By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

15 thoughts on “And a new batch of Americans find out Police has no duty to defend.”
  1. Typical childish leftist (sorry to repeat myself) claptrap.

    It is always someone else’s responsibility to look out for them. I don’t need a gun, the police will protect me. The government needs to mandate that everyone wear masks to ensure I don’t get sick. My employer needs to be forced to pay me a living wage, regardless of how hard I work. The government needs to pay off my student loan because I cannot find a job with my masters degree in hyphenated-American studies. Etc… etc… etc…

    It all boils down to “I should be allowed to do whatever I want, without ever having to suffer the consequences.”

  2. I wonder if the folks supporting, or at least ignoring, the rioters’ actions will finally denounce them if one of these times a person gets trapped and killed in one of these fires.

  3. That’s why they said you didn’t need an AR-15, because the cops will be there to save you.

  4. Did anyone on that thread point out that in fact, what that chief is talking about is settled law with Supreme Court precedents?
    Part of what’s going on here is the well known anti-gun lie that it is the police’s job to protect you. I suppose some of them actually believe it; I assume others know full well they are lying when they make that claim.

      1. Just shows that your average Twitter user got their law degree from Social Media University and is worth every penny they paid for it.

        Just like their epidemiology, climatology, and economics degrees (which they ALL have, donchaknow).

        The question is, do you think they or their “friends” will learn anything from this?

    1. Well, it’s established precedent that the police have no obligation to protect an individual.

      Whether they have the right to just flat out toss their hands up and walk away from full on civil unrest is another matter entirely.

      1. Certainly that is SOP in Broward County, and as we know the cowardly deputy is deploying that as his defense.
        It was also SOP in LA during the riots there back when; the police abandoned whole districts for days on the grounds that it was dangerous there. Apparently no one had the power to tell them otherwise, either that or no one cared to argue with union labor. Eventually, soldiers — who do have a duty to go into harm’s way when so ordered — restored order.

  5. You can’t buy an AR-15 or an AK-47 in 10 or 15 minutes? Have they tried doing it online? That’s where all the politicians and press tell me it’s so easy to do. Of course, it’s never worked out that way for me.
    But do you think they’ll learn, even after finding out they’ve bee lied to for decades? Me neither.

  6. A black police chief is the death of any city. You can have a black mayor or governor without much harm, but a black police chief and/or DA is a sign you’re circling the drain. They believe and act on fairy tales about black criminality, and the result is an inevitable disaster.

    1. Bob1: contrary example:

      Detroit Police Chief James Craig. Started out as a DPD officer, around 40 years ago. (at about the time *I* was working the road as a medic!)

      Detroit is severely resource deficient, but if he will say, on the record, “Detroiters, you have to arm yourselves because, as much as we may want to, the police cannot be there in time,” he certainly has heuvos the cantaloupes!

  7. “A few newly enlightened souls figured out it was time to take responsibility for their own safety and are probably on their way to be even more pissed off at the fact that they also lied about buying an AR 15 in 10 minutes.”


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