Month: January 2022

President empathy reminds people that their lives are just eggs to be broken for his Leftist omelet

A thousand homes have been destroyed.  For a thousand families, everything they had has been reduced to ashes.  A lifetime of mementos, treasures, family heirlooms, all of it gone.

This is devastating, emotionally as well as financially.

But fuck ’em, because this will allow Biden to spend money to build giant, ugly, bird killing windmills, that don’t provide reliable power to the grid, and are resource wasteful, but are the ultimate edifice of environmentally conscious virtue signaling.

Present Empathy, the Grief Whisperer, couldn’t contain his joy that the material wealth thousand families has been wiped from this earth so he could build windmills.

The Left does not care about you and us happy to see the evidence of your existence purged from this world with fire so that they can build their utopia.  This is the way it’s always been.

The FBI’s “Patriot Front” Theater was on tour in Chicago

1) Chicago? These people went to the Jussie Smollett’s School of Crisis Acting.
2) Nice way to treat the flags, you Fedeal commie assholes.
3) License plates taped over, and no LEO found in the Zip Code. If your plate loses a screw and looks askew, suddenly you have 3 counties worth of LEOs pulling you over for a ticket and a dog sniff.

Dear FBI: Just give it up.

The softest people create the hardest of times

The most salient thing I’ve noticed about people’s response to COVID is this:

The softer and easier a person’s life is, the more they over react to COVID.

Almost universally, the people who I see in real life and on social media who freak out over COVID, and want mandates and lockdowns, who get boosters and wear masks, are upper middle-class people who do their jobs in comfortable offices behind a laptop.

The most insane COVID responses are from the pampered, stay-at-home, wives of men described above.

People who lives lives that contain virtually no risk absolutely lose their shit in the face of a cough.

And almost universally, the people who I see in real life and on social media who just keep living their lives, maybe they got vaccinated or maybe they didn’t but are not lined up for boosters and don’t wear masks, are people who’s jobs and lives come with actual risk of injury or death.

Roughnecks, miners, machinists, petroleum workers, etc, the people who could get an arm ripped off or killed by machinery they work with every day simply don’t give a fuck about a cough.

Even within organizations, this is evident.

It’s a simple corollary: the more PPE an employee is required wear on the job the less likely they are willing to be masked or vaccinated and vice versa.

HR and admin are in masks, the rig-hand has never had the jab.

Children have had the lowest rates and virus transmission of any demographic.  It’s teachers who work with children and just had two weeks off for Christmas break who are on strike demanding remote learning.

Truckers risk death every day on our highways.  Most are unvaccinated.

Writers and pundits who do 100% of their jobs online from a home office with a VPN and a webcam are demanding another two weeks to slow the spread.

Absolutely the lowest risk job workers are demanding thr highest levels of COVID safety.

Even the military is like this.  The military personnel pushing COVID compliance are AG officers and uniformed bureaucrats who command through PowerPoint.  Combat arms personnel would rather discharge than vaccinate.

COVID compliance has been tyranny of the softest people with the easiest lives over those who do real and dangerous work for a living.

I keep saying I don’t want to return to normal and I want a reckoning.

This is why.

The people who live soft lives and have no idea how to process personal risk should not be the ones who get to decide how society operates.

Thats is how we end up where we are now, a neurotic society paralyzed by fear of a cough.

This tears my heart out and makes me thirst for retribution

11-year-old boy dies after shooting himself during Zoom class

An 11-year-old boy died after he shot himself in his California home during a Zoom class this week, according to a news report.

The pre-teen was attending the virtual class with his microphone and camera turned off when he took his own life just after 11 a.m. Wednesday in Woodbridge, a community in Northern California’s Central Valley, KOVR reported.

I read this and I don’t want society to go back to normal.

I don’t want the people who pushed lockdown policies that drove children to suicide to ever sleep peacefully in their beds.

I want every single politician, union member, and bureaucrat who pushed lockdowns in California to be forced onto their knees, have to look at a picture of this boy, apologize to his parents for what they did, then eat a round themselves.

I feel like this whole nation needs to burn down and be reborn from the ashes after a long and bloody purge because under no circumstances should the people who sacrificed the wellbeing and lives of children so they could sit at home and feel safe ever be allowed anywhere near the reigns of power ever again.

I want retribution.

I did not know Dementia was contagious


Not a joke. This is an actual press release from the DOJ:

If you are asking yourself, “Wait a minute, Don’t guns already come with locks and have a for a while now?” Well, yes.

The DOJ published their press release announcing the new rule for the New Year, along with a Best Practices Guide for federal firearms licensees (FFLs). The rule says it codifies a Gun Control Act provision that requires all firearm retailers to certify that they do, in fact, offer some sort of secure storage option for sale at the same location from which firearms are sold. That includes a safe, gun safe, gun case, lock box or other device that is designed to be or can be used to store a firearm and that is designed to be unlocked only by means of a key, a combination or other similar means.

NSSF notes, however, that firearm retailers have already been doing this. Firearm retailers have had to certify to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) when they apply or reapply for their federal firearm license that they make secure storage devices available for sale. This rule handed down by Attorney General Garland only implements what’s already being done. This is nothing new or earth shattering, despite what the Biden administration would have you think.

Since 1997, firearm manufacturers have been voluntarily providing free locking devices with each new firearm they ship from their factory. That’s a lock in the box of every new gun. Some manufacturers had already been providing free locks for decades.

Beyond all that, there’s already a law that requires what firearm retailers have been doing. The bipartisan Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), that President Joe Biden wants so desperately to scrap, includes a provision called the “Child Safety Lock Act of 2005.” That portion of the law requires firearm retailers to provide a safety locking device with each handgun they transfer.

Biden’s DOJ orders gun dealers to issue gun locks, which they already do (

For over 2 decades, the gun lock has been offered with firearms, but somehow this escaped the best and bright minds of the Biden DOJ and in an effort to look butch in Gun Control to its core, they came up with this regulation.

Make you feel good that we have “experts” in the field proudly coming up with solutions that have already been up and running. I am sure next they will mandate showers and/or bathtubs in new home so people can properly wash themselves.