Month: August 2021

I still have to feed the hurricane paranoia gnome

After 20 years of practicing Hurricane Preparedness, your mind simply cannot drop it because you live in Tennessee.  And when you get to see the cone of uncertainty telling you will be visited by a tropical depression, the brain goes ALARM!

The Hurricane trunk has been pulled out and contents checked. The generator is ready and gas has been bought. Pantry was pretty well stocked last weekend and the rest is oiled and loaded.

The hilarious part is we are expecting 20 mph winds or as it is called in SoFla, a light breeze. Not so funny for my brain? Nothing here is built to Miami Dade Hurricane Code. I keep telling it that we do not expect 75 mph winds anytime soon unless a tornado shows up, but the sucker is still churning.  Oh well, it will eventually pass, probably when the temp drops below the 45 degree mark.

Now, Winter Preparedness? I am so gonna get it, it ain’t funny.

The punishment of Lt Col Stuart Scheller is intended to accelerate the military purge

Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller is a Marine who posted a video online demanding accountability for the deaths of other Marines in the clusterfuck of the Afghanistan withdrawal.

He was “relieved for cause based on a lack of trust and confidence as of 14:30 [Friday 8/27/2021].”

Keep in mind that not one military officer that spoke out against Trump was punished.

The Staff Sergent I wrote about earlier who did a TikTok about shooting civilians under marshall law wasn’t punished as severly.

Scheller was a well-liked and respected officer.

The only person punished for this epic fuck-up is one guy not responsible for it and demanding accountability.

This can’t be incompetence.  Something this bad has to be done on purpose.

This will drive good people like Scheller out of the military.  Only the bureau-weenies will stay.

Everything is pointing in the direction of a partisan military staffed by people who are loyal to the bureauratic Left.

Doorbell camera as successful early warning system.

Bad guys get the unwelcome ballistic reception.

The combination of video technology and ownership of a firearm made it for a great save. Having early warning but having to call 911 and wait for the police to save you would have been possibly led to a deadly outcome.

And speaking of which, have back up cameras as in another camera aimed at the front door if you have a doorbell camera. You know bad guys are gonna see this and try to come up with a way to cover it before doing their evil deeds. A second camera placed in some not-so-easy to see location, preferably high (nobody ever looks up) will serve as the spare set of remote eyes when the first set is sabotaged.

Sunday Music

There are three albums that once I start listening to, I will not stop, nor react in a friendly manner if interrupted till they are over. One is Karn Evil 9 by ELP, the second is Thick as Brick by Jethro Tull and the other is Tubular Bells.

PS: Honorable mention to Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Rick Wakeman.


Way past his nap time?

This is far beyond a timely photo. There is something getting worse with Biden. Sleepy Joe suddenly is not a mean nickname but a sad reality.

More and more it seems that Sleepy Joe will not finish his term. Hell I am going to have to dust the blog pool because it may actually happen any time.

And we are stuck with this also:

And for some reason, I have the feeling that Harris will rather quit that becoming president. I don’t think she is deluded enough to believe she could do the job or survive whatever mess is coming because Biden’s weaknesses that surely have emboldened our enemies. Do you see the VP dealing with a 9/11-type situation without losing her mind?

And the line of succession gets even worse. Don’t bother looking unless you want to ruin the rest of your day.

Hat Tip Gary E.