I checked my email and found this:

    From:    “Burke, Tom (NBCUniversal)”
To:    <miguel@gunfreezone.troglodite.com>
Subject:    From NBC New York
Date sent:    Thu, 9 Aug 2012 16:09:27 -040


We are working on a story regarding the proposal of Fmr. Governor Eliot Spitzer and noticed your article calling it “The Magical Government Unicorn for Gun Control.”

We wanted to let you know we will include a number of your points, as they are valid, in our story – attributed to the website “Gun Free Zone”

If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call.

Thank you.

Tom Burke



347-XXX-XXXX (Cell)



The original post is Eliot Spitzer and the Magical Government Unicorn for Gun Control. I expect I will get some standard hate email & tweets from the usual suspects (and plenty of material for future posts) and a bigger than usual traffic rate.

At least I won’t be on camera. EPA would shut the network 🙂

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “And there goes my bandwith allotment for the month.”
  1. “We wanted to let you know we will include a number of your points, as they are valid, in our story”

    Oh that’s going to burn them right up.

      1. Indeed. this is NBC after all. if you get a long enough hate filled rant in response you should do what Larry does and do a post just on the hate mail and pick it to pieces. would be fun to watch. *grin*

  2. I would like to say THANKS Miguel. THANKS for keeping your many blog followers educated and informed as to just what goes on in the world of anti gunners & the daily attacks on our rights. THANKS for keeping us all updated with FACTS we all must face regarding firearms & possession thereof. Hopefully your efforts may serve to inspire us all to remain in the “fight” so to speak. I know many fellow gun owners don’t want to face these sorts of “battles”,,,, they would rather shoot, reload, and pretend none of this is happening. However if we allow ourselves to become complacent, the “anti movement” will surely gain ground. It’s a shame we must continue to “fight” but “fight” we better, or accept the fact that our rights will be stripped from us all.

    Lead the battle brother, and keep us inspired to follow along!

  3. I’d be leery of the “We wanted to let you know we will include a number of your points, as they are valid, in our story – attributed to the website “Gun Free Zone”” part….they’re using a “number” of your points, since they are valid for THEIR story. Not that the whole post is valid…they’re picking and choosing whatever supports their twist on whatever story they decide to fabricate. It may be truthful and fact-filled…stranger things HAVE happened in the world. But I wouldn’t hold my breath. It is the MSM, after all.

    BTW, no matter what, I still love the blog and will continue reading!

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