Month: November 2023

An Apology

I’m sorry about the quality of this morning’s post. I read it this morning and was, “Did I write this piece of bleep?”

When I started reading the opinion of the Seventh Circuit Court, I was not expecting anything in favor of The People or the Second Amendment. I remember the oral arguments.

What I remember about the oral arguments was the level of disrespect the panel showed to the plaintiffs. How the snark came through in their questions, how belittling they were to the plaintiffs. I remember listening to them attempting to turn semi-automatic rifles into machine guns.

Every excuse I read in their opinion was making me more and more upset. An AR-15 is not a machine gun. It cannot be readily converted to a machine gun. If that were the case, the ATF would have already done it. Any claim that an AR-15 can be banned because it is readily convertible to an M-16 is garbage.

The court is supposed to follow the instructions of their superior court. In this case, the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has instructed them on how to process motions and appeals regarding preliminary injunctions and TROs. The very first step is always, always, to look at the merits.

That means they have to look at the merits. They have to do the analysis. They have to do the work. They did not.

My ranker kept growing. In the end, I did not do a professional job of analysis. I’m sorry. I will attempt to do better in the future.

Seventh Circus Twister Game

Legal Court Dunce
A partial analysis of the Seventh Circuit Court’s recent opinion telling the Supreme Court how it should have been done.
(2350 words)

Drawing your attention to the center ring, we hear Judge Wood say The ink was barely dry on the pages of the Act when litigation beganECF No. 170 - Robert Bevis v. City of Naperville, No. 23-1353, slip op. at 8 (7th Cir.) Wow, what sarcasm. Judge Wood, the only reason they waited until then was because they weren’t allowed to file before that moment. Your sarcasm is poor.

When courts are doing serious work, they speak and write in a serious manner. Once the suit was filed and landed in
Judge Kendall’s court …
id. at 9 is not a serious statement. The case was assigned to Judge Kendall’s court. Judge Wood continues in the same way.

A more correct way of saying it would have been “The plaintiffs filed a motion for preliminary injunction.”
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Life is full of irony. (UPDATE)

Born and raised in South America, you get to drink coffee since a very early age. In my case, I was started on cafe con leche (latte) when I was about 2 years old and chugged the really good stuff several times a day. Fast forward six decades and I am now still doing the Cafe con Leche, but only till about 2 pm. anything after I go with the unleaded instant stuff because “health reasons.


In other news, I am getting headaches while I sleep almost every day about 2 in the AM OMFG is early and bad enough to get me out of bed.  I been suffering this crap for over a couple years now figuring it had to do with moving to a new latitude, local pollen, weird Tennessee weather or some other shit. Finally last night I decided to use Dr Google and there is indeed some minor malady that has all my symptoms: Hypnic Headache.

Hypnic headache is a rare type of headache. It only occurs when you are sleeping and will cause you to wake up. It is often referred to as ‘alarm clock’ headache because it happens at the same time several nights of the week. Some people experience it every night.

Now here is the kicker. How to stop suffering from this torture?

Caffeine in the form of a strong cup of coffee before bed seems effective as both an acute and preventive treatment. If you’ve been told to try this you may be worried about it causing you not to sleep. The evidence suggests this rarely occurs and caffeine is an effective treatment option.

I am back to the fully leaded stuff starting tonite.

Update 11/6/23.

Holy crap, it worked!

Small cup of coffee and hour or so before bed and I had already two wonderful nights of sleeping without headaches.

Life is good with coffee.

Networking – 101

All about networking. That “and anything else we can think of.”
(??? words)

I was asked to recommend a “Wi-Fi Router”. Unfortunately, that is not a simple question because it has implied assumptions that further complicate it.

So we start with the two primary types of networking, point to point and broadcast.


The original “networks” were store and forward point to point. A “message” was created on computer A. Computer A would use a point-to-point connection to transmit the message to computer B. Computer B would store that message until it connected via a point-to-point connection to computer C, wherein it would transmit the message that it had stored to computer C.

These original connections were most often done by “dial up” connections. A “modem” was used to convert digital signals to audio signals. A computer would tell the modem to dial a number, the modem at the other end would answer. The two modems would whistle at each other and communications would begin.

Conceptually, we could consider three different things to be one long piece of wire. The two modems and the telephone system make a long wire. The ability to call different computers is the same as moving the far end of the cable to a different computer.

When computers dedicated more than one port to communications, it became possible to talk to multiple computers at the same time. A computer could be receiving a message from Computer A, while sending a different message to Computer C. Everything was still store and forward.

We then created dedicated computers that had many ports. This allowed that computer to receive and transmit to multiple devices at the other end of the point-to-point connections. We labeled this a “switch”.
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Binary Trigger Time

I had the chance to shoot an AR 9mm with a binary trigger last week and I have been processing the acquired knowledge since then.

Conclusion: I don’t see the advantage.

Once you get used to the fact that a shot will go off after you release the trigger, you tend to giggle a bit and start to operate it fast. To me the result was that the second shot probably landed 2 blocks away from the first one.  So, I started to slow down trying to keep the muzzle controlled while teaching my finger (and brain) to make sure the release shot was coming. I eventually managed to get both shots on target, but it was slow as, if not more than regular double tapping.

I am sure that with enough practice, I might learn to operate this particular apparatus, but truly what’s the point? I believe that you are better off remain old school trigger which is about the same time performance for me, or invest money, time and paperwork and go for a full auto gun.

Again, this is my experience and opinion. You are free to have your own different one.