Month: September 2020

The call is coming from inside the house

Everett, Washington is the seat of Snohomish County, which is in the Seattle MSA.

Megan Dunn is a Democrat on the Snohomish City Council.


That is her advocating for throwing Molotov Cocktails, in protest, at the very government she is a member of.

This is why the Seattle area is not, and may never again be, under control.

The very people in charge want it to burn.

Lanny Davis needs to read Matthew 7:3

Lanny Davis is a former Clinton family advisor, Democrat operative, and all-around piece of shit.

He went on a little rant on Twitter:

Yes, yes, yes, we know.  They are better than us in every way.

I could tell him how most of those schools he named are diploma mills that contribute nothing but more useless elites who trade favors for a living.

Even in Tech, other than a handful of subjects like semi-conductor science or particle physics, I’d take a Purdue or Missouri Institute of Technology grad over MIT or Cal Tech for nearly any other subject.

I could ask him where most of the food he eats comes from or if he’s ever been to Texas or northern Alabama and seen the factories that have moved from his beloved areas to the south.

But I’m not going to.

Instead, I’m going to point out yesterday in Seattle.

Emphasis on yesterday.  Not last night.  Day.

And don’t let me forget about this little gem:

This isn’t global warming, this is poor Leftist forest management led by environmentalist wackos.

Mr. Davis needs to re-read his Matthew 7:3.

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

He sees Berkely and Silicon Valley.  He doesn’t see Marxists destroying a city’s business district in broad daylight while the most populated county in his state burns to baren ash because of policies he voted for.

I’d love to let California have completely antonymous rule for a year, let them do whatever they want with no federal oversight.  I’d be curious if there would be any survivors


I want to read this book

From the New York Post:

Why Silicon Valley CEOs are such raging psychopaths

Trampled by Unicorns: Big Tech’s Empathy Problem and How to Fix It” (Wiley), out Tuesday. 

I want to read this book.

According to the Hare Psychopathy Checklist — the universally accepted diagnostic tool used to assess this disorder — a psychopathic personality includes traits such as a grandiose sense of self-worth, a lack of remorse or guilt, poor behavioral controls, pathological lying and a lack of empathy.

These attributes aren’t just present “but celebrated in Silicon Valley,” says Gavet, who once held the position of executive vice-president of global operations for Priceline Group, among other roles.

Research by the FBI found that companies managed by psychopaths tend to have decreased productivity and low employee morale. In fact, Silicon Valley’s psychopathic traits “trickle down through entire organizations,” says Gavet. “In effect creating psychopathic companies.”

It’s an excuse she’s heard repeatedly. “I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve heard people in Silicon Valley dismiss something horrible they may have caused with, ‘That’s the cost of disruption,’ ” she says. “They’re like, ‘Yeah, it’s awful, but we’re trying to make the world a better place, so it’s OK.”

This Machiavelian “the ends justify the means” is a hallmark of Leftism, if you want to know why so many of these Silicon Valley types are Leftist.  Every Leftist knows they can’t create utopia without first killing off millions of people who stand in their way.

The patron saint of Big Tech douches, the one who inspired an entire generation of start-up entrepreneurs to put their worst face forward, was late Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs. He disliked wearing shoes (or showering), preferred parking in handicapped parking spots and once motivated employees by calling them “f–king d–kless assholes.”

“His legacy has cultivated an indelible association between being a jerk and a genius,” writes Gavet. “Which has ballooned to the point where many people believe that a founder-CEO, in particular, actually has to be a jerk to be a genius.”

This is absolutely true.  I’ve written about this before.

Lots of people who don’t know Elon Musk celebrates him as a visionary.  A few of his wealthy peers praise him.  He burns through engineers like fire through a California forest.  I know.  My new job is with an aerospace subcontractor.  The turnover rate at the private aerospace companies is so high we can change point-of-contact engineers a couple of times before an order is filled.

The tech world and tech writers celebrate the utter abuse of employees in the name of progress and efficiency.  It is grotesque.

Here are some articles to this effect:

From Entrepreneur: Why It Pays to Be a Jerk Like Jeff Bezos

From Business Insider: Is your CEO brilliant, a jerk, or both? Here’s how to tell

From INC: Why Tech Founders Who Act like Jerks Become Rich and Successful

When protesters set up a Guillotine outside Jeff Bezo’s home, I 100% can’t blame them.

I’m sure quite a lot of his employees agreed with that sentiment.

These CEOs are more abusive in many ways than the European aristocracy or Russian monarchy that lost their heads.

It’s hard to be a Hitler in the US government.  There are way too many checks and balances.  It’s easier in the private sector.  Just be a “disruptive” billionaire and donate enough to politicians and you can get away with working people to death in your fulfillment centers and ignore them for 20 minutes when they have a heart attack and die on the floor.

When you know what goes on inside these tech companies, it makes Henry Clay Frick’s management of the Homestead Steel Mill look like a playground squabble.

These CEO’s donate money to BLM and other Leftist causes to distract from the fact that they are monsters, with a messianic view of themselves, and billions of dollars to pay for PR and politicians to ignore their utter inhumanity.

I realized a long time ago, why I will never exceed a certain income level.  I can’t treat the people who work under me that badly.

I once heard a program manager from a big tech aerospace company marvel at what the CEO was going to accomplish.  He said, in reference to the pace that the CEO wanted to accomplish things: “You know how the Egyptians built the pyramids? By whipping slaves.”


Defensive weapon for partial car invasion.

I have been mentally replaying a part of the video where Antifa had chase vehicles and trapped a driver in L.A.  The driver had his window cracked down enough for one of the “peaceful protesters” reach inside and probably grabbed him.

We are presented with a problem: I believe that a simple grab-push-pull does not rise to the use of deadly force. In fact I think it would be tough to sell in certain “less advanced” localities. Same goes for a knife whose use definitely would be characterized as grave bodily harm, at least in my opinion. Pepper spray inside the vehicle? No go for obvious reasons. So we are left only with something that can change minds through pain,  produce the minimal amount of pain and create the least amount of damage.  An impact weapon.

This impact weapon has to be small enough to be easily manipulated inside the vehicle (think swinging and hitting the roof) yet have enough heft to be effective.  My mind went straight for a slapjack or blackjacks as they are the right size and weight to be effective, but then again not all jurisdictions may approve of you owning one of those tools. Then I went thinking rebar or similar, but I was not convinced. What about a hammer? What about a small hammer?

I searched at the Big Box Hardware store websites and I found a couple of small hammers that kinda sorta were close at what I wanted. Then, from the back of my brain, a neuron waking up from a long nap came forward and asked “How about a meant tenderizer?”


Not 5 minutes and from the Wally World site, I found the perfect vehicular mace: All steel 10.5 inches long, 13 ounces in weight and I do believe that no matter what side makes impact in the arm or hand, the subject is bound to feel the invitation to leave convincingly.

The price? Under $6.  I don’t think there is anything in the defensive world that is that affordable. It feels solid and delivers a punch. I haven’t figured out where I am going to keep it, but I know it has to be easy to reach and secure in case of impacts and I am going to wrap the handle with some tennis racket tape I happen to have just to get better purchase.

The following I just share for purely informative purposes since I am not an expert.

From Police Magazine: Gaining Compliance with Targeted Pressure.

Radial Nerve (forearm)—Strike this point with a hammer fist, using the forearm to strike that of the arrestee midway up the arm toward the elbow. This technique is effective for when the resistive suspect is holding onto an object or grabbing hold of an officer’s wrist. A strike to the radial nerve is likely to cause the resistive suspect to let go of what he or she is holding. You or your backup officers can then gain control of the suspect with other techniques.




This is where the Louisville PD comes down with the blue flu

First, this breaking news video from Lousiville from a few nights ago:

Fires set.  Two police officers shot.  Chaos.

Now this article from the New York Post:

Louisville cop who called BLM protesters ‘punks’ is relieved of duty

The white Louisville, Kentucky, police major who belittled Black Lives Matter protesters in an email — calling them “punks” who will be living in their parents’ basements all their lives — has been relieved of her duties.

Maj. Bridget Hallahan’s last day with the Louisville Metro Police Department will be Oct. 1 and she will then retire, LMPD interim Chief Robert Schroeder said during a press briefing Friday, the Courier-Journal reported.

“We are aware of these emails and we have been looking into them,” Schroeder said, adding, “They were her personal opinions and do not represent the views of this department.”

“These ANTIFA and BLM people, especially the ones who just jumped on the bandwagon ‘yesterday’ because they became ‘woke’ (insert eye roll here), do not deserve a second glance or thought from us. Our little pinky toenails have more character, morals, and ethics, than these punks have in their entire body,” the email read.

“Do not stop to their level. Do not respond to them. If we do, we only validate what they did. Don’t make them important, because they are not. They will be the ones washing our cars, cashing us out at the Walmart, or living in their parents’ basement playing COD [‘Call of Duty’] for their entire life.”

So this Police Major correctly assessed the character of Antifa and BLM, having witnessed what she saw in other cities across America.

For this, she is suspended after two other officers are shot by these same punks.

There is a reason for this.  Kentucky may have gone 62.5%/32.7% Trump/Hillary but Jefferson County where Louisville is, went 54.1%/40/7% Hillary/Trump.  Louisville has had straight Democrat mayors since 1969.

Welcome to the administrative priorities of the Louisville Council.  Call Antifa and BLM punks and you get relieved of duty.  Getting shot by Antifa and BLM punks generates less outrage among the city government.

Don’t forget that that city did a terrible job pushing back against the narrative of the Breonna Taylor shooting, not publicizing the details that led to the lack of indictments.

I can only imagine what this will do to the motivation of Louisville’s police.

I suspect the exodus of police we’ve seen in NYC, Seattle, and Portland is coming to Louisville.