Sorry for the quiet, but I have been keeping an eye on the events in Venezuela.  Still more of the useless marches planned for today, but I am detecting less enthusiasm…then again playing moving target against a bunch of thugs does not seem like a good idea to some.

You won’t hear much about this in the Mainstream Media. Mostly it has been transmitted by one Spanish Speaking News Cable Network (NTN24) which got its signal shut down by the Venezuelan government but is still sending its transmission via the Net. The rest of the local TV stations are transmitting but under “advice” not to transmit anything other than the government’s official news briefing, so basically is up to Social Media to relay any info.

It was on Twitter that I found  this depressing meme/petition:



After ages of indoctrination against “violence,” of no concept of armed right of self-defense, of conditioning people into believing that “Daddy Government” will take care of them and keep them safe, a country is now nothing more than a Blanche DuBois: a worn out and pathetic  woman with anything in her bag to make it on her own and depending on others to come to the rescue.

Which will not come.

And they still will not learn the lesson.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “…and then your only choice is to depend on the kindness of strangers.”
  1. I have a few questions. Do you know what specifics the protestors are fighting for? In a leftist country like Venezuela are they just trying to trade a socialist hard tyranny for a socialist soft tyranny? Are they genuinely being peaceful or are they “peaceful protesters” like the OWS crowd while looting and smashing windows?

    1. The litany of things going bad in Venezuela under the Neo Communists is long and then some. Food is starting to get scarce. Medical attention & medicines ARE already scarce. Crime is so bad, it makes Chicago looks like the inside of the White House when the President is in (Murders are 63 per 100K, 3rd in the world) Media is under a thumb…funny because a lot of the “journalists” liked Chavez and some even were in in his conspiracies and now they are being screwed royally. Add to that there is an open use of Cubans for security at the high levels and basically what you have is a section of the population that are seeing their lives dragged to the mud of “equality.”

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