Month: January 2022

At least they are polite about it.

Saw this in another Wally World yesterday.  You can tell you are in the South because they ask you nicely.

I guess being Winter and all makes for the lack of people OC’ing. It is a huge relief not having to be constantly worried about accidentally displaying your weapon and it is even nice to try on upper body garments without having to hide in a change room.

And still, I won’t make OC my EDC system.

F*ck you ADL, you’re making things worse for everyone

The ADL has become a useless Leftist organization.


This is dogshit that’s bad for Jews (and everyone ekse) for two reasons:

1) Most of the antisemitic attacks in New York City and other Blue areas are from non-white people.  It has been a destructive line by Leftist Jews against the Jewish community to accuse Jews of being racist or worse, white supremacist, for noticing that fact and trying to do something about it.   This only makes the Jewish community less likely to take all the threats against them seriously.

2) This furthers the trope pushed by white supremacists that Jews are all anti-white and Woke, out to destroy society.

I’ve seen it stated this way before: Jews are Schrodinger’s whites.  We’re simultaneously white and not-white, only to be determined in the moment when it does us the most harm.  I.e., were white when Leftists want to attack us for having white privilege and not white when white supremacists want to attack us.

This definition of racism fits this exactly.

This sort of Leftist shit only hurts Jews.

The ADL has fallen to O’Sullivan’s law: All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing.

I’d rather the ADL disband than continue this way.


J.Kb’s Killdozer and Woodchipper Emporium is offering a new line of products

J.kb’s Killdozer and Woodchipper Emporium is now selling tar kettles and feathers.

When your school board decides to mandate permanent N95 masking of kindergarteners, nothing indicates your objection like a good tar and feathering.

Our tar kettles and feathers come in three sizes, a five, nine, and fifteen member boards.  If your board has in between, just purchase the next size up and return the unused feathers for a partial refund.

If you mention this add, you can get 50% of a rail to run them out of town on.


She’s so close to getting it

Haines is exactly right, for many people, especially in Blue areas, COVID restrictions will be exactly like post 9/11 travel restrictions, a permanent new normal.

And just like post 9/11 travel restrictions, they are pure security theater that has no actual efficacy.

Masks are COVID TSA.  They don’t stop shit.

Mask mandates are just like pat downs.  They do nothing to stop bad things from getting through and are just a affront to your intelligence and civil liberties.

The thing is, after 20 years of useless airport security theater, many people on both side of the aisle roll their eyes at the uselessness of it but know the system will never go away because there is too much money and bureaucracy tied up in it and Pournelle’s Iron Law has set in making the TSA permanent.

It was justified in the years after 9/11 by a color coded fear porn system, but eventually people got tired of that and it went away.  When was the last time you heard it was an orange terrorism day.

In 20 years it will be the same here.

Most people will roll their eyes at mask mandates in Blue areas but comply nonetheless.

People won’t care about the fear porn anymore and recognize the security theater as just that, theater.

But the rules and regulations will still be there because the money and bureaucracy are there and that never goes away even after its been proven useless.

The only amazing thing here is that we know exactly how this will unfold.  Post 9/11 security is the road map, yet people still want to go down this road as though they don’t know where it leads.


Because they are a bunch of corrupt f*ckers, that’s why

Because there is no “Big Gym” lobby like there is Big Pharma and the Fast Food Industry.

Because telling people to exercise and lose weight doesn’t give them the ability to create mandates and passports.

Because everything done by our government either increases their control over you or lines their pockets and encouraging you to get healthy and more resilient to a virus does neither for them.

It has to be absolutely crystal clear at this point they do not care about your health, just your compliance.