Month: August 2023

A quick note about the SIG P 320 controversy.

I have been following this just a bit and I have seen two things that are interesting: Number one, this is happening almost exclusively to Law Enforcement, I say again, Law Enforcement. The Only Ones.
The second thing is the amount of people that thump their chests and say “That is why I only trust my Glock!” I guess the horror stories of (again) mostly cops having negligent discharges with Glocks have been erased from the Glockmania memory. One of my favorites is from a tale about a Miami Dade officer who stored his loaded Glock with one in the chamber in the box and as if he was trying to put it away, it discharged.

First generation box top and second generation bottom You may wonder why it may have gone “bang” while improperly stored.

And of course, also forgotten, NYPD and CPD have Glocks with trigger pulls that make Jerry Miculek cringe in horror for the sake of “safety.”

Beware of Social media Gun Influencers who are after clicks more than safety. And it is a sad thing that our culture love to shit on guns because of brand tribalism rather than actual issues.


Trapped in a box with violence


These people were trapped in a metal box with a crazy person with a knife.

There is no way to flee a moving train.

Yes, in the end they mustered enough courage to take this guy down, but going hand to hand with a guy with a knife is dangerous.

Situational awareness and concealed carry are key.

Oregon is a shall issue state, and as far as I can tell from the internet, it’s legal to carry on public transportation (correct me in the comments if I’m wrong).

Carry and be prepared to defend yourself.

We also need effective government to enforce Bruen in other states.

You can’t flee when you’re locked in a moving box.Ā  People need the ability to defend themselves.

In West Baltimore, Leaders hope…

There is a pseudo quote which says something like “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.”

At West Baltimore gun buyback, leaders hope to lower city firearms supply: ā€˜Launch a place of hopeā€™
At West Baltimore gun buyback, leaders hope to lower city firearms supply: ā€˜Launch a place of hopeā€™, Yahoo News, (last visited Aug. 7, 2023)

The spokesperson for the event claimed that they purchased 356 firearms. Only 17 were semiautomatic. The reality is much more likely that they are claiming 17 semiautomatic rifles. We are watching in real time as the left warps’ language. In 5 years we will be hearing about “sniper rifles”, which will mean any bolt action rifle. Or any rifle with an optic on it.

ā€œOne of the biggest root causes is access to guns, and so I applaud this gun buyback effort. But what can we do, elected officials?ā€ Baltimore Sen. Jill Carter said at the event. ā€œWe can ensure that we focus on the traffickers and the sellers that are infusing our community with these guns.ā€

The claim is that by buying these firearms, they are removing these guns from the criminal element. Jill is talking shit, she is suggesting that it is FFLs that are the causing the problems. We know that isn’t the case.

What she really wants to say but is too much of a coward to say is “The criminal animals have taken over our city. Our cops aren’t willing to put their lives on the line to arrest them when the politicians are going to release them.”

I can remember an often quoted line from a cop show, “It isn’t worth arresting him. He’ll be out before I finish writing up the paperwork.”

These insane people keep trying to “prevent violence.” The only thing they ever seem to try is disarming people.

Meanwhile, this “buy back” was busy ripping off older people that buy into the bs.

Most of the drivers who came through to drop off weapons were middle-aged or older, said Baltimore Police Maj. Dwayne Swinton, who leads the departmentā€™s special events section.

So there you have it, instead of sending these people to an FFL where they would get reasonable dollars for the firearms. These people under paid for the firearms and then handed them to the police to be????, destroyed?

The only one professional enough…

Some cops are cowards.

Some are incompetent.

When you fine one that’s both, you know it’s going to end badly.

Arkansas deputy shoots at Pomeranian but hits woman standing on porch instead

A lawsuit has been filed against a Columbia County deputy, the sheriff, and the sheriff’s office after the deputy shoots at a dog, but strikes a woman standing on her front porch instead.

Tina Hight, the woman who was shot in August 2022, still has the bullet lodged in her shin. She’s now not only dealing with anxiety but also continuous doctor’s appointments.

She initially called 911 for help, but instead was shot on her own front porch she told Seven On Your Side.

In the video, Columbia County Deputy Brian Williams is heard shouting at the dog: ā€œGet back, get your dog, Iā€™ll kill this ************. Get your God**** dog.”

Williams then fires a warning shot, but that quickly escalates.

Tre Kitchens, Hight’s attorney, called the deputy’s actions beyond negligent.

The lawsuit also names Columbia County Sheriff Mike Loe.

ā€œWeā€™re also alleging that the sheriff of Columbia County clearly did not train him, did not educate him, and if that kind of behavior is appropriate in Columbia County there’s a bigger issue with that department in general,ā€ Kitchens said.

Here’s the video:


Those weren’t pitbulls and they weren’t charging the officer.Ā  The dogs stayed on the porch and he shot at them anyway.

Notice how his partner was also on the porch and in the line of fire.Ā  He could have shot another deputy but hit a civilian instead.

I agree that this officer should never work as a cop again, and I suspect that a lot of his fellow officers feel the same way.

Nobody want to be downrange of a cowardly, trigger happy moron.


California loves criminals and hates crime victims

This is a follow-up to my post Store owners are going to become more violent.

In it, I posted this video of two store workers giving a shoplifter a much needed ass whooping.

Literally caning his ass.


Well, this took place in California, where shoplifters are a protected class.

Stockton police investigating 7-Eleven workers in viral beatdown

Stockton police said they are investigating the assault of a 7-Eleven robbery suspect by two workers and say the suspected thief is believed to have robbed the store two other times within the same 24-hour period.

Video of the July 29 assault has gained national attention. In the more than five-minute clip, a man can be seen emptying shelves of cigarettes and other products from the storeā€™s shelves before the clerks step in to stop him. The clip shows one of the clerks pinning the man down while another beats the would-be thief with what appears to be a pole.

Stockton police said in an update Saturday that they were aware of two other reports of early morning robberies at the 7-Eleven location involving the same suspected thief, one on July 28 and another on July 29.

Police said that on July 28 at 3:41 a.m., a 7-Eleven worker reported the suspect going behind the counter and threatening to shoot the clerk if he intervened. The suspect then took several packs of cigarettes in a large garbage bag before fleeing.

On July 29 at 12:27 a.m., a 7-Eleven worker reported the suspect demanding money at the store while simulating that he had a handgun. When the worker didnā€™t comply, the suspect grabbed food items and put them in a garbage bag before leaving, police said.

At some point later in the morning, the man is believed to have returned to the store, police said. Thatā€™s when the beating captured in the viral video took place.

They said that after their investigation concludes, they will forward the findings to the San Joaquin County district attorney for review.

Let’s recap.

This criminal had robbed that particular 7-Eleven twice before, both times claiming to have a gun and threatening workers.

The police did nothing.

The criminal returned again, and the workers decided they had had enough and have the criminal some stick time.

Now the police are investigating them and will see to their prosecution.

Working people are not the concern of the California government.Ā  Criminals are a protected class and the people who stand up to them will be punished.

I fundamentally do not understand what the endgame here is, because this will eventually drive every business out of California.

It’s malicious and being done for a reason, I just can’t tell what that reason is.