He is not being hypocrite, all the Armed Swiss Guards are certified either Atheists or Buddhists.
There, made you feel better.

Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
He is not being hypocrite, all the Armed Swiss Guards are certified either Atheists or Buddhists.
There, made you feel better.
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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Yet they own a large chunk of stock in Beretta! So he is being a hypocrite! https://usahitman.com/vbmsipb/
There’s no hard evidence of the Vatican being vested in Beretta. However, if the Pope and the Vatican really opposed armaments, they’d disarm the Swiss Guard, and excommunicate Catholics who held positions of power within the arms industry, which I’d fathom is a great deal of the executives in Beretta…
As I’ve told someone. He’s who I go to for theology. Not U.S. Politics.
and not even….
I was asking myself a little while ago who my political opposite is. Being a libertarian, I do agree with the left on some issues (like gay rights and abortion). Then I though, “it’s the Pope”. Anti-capitolism, socialist, gun-hating, social conservative.
Atheists and Buddhists? I think you misspelled Sikhs.
Guns for my guards but not for thee. Read up on liberation theology and then you’ll understand this Papa better
Dude, I lived that crap in Latin America growing up. Ordained priests fighting with communist guerrilas was one of my pet peeves.
They were just upset because the evil Americans had supplied their oppressors with weapons bought through drug money….
I struggled with my Catholicism throughout the tenure of Pope Benedict XVI… And then decided to leave the faith behind entirely when Mr. Bergoglio was given the office.
I was able, for many years, to quietly “go along to get along” with the Chruch and my personal disagreements with its doctrines that I saw as running counter to my adoption of the non-aggression principle. Mostly, because the modern Church of John Paul II and Benedict XVI may have taught different standards but it wasn’t using the pulpit to compel people to adopt these doctrines against their will.
Mr. Bergoglio —no, I won’t call him Pope— and the other backers of Liberation Theology do not allow that. Like all Marxists, they stress an aggressive and compulsory assimilation into their political views or else.
Mr. Bergoglio’s election marks the day I decided to stop struggling with my faith. When my currently rocking economic situation stabilizes and I feel secure enough in my new job to ask for our second busiest day of the week off, I will be enrolling in the conversion classes at my local synagogue.
(Let me be clear, this is not intended as a slight against anyone else’s faith. It’s a personal decision I’ve wrestled with for years. I know many good, honest, give the shirt on their backs to a homeless man sorts of people of every religion –or no religion at all. I’ve got nothing against them and wish them long and happy lives.)
Don’t lose your faith. Christianity is the one true religion worshiping the one true God.
Just treat the position of pope as that of any political office occupied by a flawed man. He just does not deserve either our respect or obedience when he teaches counter to the Bible. Our honor and worship is due to Jesus Christ only.
With all due respect, I did just say that I was in the process of officially converting to Judaism. That makes encouraging me to give “honor and worship” to Jesus seem a little counterproductive. o_O
My change in faiths is the end result of a decade-plus of questioning my personal beliefs, the teaching of my religion, and exploring the theological basis of many others. As part of that process, I have come to the understanding that Jesus of Nazareth —while definitely a good and honorable man deserving of respect— is not the messiah. If one doesn’t believe that Jesus is the Christ, it’s kinda hard to remain a Christian.
This blog really isn’t the best place for a complicated ecumenical dialogue. Let’s just say that giving up Catholicism wasn’t a decision I undertook lightly. I read, I confessed, I wrestled, I prayed, and… Ultimately, I cannot reconcile myself to Catholicism or any other Christian sect.
This isn’t meant to slight anyone who does believe in Christianity. I am simply saying that I, myself, don’t.
“Christianity is the one true religion,” for you and for billions of others, but it isn’t for me. By all means, keep your faith in you idea of “the one true God.” I hope, sincerely, you continue to be happy with your faith.
I wasn’t happy with the Church. All my attempts to recapture or rekindle that faith left me unable to avoid coming to the conclusion that I believed in God, believed in the value of the morals and values of the Bible, but did not, could not, accept the idea of Jesus of Nazareth being the messiah. It just didn’t add up for me. I couldn’t square that circle. 404 Error, Savior Not Found.
I’m always going to have a fondness for the Church, it’s history, it’s majesty, it’s many great thinkers… One needn’t be a Christian to see the beauty of the Sistine Chapel, the wisdom in the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas, appreciate its role as a keystone of western civilization. Plus, it’s the faith of my grandfather, my mother, my aunts and uncles… My childhood.
I still respect the Church, I still think it’s a force for good in the world. (Even if I don’t care much for the current bishop of Rome). But, I can’t in good conscience remain a part of it.
And let’s face it, we’re both going to find out who was right and who was wrong in the next life… When Thor and Odin give us a stern lecture before making us sit in the cheap seats outside of Valhalla. ^-^p
And again i wonder, why should I give a flying f**k what the pope says”
Wasn’t that the whole point of the Reformation and the establishment of Protestant churches?
Well, obviously, not everyone in the world is a Protestant. Plenty of Catholics remained Catholic during the Reformation and plenty of people all these centuries latter remain part of the Chruch. They care about what the Pope says and does because he’s the head of their religion.
Plenty of non-Catholics, non-Christians, and atheists care about what the pope says and does because he is the leader of one of the largest organized religions on the planet. Although the papacy may no longer have the social-political capital to declare a Crusade*, he’s still an incredibly influential figure in world politics and social movements. You should care about what he says, if only because potentially billions of other people will be doing what he tells them to do.
* But, damn, the whole Levantine/Near East region really could use one.
I don’t know of any atheists who care what the pope says. …. Or any other religious leader for that matter. They are just humans, after all.
Are you a citizen of China? No, probably not.
Should you care what the political leadership of China does? Yes, you probably should.
Listening to what a highly influential leader of millions of people is not the same thing as doing what he says.