By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Administrative Housekeeping done”
  1. Same experience here, but I vented my spleen in the comment section. Ah well, another list that I get to be on. Meh.

  2. I just mark them as phising emails. Fuk biden and ALL the dems. I wont listen to them or read anything about them.

  3. My far left MSNBC watching ten hours a day mother was up at 7am when she got up (I’m in mountain time) literally chanting “Yay” all day. Shouting all morning long for a couple hours until her voice gave out and quietly kept saying it I would say 5 almost 6 hours straight. I had to leave the house.

    I concluded long ago my mother was brainwashed and is now incapable of independent political thought. I know this is true because if she listens to opinions and viewpoints that are not what MSNBC says it seems to cause her physical pain. The mental gymnastics I get from her are almost amazing.

    Everything that happens is on the dems. Not that it is going to matter when the ‘win’ every election via fraud from here on out. But it won’t matter to her. When the democrats ban all private gun ownership and mandate the complete and total extermination of every single gun owner and Trump she will turn me in. Not only that but I feel she would not only fully approve of the government killing me but it would make her happy. She will be filled with partisan joy as the party she fully supports murders her own son in front of her. After all she also feels that every Trump voter should be eve-educated and every single Trump voter that cannot be “re educated” should be killed. I’m not one of those people so I know she would fully support the democrats murdering me. She would probably do it herself if she wasn’t so afraid of seeing blood. Because to her the Democratic Party like a lot of people is more important than family. But I repeat myself.

    1. Well… with all that hyperbole spewed forth, I guess now we all know how she must have felt 4 years ago today?

    2. Damn, that sucks. You have my condolences for having a mother like that.
      … and i thought mine was bad.

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