Month: January 2022

Online scam that did give me a bit of pause.

I am used to see all kinds of Email Scams just like I am sure you do too. But I have to admit this one forced me to pause for a second:

This is not some generic mass scam originated in some computer farm in the former Soviet republics, but something specifically targeted at me as a shooter or Second Amendment supporter or (most likely) I pissed off somebody who reads the blog. I have been “subscribed” to some silly things online, but this is not the 90s and most places do have protections against fake subscriptions.

Anyway, their command of the English language is worse than mine which was the first giveaway. And if I am not mistaken, Paypal has not quit its ban on being used to pay for gun and I believe Springfield Armory returns the favor by not accepting Paypal as form of payment.

Nice try!

I absolutely hate what social media has done to our society

So I go online to look for blog fodder.

One of the things that is trending is West End Caleb.

In a nutshell, this dude in New York is on a hookup and dating app.  He’s hooking up with these girls who all give it up on the first or second date. Then as soon as he scores he disappears.

He’s a scumbag.

So these girls are creating and longer and longer thread of TikTok videos of their experiences with this piece of shit to the point where it’s trending and gone viral.

So these sluts are doxxing this piece of shit for doing exactly what this app was created to do, i.e., pair off people with poor morals for meaningless sexual encounters.

Fundamentally, I shouldn’t care about this.

I’ll let the late great Norm McDonald sum up my deepest and most sincere feelings on this matter:


But I’ll tell you why this upsets me.

Because everything goes on social media nowadays.

I open my browser and my news feed contains stories from The Daily Dot or some other pop culture site about a video that has gone viral over some bullshit minutia.

Some waitress didn’t get a tip from a rude couple or someone got into a minor argument over a last donut in the case at the grocery store (both are real examples) and instead of it being settled privately, it’s gone viral.

The alleged victim has a TikTok video with hundreds of thousands of views and a Go Fund Me with a $10,000 goal because she got stiffed on a $20 tip.  The alleged perpetrators are being doxxed and destroyed without the opportunity to defend themselves.

I’m old enough to remember when shit like this was settled in person.

I was a waiter once.  You get stiffed and you go back into the kitchen and call that customer a dick.

You get into an argument at the Kroger and you end it with “fuck you, fuck your mother, and fuck everyone who has fucked your mother, which is most of the fucking state.”

And that’s it.

No permanent damage.

Today, it feels like one of those westerns where the gunslinger comes to town and pushes everyone around because he’s the quickest draw in territory.

Except in this case it’s the TikToker or Twitter user with thousands or millions of followers who can get their narrative out faster and to more people to murder your reputation online who is the gunslinger in the black coat.

This is the greatest evil of social media.

To borrow the words of the Bolshevik revolutionary Pasha: “The personal life is dead in America. Social media has killed it.”

Just some ordinary men of the Waffen NYPD following orders

That’s some fine police work! Moment sobbing girl, 9, and five adults are ARRESTED at New York’s Natural History Museum for refusing to show COVID vaccine cards: Onlookers heckled heavy-handed NYPD cops

The arrests, which come amid soaring crime in the Big Apple, took place on Wednesday. Trouble began when a half-dozen purported members of the New York Freedom Rally – a group that has been staging anti-vax protests throughout the city – attempted to enter the Manhattan museum without showing their vaccine passports in violation of rules. Those require every visitor five years and older to show proof of vaccination.

Here us video:

NYC has had a record number of people pushed in front of subway trains in the last year and a 343% increase in anti Asia hate crimes but they have cops to pull an unvaxxed 9-year-old out of a museum.

A pox on NYC and the Waffen NYPD.

I wonder what King Louis XVI and the Romanov Family thinks of this

So the intermarried aristocracy is tighter than ever but less trusted by the peasants than ever?

I’m just saying that is a pretty good description of France in 1789 and Russia in 1917.

I seem to remember how that went.

I don’t think this meme makes the point they want it to make

I’ve seen this meme posted several times online:


The point is always the same.  It’s not fair that the Red area is represented by eight senators and the green represented by two senators.

So the conclusion they draw is that we must abolish the Senate.

Because the Left already controls the House of Representatives, they need to attack the Senate.

I look at this and come to a different conclusion.

The population density of NYC is 27,000 per square mile.  The average for the United States is 94 per square mile.

New York City is 288 times more dense as the average.

Cities like NYC are unnatural and unsustainable.

They can’t grow enough food to feed their population or have landfill space to dispose of their garbage.

Clearly before we abolish the Senate we have to abolish the megacities.

Hollywood goes all Leni Riefenstahl in coming to Biden’s rescue

Biden’s agenda is in the shutters along with his polling numbers so Hollywood is going to make the Right the enemy in a Leni Riefenstahl like production with a fictionalized version of J6 to scare the shit put of voters just before midterms.