Month: September 2020

Miami-Dade Democrats: Importing Covid Deaths for political Ads.

I got this political mailer yesterday:

Even though I don’t chug local news other than headlines, I had not heard about this case which is weird for two reasons: 1) It would have been published to death in the Miami Herald or the Sun Sentinel, and I had not seen a peep. 2) The Hispanics on this side of the Mississippi still have a basic repulsion to use relatives for political purposes, specially if you so blatantly use the Race Card.

From the gentleman’s obituary in the Arizona Central:

Click to enlarge.

Mark, like so many others, should not have died from COVID-19. His death is due to the carelessness of the politicians who continue to jeopardize the health of brown bodies through a clear lack of leadership, refusal to acknowledge the severity of this crisis, and inability and unwillingness to give clear and decisive direction on how to minimize risk

Am i saying that the daughter would be callous enough to use the sad death of her father for political stuff? Oh hell yes!  You have seen the posts by J.Kb where Liberals are cutting off their families and ready to divorce their mates because they support Trump.  And we as gun owners are damn tired to see a few relatives of Mass Murder victims  knowingly use the Bloody Shirt technique while they are wooed by Moms Demand or Bray.

I think this is more about the political ego of the daughter than actual caring of the death of her father, why? Here is the other side of that ad.

What is missing from this mailer? Her dad’s face.  You have seen it because I found it in the obituary and posted it.

But we have two nice professional pictures of her. How about that?

Yeah, I just don’t see the caring she wants us to believe she had. I might be wrong, but the mailer simply does not show it.


Why can police not respond with lethal force to this?

Look at the size of that fireball.  The malefactor threw that directly at police.

That is attempted, premeditated murder.

How is this still considered rioting and can’t be prevented with lethal force?


But the mask mandate is to save lives…

All individuals in Ohio must wear facial coverings in public at all times when:

    • At an indoor location that is not a residence
    • Outdoors, but unable to maintain six-foot social distance from people who are not household members
    • Waiting for, riding, driving, or operating public transportation, such as a taxi, a car service, or a private car used for ride-sharing.

Yeah, taser a woman because she’s not wearing a mask, outside, but less than six feet from strangers.

Yes, she resisted, but was this worthy of police interdiction in the first place?

Burn Loot & Murder can riot all they want but a mom can’t sit outside at a school to watch her kid plat football.

This is how you get moderate, middle-class people to agree to defund the police.

I can’t wait until one of these ends up with a lethal encounter.

“Wear a mask to save a live or we’ll shot you.”

Really slathering themselves in glory.

Question for today

Yesterday the Senate report on Hunter Biden dropped.  He collected $3.5 million from the widow of the mayor of Moscow.

He got millions in business deals with Chinese companies that deal directly with the Chinese Communist Party.

The report is a damning indictment of the sort of casual graft that the Biden family engaged when Joe was VP.


The Breonna Taylor riots kicked off, U-Hauls full of signs and shields were delivered to the mob, every talking head is obsessed with the Kentucky AG being an “Uncle Tom,” and at 8:24 this morning, the Biden campaign announced that it will answer no more questions from the media, which isn’t asking about the Senate report anyway.

Did anyone else notice this or is my tinfoil hat too tight?

The moment a Liberal’s mask dropped, a full Racist came out

As you know by now, AG Cameron who happens to be black, came out with the decision that no cops would be charged with the death of Breona Taylor.  A White “White” Liberal simply could not hide herself any longer.

Damn, lady! According to the Liberal dictum, you need yo be flogged while your mouth is washed with Lava soap and you turn you belongings to the nearest addict shelter/Drug house.

But no. That won’t happen because she is the approved shade of melanin with the appropriate liberal registration.

We are fully living in a country with two sets of rules and laws, applicable by location in the political purity spectrum.

That is a dangerous place to be.

Site’s traffic gone stupid and there is a reason for that.

50K visits the day before yesterday and 79.5K visits at time of posting today.

The post about the future bill to deal with rioters is getting all the attention while other posts are getting the usual amount of traffic, And I am going to opine that the reason is not because I am cute or popular or even know how to write pretty. The reason is simple: People are sick of protests and somehow the post reflected what they were feeling and they shared their frustration among their friends with links to the post. It became a lightning rod.

Look again at the screen cap: That is over 400,000 pissed off people who agreed on a set of measures aimed at the stupid dancing the Democrats have been supporting for the past months,

And last night, Louisville ended with 2 shot cops and Portland had another episode of old school Antifa, with Molotov cocktail and everything.  I haven’t even checked in Atlanta, NYC or DC where protests were also happening, but amazingly no Wuhan V. transmission, a mystery for modern science.

Remember you are this pissed when it comes time to vote.  You can vote to end this rioting or you can vote for those who actively or tacitly approve of Arson, Looting and Murder.