Month: March 2022

I keep forgetting a lot of people are simply not prepared.

I was at a location yesterday that has a lot of human movement and contact with objects, so in the times of COVID, they have a lot of alcohol-based hand cleaner. This cleaner is also known as expedient paper cut detector which I tested to be surprisingly true. Rather than go back to my vehicle and get a band aid, I asked around employees if anybody had a band aid.

Blank stares.

Heads shaken in the negative.

Really? It is not like you are illegally dispensing OxyContin or dealing in H, it is a simple bandage found anywhere in the world but this location.

So, I had to hit the parking lot and get a band aid from my first aid kit.

I did not even bother about asking about a Stop The Bleed kit.

Knives are dangerous, bleeding control is critical, and watch your back


That’s gruesome.

Randomly attacked by a man with a knife and will require a lot of stitches to keep what should be inside, inside.

Deep cuts damage nerves and muscles underneath.

Facial lacerations are notorious for causing paralysis.

When approached by someone with a knife, or appears dangerous in general, distance is your friend.

Stay safe out there.

I guess I don’t have white privilege then

From a diversity education indoctrination HR mandate at Home Depot:


I’m confident, due to several appellate and Supreme Court cases, that the police do not exist to protect me.

I’m pretty sure that they exist as a tool of revenue generation by enforcement of malum prohibitum laws for the purpose of levying fines.

So, I guess, from this sheet, I don’t have white privilege.

Be a hero under the right circumstances

The other day I said don’t be a hero, Leftists love criminals and hate citizens.

I meant it.

Good thing Florida is not a Leftist state.

In Florida, one may use force in the defense of an innocent third party.

If you stop a rapist in Florida from attacking a woman in a Wal-Mart, that’s legal.

If you stop a rapist in San Francisco from attacking a woman, you might go to jail if the Prosecutor feels like it.

Know your local laws.