A follow up from yesterday’s post. Reader DaveC brought this to my attention:
Chryl Y Anderson Remember that Durham served his time. We cannot continue to hold past discretions against folks who have paid their debt to society. This is just one reason for the recidivism rates in our system. At some point, we must accept their return to society. There is nothing in this story that says that Durham did anything illegal. His life is just as valuable as the life of anyone else on the scene.
When I read this, I had to burst out laughing. I don’t think she realized how bad of a screw up she managed to create. Let’s pick it apart, shall we? In no particular order to make it fun.
“Remember that Durham served his time.”
No he did not. He was on Probation till September 2017.

“There is nothing in this story that says that Durham did anything illegal.”
Wait, what? Did she even bother to read the article she used in the post?
“They were going back and forth in a road rage incident, and the shooter reportedly had tried to avoid and evade him, and at some point, the deceased guy ended up getting in front of him and stopping in the middle of the roadway and getting out and came back and confronted him,” Larry McKinnon, a spokesman for the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, told NBC News.
“We cannot continue to hold past discretions against folks who have paid their debt to society.”
I would argue that Manslaughter is a bit more than just a simple “discretion” but, is Ms. Anderson advocating for Restitution of Rights for felons that have paid their debt to society? I am all for full restitution of rights for Non-Violent Felons without a history of prior violence (arrests, misdemeanors, etc.) so I am not as generous as Ms. Anderson when it come to Gary Durham.
It is refreshing to see that at least one chapter of Moms Demand will support citizens enjoying the whole Bill of Rights and not picking and choosing which rights they like. (Yeah, I know, who am I kidding.)
“His life is just as valuable as the life of anyone else on the scene.”
Apparently Mr. Durham thought otherwise about the life of the other driver, only this time he paid for his incorrect assumption.
“This is just one reason for the recidivism rates in our system.”
You mean people who killed others and still did not learn the lesson? Pardon me for stating the obvious, but we can rest assured Gary Durham will not commit another Manslaughter. And maybe some other idiot that thinks he can solve problems by inflicting unwarranted violence upon others, will think twice about it because his intended victim has the means to defend himself.
The other guy had a gun so he was wrong. Remember the CSGV mantra, There is no justifiable use of a gun.
Unless you are the government shoving people into camps or shooting indians.
Indeed, they believe there is never a justifiable use of a firearm, and especially not for self-defense. You are supposed to just lie there and think of England…
So they’re saying that after a felon has done his time, he should be allowed to own a firearm again, right?
Yup… not that it was what she meant.