Democrat candidate for Broward County Sheriff is won by Sheriff Tony.

And Sybrina Fulton* loses to the Mayor of Miami Gardens by a narrow margin even when she was backed up Hillary and Senator Spartacus Booker. And if anything, we have here a great teaching moment: The justifiable shooting of Trayvon keeps being mentioned as the seed that originated Black Lives Matter. Yet the mom of the deceased has been relegated to fight for a commissioner’s post as she was some second or third tier political personality.

I understand Fulton still milking the crap out of her son’s bloody hoodie and that people would give her votes for that. But what I am still trying to wrap my head around is that almost 73,000 people in Broward county still think Scott Israel deserved another chance.

*Fulton has not conceded yet and as somebody wise said, not all the fake votes may have been counted yet.  This post may be changing in the future. 

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Primaries in South Florida: The Sheriff of Coward and Trayvon’s Mom lose.”
  1. I think they are going to find enough ballots left in trucks and closets to swing it. No way Scott Israel goes down like this.

  2. I was just thinking the same thing.

    DemoKKKrats committed yuuge fraud on 2018’s Floriduh elections, specially in the usual progtard enclaves (big cities) and the ass-lickers from the MSM did their usual job of trying to hide it.
    A prime example of this fraud is that progtard pothead as Agriculture Commissioner. SMH

    And expect several recounts too. That’s another one of the DemonKKKrats favorite cheating tactics.

  3. The primaries in my state are over, however, there are still a measurable percentage (about 25% estimated) of absentee ballots still pending.

    I wonder how many of them will swing the close races…

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