Month: September 2020

Truck Driver Head Kicker still behind bars. Court appearance delayed again.

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Marquise Love, the man who is accused of kicking a man in the head in during a protest in mid-August, was scheduled to his first court appearance on Wednesday afternoon, but it has been pushed back another week.

Love is charged with assault, coercion and felony riot. Police say he beat and kicked victim Adam Haner following an incident in downtown Portland on August 16. According to officers, Haner was trying to protect someone from being robbed.

After turning himself into police on August 20, Love was originally expected to appear in court on August 24. However, his defense attorneys requested the extension his first court appearance pushed back to Wednesday, September 2 — but on Wednesday morning, KOIN 6 News got word that the court date was pushed back yet again and is now scheduled for September 15.

Love’s bail is set at $260,000.

Court date pushed back for Portland protest assault suspect

I am keeping my eye on this idiot.  I have no idea why his attorney is asking for more extensions, may it be it is waiting for the news cycle to die down so a low bail amount can be obtained?

What has also come out is that Marquise Love was involved in another incident with Michael Reinoehl, the suspected killer of Aaron Danielson.

Birds of a feather and all that, but this movement looks more and more like being sub-contracted to a criminal group of people for violent enforcement/support. And it all sound very Socialists-related because it has been used successfully in other places like Venezuela.


They should have given him a real reason to cry

From the New York Post:

Antifa ‘commander’ with flamethrower burst into tears during arrest, cops say

An Antifa leader known as Commander Red was busted carrying a flamethrower to a Wisconsin Black Lives Matter rally — and “dropped into the fetal position and began crying” when stopped by cops, officials said.

Matthew Banta, 23, is “known to be a violent Antifa member who incites violence in otherwise relatively peaceful protests,” a criminal complaint in his Green Bay arrest record insisted, according to WBAY.

He was carrying stickers and a flag for the controversial group — the name of which is short for “anti-fascist” — along with “military-grade 5-minute” smoke grenades, fireworks rockets, and a flamethrower, according to the Green Bay Press-Gazette.

Banta was stopped after being spotted with “a whole bunch of white people with sticks, baseball bats and helmets” heading toward a BLM event in Green Bay, police said in the criminal complaint.

The others fled when a cop blocked them with his squad car, but Banta was stopped and “dropped into the fetal position and began crying,” the police report said. He complained that the officer got on top of him, which police denied, WBAY said.

Somebody thought that he was all big and bad, about to burn some shit down, until the police nabbed his ass.

I want you to take a look at “Commander Red.”


If it’s possible to look like both underage and like a pedophile at the same time, this guy really pulls it off.

He’s been charged with felonies, which is bad for him but good for us because his soft features and propensity for tears is going to make his butthole popular in the pen.

Personally, the only disappointing thing about this is that the cops didn’t rough him up.  If he’s going to cry about police misconduct, then he should at least get to experience police misconduct.

Because I’m feeling mean at the moment, since we’re in the era of politically trumped-up charges, I want the prosecutors to tack on charges of child molestation onto this guy.  Not does he look like perverts, but boy howdy do I want some real hardasses in prison to wipe that Commie smirk off his face with a padlock in a sock.

Trump does, and he should

From the New York Post:

Gov. Cuomo says: Trump ‘better have an army’ to protect him if he comes to NYC

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday all but threatened President Trump’s safety if he returns to New York City in a rant responding to an exclusive story by The Post that Trump is looking to pull federal funds from “lawless” cities including New York.

Cuomo called an emergency press briefing within a half hour on Wednesday night to tear into Trump for the order, which cites New York’s rising murder rate and defunding of the NYPD.

“He better have an army if he thinks he’s gonna walk down the street in New York. New Yorkers don’t want to have anything to do with him,” the Democrat said, all but threatening the commander in chief.

But Cuomo, who like Trump hails from Queens, wasn’t done. “He can’t have enough bodyguards to walk through New York City, people don’t want to have anything to do with him.”

Trump does have an army, it is the United States Army because he is the commander in chief.

More importantly, this sounds like Cuomo is threatening insurrection.  Seriously, under what authority does the governor of a state tell the President of the United States that he can’t come to the state without facing a threat of violence?

Had some Red state said that to Obama, the Democrats would have called for Obama to invade that state with the military and have the governor shot for treason.

Cuomo got a taste of real power, not just New York power, but national power, from the COVID, and wants to throw his weight around and bully Trump.

So, in fact, I’m fine with Trump going to NYC and having a parade down 5th Avenue, accompanied by the 10th Mountain Division, just to show how much the President beats a governor in political dick measuring.

More and more, the Cuomo brothers show who they really are, the entitled sons of a former governor who think more like mafia bosses than politicians and journalists.


There is a lot to unpack here

First: the NYPD top chaplain is a Rabbi?  I would have guessed a Catholic Priest given the way the NYPD was historically Irish Catholic, which dates back to Tammany Hall handing out different Civil service jobs to different immigrant groups as patronage for votes.

Second: what the fuck sort of useless Rabbi is he that the Waffen NYPD under Furher de Blasio spent the Lockdown tormenting the Orthodox. Why did this Rabbi not speak up about that, or any of the NYPD shutdowns of religious services?

Third: how fucking bold have criminals become that they are mugging cops?  Fuck me, that’s some post-apocalyptic type bullshit.

Forth: does a chaplain not carry a gun?  Why the hell not, he’s a uniformed NYPD officer.  They should all carry.  Get shot by a chaplain go straight to hell.

There is so much wrong with this I can’t process it all.  I’ll just leave it at “fuck New York City, it’s a shithole.”

And the rules suddenly changed in Portland.

Oh crap… hehehehe


PORTLAND, Ore. — Oregon State Police (OSP) troopers assigned to help the Portland Police Bureau with its response to the city’s nightly protests have been cross-deputized by the federal government.
The move actually happened earlier this summer, when state troopers were brought in to help facilitate the departure of federal officers from downtown Portland, according to Gov. Kate Brown’s deputy communications director. But the cross-deputization of OSP troopers could allow state police to bypass the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office entirely when it comes to charges against arrested protesters.

Dooris: This is basically the ground changing under the feet of the protesters. because when the state police come in and are cross-deputized by the [U.S. Marshals], they’re able to make arrests under the federal law. And I’m told there is something similar to interfering with a police officer under the federal law. [Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt] will not prosecute someone for that charge, but the U.S. Attorney’s Office has been much more aggressive at holding people accountable and prosecuting for all kinds of charges. So, I think you’re going to see a lot more of that start to happen as soon as these officers arrive.

OSP troopers have been deputized by the federal government. Here’s what that means

Get your popcorn boys and girls, this is going to get interesting. I predict multiple lawsuits that more than likely fail, probably a restraining order is in the works and orders to Portland PD and the Sheriff not to assist OPD OSP.

I also figure the feds and OPD  OSP are expecting this and have the counter maneuvers ready.

Dear Antifa: please be stupid enough to fight the OPD OSP, pretty please.