Month: January 2022

The celebrity chef that 2022 deserves

I recently saw this article come across my news feed:

Jamie Oliver employs ‘cultural appropriation specialists’ so recipes avoid woke brigade backlash

Oh great, no more mixing flavors from different cultures anymore. That’s appropriation and needs to be policed.


So I guess I shouldn’t tell Jamie Oliver that I Koshered a brisket, did a Korean barbecue rub, and smoked it Texas style.

That much appropriation will probably make him cry.

(It also turned out damn good)

But if having to have your recipes checked for cultural miscegenation by Woke segregationists was peak 2022, buddy, it’s only January.

From Insider (which should really be Insidehim for this article):

Hall said he started his online cooking show, “The Bottom’s Digest,” based on his own experience of trying to find foods that can make anal sex more enjoyable.

He said he would scan Reddit forums for anal sex tips and found alot of the advice was limited to statements like, “Don’t eat before you bottom,” and “Drink lots of water.” So he decided to create a platform to give fellow bottoms more options.

From Hall’s experience, anal sex preparation tips tend to focus on pleasing the person who is not the bottom, rather than making sure both people are comfortable during sex.

“I would go and look up food that’s good for bottoming. There’s just like nothing out there,” Hall said. Any recipes that do exist tend to be vegan or primarily plant-based, he said.

With the help of his husband and co-founder of “The Bottom’s Digest,” Mike Floeck, Hall created high-fiber, bottom-friendly recipes that can work for many diets.

He includes plenty of fibrous ingredients like oats, vegetables, and whole grains in order to reduce bloating, gas, and any possible “messes” during sex. If he includes an ingredient that is low in fiber, like meat, he increases the amount of fiber in the meal. The same rule applies if a recipe calls for a lot of legumes or gas-producing vegetables, like broccoli.

That’s about enough of that…

As our frequent reader Ish notes, there are some gay people whose entire identity if being gay.  Everything they do, every movie they watch, all their friends, gay.

Their sexuality is their personality.

Well I can’t think of anything more explicitly that than structuring your entire diet around getting fucked in the ass.

As least you won’t have to worry about cultural appropriation with the Sodomy diet since I’m pretty sure Mexican and Indian foods are out.


Like I said, it’s only January, I don’t want to know how much worse it will get from here.

How long until the FDA recommends eating bugs as part of an anal-sex friendly diet?

Dear Governor DeSantis: Obey President Biden or your citizens get it.

100% Federal Thuggery. Who knew that Florida would be the target of terrorism coming out of DC?

I believe Florida should return the favor by arresting any Northern or DC Democrat coming to spend time in Florida and publicly deporting them back to their constituents. Or at least collect all the unvaccinated/ unmasked Illegal Aliens deposited in the state by the Feds and transporting them all to spend time in the National Mall.

There are some seriously fucked up and twisted minds in the Democratic party.  I have not heard Florida Dems raise their opposition to this and that is embarrassing. Fucking lap dogs the lot of them.

Groomer teachers in California caught grooming red handed

California mom takes legal action against school district ‘after two teachers secretly manipulated her daughter, 11, into believing she was a transgender boy and gave tips on how to bind her breasts’

Jessica Konen filed a legal claim against Spreckels Union School District last Wednesday – with that claim a likely precursor to a lawsuit. She alleges that Buena Vista Middle School teachers Lori Caldeira and Kelly Baraki ‘planted a seed’ in her daughter’s head that she was bisexual, then went on to convince the youngster that she was actually a transgender boy.

Konen also claims that Caldeira and Baraki – who ran the school’s ‘You Be You’ equality club – provided information for her daughter on how to bind her breasts to stop them developing. She says the school kept her in the dark about what was going on until a December 2019 meeting.

After schools closed and went remote during COVID in March 2020, Konen says her daughter, who has not been named, was once again happy to identify as a girl when away from the influence of the teachers and school bosses she is now on the verge of suing.

Caldeira and Baraki are also said to have ‘stalked’ social media for children they believed may have been transgender, but insist uncovered communications between them were only made in jest.

In a leaked recording from a California Teachers Association conference, Caldeira and Kelly Baraki were quoted discussing how they kept meetings private and ‘stalked’ students online for recruits.

‘When we were doing our virtual learning – we totally stalked what they were doing on Google, when they weren’t doing school work,’ Baraki said. ‘One of them was googling ‘Trans Day of Visibility.’ And we’re like, ‘Check.’ We’re going to invite that kid when we get back on campus.’

This sort of radical gender non-conforming Leftism is a cult.

It has every hallmark of a cult.

These people are looking for impressionable youths to recruit into their cult.

The difference is, unlike the Branch Davidians, this cult upgrades with the full support of our political class.

And honestly if there was ever a cult that deserved to be set on fire and burned alive, it’s the cult of confusing children about their gender.

That’s the one part of this story that I don’t get.  The mom is on the verge of suing.  I wouldn’t have left survivors.

We don’t need prayer in schools, we need woodchippers in schools.

The ugly situation in Ukraine

‘This is our land and I’ve no other option than to fight for it’: The bar manager, the IT expert and the army of Ukrainian mums readying to go to war with Putin

Maksym Bilyk is a young man who thinks carefully before speaking, works with computers and has never fired a gun in his life after avoiding national service in the military due to a stomach ulcer.

But the 26-year-old, who lives in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, responds instantly when I ask how he might act if there is an invasion of his country by the huge numbers of Russian tanks and troops massing over the border less than 30 miles away.

‘I would take up arms and go to the battlefield without slightest hesitation,’ he said. ‘No one wants to fight but if there is aggression against us, we must fight back.’

Bilyk admitted being scared living so close to the border. ‘The idea of taking up firearms and going into a battle is unsettling. I want to live in peace. But this is our land. We have nowhere else to go. So there is no other option but to fight for it.’

Countless people are wondering what to do in the event of an attack. Some are stocking up on food or contemplating flight – but others are preparing to confront one of the world’s most powerful combat machines.

They range from idealists such as Bilyk to battle-hardened veterans of the eight-year conflict that has dragged on in eastern Ukraine.

One Kharkiv city councillor told me he was planning to move his wife and two sons to Lithuania if Russia invades, then head to the frontlines with a rifle for which he has a hunting permit.

‘If I buy a sniper rifle, it must be for hunting. But what you hunt, well, that’s another question,’ said Oleg Abramychev, 35, an events organiser.

Ukrainian is a complicated place.

The eastern portion is Russian speaking, has a Russian ethnic majority, and is home to pro Russain separatists.

The Western region is ethnically Ukrainian and has a long standing grievance against Russia.

If Putin make more moves into Ukrainian, I forsee the eruption of a combination of resistance war and civil war.  Western Ukrainians taking arms against invading Russians and pro Russain Eastern Ukrainians.

The next question is how far west does Putin try and conquer?  Does he “liberate” pro Russian Eastern Ukraine and stop or does he try and take the whole thing and end up fighting a civilian resistance as well as the Ukrainian military.

Believe me that there are a lot of Ukrainians raised on the stories of what Stalin did and want to avenge Grandma and Grandpa by stacking Russian soldiers.

What I can be sure of is that the original Crimean War was described as “notoriously incompetent international butchery” and I have a feeling this new one will be the same.