The other day I wrote about how New York was asking residents to rat each other out to a text message hotline for not social distancing.  Before that, Miguel wrote a post about Los Angeles filing in a beach skate park with sand because something, something the virus.

As it turns out there are still some Americans left in NYC and LA who will not accept such petty tyrannies.

In New York:

A flood of spam texts causes mayor’s new 311 social distancing text tip line to temporarily go offline

A flood of spam text messages to the city’s new 311 social distancing tip line caused a glitch in the agency’s system, a spokesperson for 311 said.

But on Sunday evening, 311 said it had to temporarily disable the text line for a short period of time to allow 311 to go through the que of photos after “being flooded with spam texts.”

“311 is augmenting staff this week and plans to assign additional headcount to the text queue to better address these conditions in the future,” 311 spokesman William Reda said.

The news doesn’t do the situation justice given this bit of anonymously provided information.


Goddam, do I love this.

When a mayor of an American city asks you to rat out your fellow citizens for exercising just a tiny bit of freedom, you go right ahead and crash his snitch line.

It should be the patriotic duty of all freedom-loving Americans to text the NYC snitch line cat memes and porn GIFs until it never works again.

Over to the other side of the country, in Los Angeles, local youths set about digging out some of the sand and using the skate park in an alternative fashion.

It is good to see that the spirit of resistance still exists in two of our Bluest bubbles.

The pro-tyranny in the face of the ‘Rona party might have overplayed their hand when they started arresting lone people running on the beach and saying that you can’t buy tomatoes at the Home Depot.

I hope that more and more, as these bite-size Stalins exert their influence, the people push back even harder.


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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “A little bit of ‘Murica in NYC and LA”
  1. All of these things are great, but like the protests in Virginia, the oppression will continue until something external makes it stop.

    There need to be consequences, preferably at election time, for such petty tyrants.

    1. I’m still waiting for AG Barr to invoke 18 USC 241 on these wannabe dictators. I doubt he will, though. But perhaps someone could suggest it to Trump to make it happen.

  2. That’s Americans for you. Even the most radical Leftist SJWs are individualist.

    Concepts like “know your place”, “trust the apparatus of the state”, “argue, but obey!”, and others involving personally giving up one’s self interest for the collective haven’t taken root. The Left may demand that you give all to the State, but they personally don’t think it applies to them.

    Which is a good thing. If the Left was actually capable of living by the rules that they want to impose on others, they probably could bring about a revolution.

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