser NY (Updates)

This reminds me of mobsters going into a mom and pop store and trashing it for “protection money.”

And more:

Bodies will pile up.

Update: Like I said, I will never see somebody with a skateboard as a cool peaceful person.

Miami Herald tries to help the “Mostly Non Violent” and fails

A report analyzing the flash point of Black Lives Matter protests across the U.S. this summer found more than 90 percent of the demonstrations against racial injustice were nonviolent.

An analysis by the nonprofit Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project identified more than 7,750 demonstrations across 2,400 cities between May 26 — the day after the death of George Floyd — and Aug. 22.

Fewer than 220 of those events were marked by violence or destructive activity and were “largely confined to specific blocks,” according to the report.

Over 90% of Black Lives Matter demonstrations this summer were peaceful, analysis shows

Ladies and gentlemen, an average of  almost 2.5 riots a day with  Burning, Looting, Murder, vandalism, etc. apparently is all OK with the Media. And that is if the researchers are accurate in their tally.

The total accepted number of riots in this country must be zero.  Anything else is unacceptable.


Antisemitic, historically inaccurate Antifa is Antisemitic and historically inaccurate

Please tell me in the US which side supports the idea of racial identity and racial purity determining your innocence, guilt, and social value.

Please tell me which side is smashing windows and looting shops, engaging an a modern Kristallnacht.

Please tell me where are the ghettos that Progressives are forced to live in.

Please tell me which side has been protesting and rioting, including setting fires and throwing bombs, for more than 90 days.

These people want to compare themselves to oppressed Jews in Nazis Germany but the closest parallels are actually to them acting like Nazis.

Only in their own mind are they the victim of oppression fighting a righteous cause.

To everyone else they are violent bullies who burn working and middle class businesses to the ground.

This, typical for Leftists stinks of antisemitism and projection.

These people are human fucking garbage.

We are changing web hosting. Blog may be screwy for a couple or more days

I am done with the dickheads of HostGator. They are pushing me to lose the deal I had with them and upgrade. Funny shit is I will upgrade, not just with them.

If you are not joined the email notifications, do so while we are upgrading just to know when we are back and  even if you are using a news reader.

Hopefully the new transfer will eliminate the  500 errors I know you guys get.

Thank you for your patience, be advised it will be tested starting Sunday.