Month: September 2020

I guess it is different policing

Check the asshole:

In Miami, the second after the taunting idiot in the video raises that stick and challenges the cop, he would have been on the floor licking pavement. That is not Freedom of Speech but a direct threat.

Truthfully this idea of not reacting to Antifa/BLM harassment and attacks is not working. The assholes are not seeing the errors of their way but actually feeling encouraged because there are no repercussions. Every time they confront the cops, they win and get a participation trophy just when like they were in high school. Even if they are arrested (unless is Federal) it is a triumph for them. Check the mugshots and you can see they act like it was a picture for the school paper or the yearbook.

I love this video. You can’t but enjoy cops that only take no crap, but it is actually them taunting the Antifa/BLM to come get some.

Hell,  even the petite female officer’s face is saying “FAFO” (Fuck Around and Find Out). Then again, it is the petites that you really have to be afraid of as they take no crap. And yes, it is over three decades of experience talking.

Another Mayor post: Nisswa Mayor’s Fred Heidmann gets all BLM.

And he gets to try on stainless-steel jewelry .

PEQUOT LAKES, Minn. (FOX 9) – The Mayor of Nisswa, Minnesota was cited for disorderly conduct and obstructing the legal process Saturday night after police say he confronted police officers who were making a traffic stop of a motorist.

According to a police report from the Pequot Lakes Police Department, they made a stop around 8:30 p.m. Saturday night south of Nisswa on Hwy. 371. During the stop, Mayor Fred Heidmann was filming the interaction between officers and the motorist.

Pequot Police say they asked him to stand in a safe area, but that he could continue filming.

The police report says Heidmann, “immediately became belligerent and argued with the officers and then left the scene,” before returning a short time later to confront the officers.

Police say he was placed under arrest, cited and released for his actions.

Nisswa, Minnesota mayor cited after confronting police officers during traffic stop

Sorry bubba, you are the wrong color to be acting all stupid with cops. What are you going to say now? They were racist and singled you out when you were doing nothing?


Portland Mayor moves to a new location. Somebody please Doxx his ass.

The Democratic mayor of Portland, Ore., is moving from his $840,000 condo to avoid rioters who have repeatedly targeted the building, according to a report.

Ted Wheeler wrote to neighbors in his building to say it would be “best for me and for everyone else’s safety and peace” for him to move from the building that rioters tried to torch on his 58th birthday Monday, according to The Oregonian.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler moving to avoid rioters targeting his home

So the asshole has to leave his almost million bucks dacha and seek other refuge somewhere because he played a dumb political game and his boys and girls of Antifa are now targeting him. In the meantime, those people living in Portland like our buddy Ish, cannot afford but to stay where they are and suck the almost daily revolts.

I have an idea, why doesn’t Teddy move to a public location like a police precinct? What better place to be than where you can be surrounded by cops with guns, right? Oh right, I forgot: He told cops not to do anything harsh to the poor misguided children in black.

Somebody find out where he will be living and feed it to Antifa. We are done being nice and better him than good people.


Do not burn Harvard, the real estate is worth plenty.

Instead we should get several hard cover copies of George Orwell’s 1984 and use them as cranial therapeutic devices and apply liberally and repeatedly.

I read J Kb’s post and my brain flashed to passages of the book I have read dutifully almost every year for the past 4 decades.

And then at the end of the book, after Winston has been properly re-educated by the Party.


For me and I am not afraid to say many others, 2+2=5 represents the evils of the all powerful state just as the Swastika or the Sickle and Hammer. And it is even worse than that, it shows that the human soul has been broken, tamed, diluted into subservience to the State.  2+2=5  the death of what makes you human.


Can we burn Harvard to the ground now?

This is from Harvard, the “most prestigious” university in the United States.  This is the kingmaker university that mints the political, social, and business leaders of this country.

Well, I have a Ph.D. in engineering, and I can tell you that no it fucking doesn’t.

Kareem Carr is a biostatistics Ph.D. student at Harvard and thought it was a good idea to defend this absurdity and Popular Mechanics – the once good but now Woke magazine – thought it would publish this bullshit.


In his original thread, Carr points out some simple, but provocative truths about the world. “Our numbers, our quantitative measures, are abstractions of real underlying things in the universe and it’s important to keep track of this when we use numbers to model the real world,” one tweet reads.

That is gobbledygook.  Numbers are quantitative, the measure things exactly.  Sometimes we round those numbers for convenience but that doesn’t change what we are actually measuring.  If we come to a conclusion that results in 2 + 2 = 5, then we made bad assumptions and rounding errors.

Saying that if you put a chicken and a fox together and the fox eats the chicken so you have 1 + 1 = 1, that assumption is so extremely and model so extremely simplified that it should be rejected.

“There’s a need for this sort of thinking, because we’re basically turning everything into data,” Carr tells Popular Mechanics. “Because we’re turning more and more domains into data, it’s becoming more and more important. If we’re going to be a world that’s just in apps, we need to be sure these things are working how we think they work.”

That is a world in which every assumption is wrong, every approximation is way off, and our data is useless.

Carr hasn’t said anything really controversial here, unless just saying mathematically nuanced things is inherently controversial on Twitter. The idea that the counting numbers—whole values only, excluding fractions and decimals—are somehow “naturally occurring” is a common fallacy among people who aren’t trained in math or, say, human development.

More fucking gobbledygook.  2 + 2 = 5 is an absolute integer statement.  There is no nuance to add to it.  Trying to nuance this into being correct is mendacious bullshit.  Popular Mechanics then decided to highlight this asshole as an example of this.

I can state with absolute certainty that this is not an example of 2 + 2 = 5.  This is 2.5 + 2.5 = 5, which is correct.  Ignoring the half of a machine in each factory doesn’t make one magically appear out of thin air.

I understand why this is being praised as deep thought and written about by Popular Mechanics.  A couple of months ago Popular Mechanics wrote an article about tearing down monuments.

The editors at Popular Mechanics have read 1984 as an instruction manual.  First, they advocated for memory-holing our culture through iconoclasm.  Now they are pulling the quote “In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it,” and making it real.

Harvard, as the kingmaker institution wants to put us in a position where when one of their graduates says something this ridiculously wrong, we just obsequiously accept it.

The University that we have been told to show total respect for the infallibility of its students and professors has teamed up with the most popular STEM magazine for the popular culture, to turn Orwell’s absurdity into reality and use pseudo-scientific jargon to convince us that what we know is wrong.

I know I’m not supposed to advocate for violence, but God damnit, shit like this makes that very, very hard to do.



He’s not wrong

I have decided to tone down on the Rittenhouse memes because as one person pointed out in the comments, he’s 17 and this will follow him around for life.

I am going to make a bit of an exception for this post because it concerns an Alabama Congressional election.

This is the meme:


So the Left is clearly pissed at this and mocking Barry Moore and the state of Alabama.

The thing is, the meme isn’t wrong, and frankly, this is why I wouldn’t bank on many cities in Alabama experiencing Portland or Seattle type violence.  We rank No. 8 for gun ownership with 55.5% of Alabamans having guns.

“Fuck around and find out” might as well be our state motto.

I think the Left just mad because they know it’s true too.

Think about their complaint in Portland.  Trump is a fascist because he won’t let them riot and loot and burn.  Therefore the good people of Alabama are Nazis because we will shoot back at anybody who tries to kick the shit out of us in a mob.

Barry Moore was forced to take this off his Facebook page.  But I’ll say it again, what he said isn’t wrong.