J. Kb

Florida is leading the way





And recently there was the Parents Rights in Education Bill signed into law.

Florida, protecting children from sexual abuse and patients from cruel COVID restrictions.

This is leading the way.

Can we just replace our Federal Government with the Florida State Government in 2024?

Six on one antisemitic attack in a gun free zone


A six on one violent attack in a city where law abiding citizens are disarmed.

Six on one.

In NYC you are allowed only a pocket size pepper spray, at most.  Not a method of self defense that is effective against six attackers intent in committing a hate crime.

This is one of those rare moments where I honestly recognize that my usual 38 snubby is insufficient for the situation.

And of course, the media doesn’t cover this story at all.

Jews, get out of Blue areas, learn how to shoot, and buy a gun.

Groomer supporter defends groomers with false accusation of antisemitism


That is some fucking bullshit.

The term groomer has become a useful catch-all to describe the people engaged in a combination of activities aimed at children, indoctrinating them in social, civil, sexual, and moral behaviors that are antithetical to traditional successful American values.

It’s not only pedophilia.  Grooming includes teaching CRT and racial essentialism, promoting Socialism or anti-Capitalism, gender confusion, etc.  It’s any form of child indoctrination.  Grooming kids to be radical Leftist activists, not just sexual victims.

The Left hates this because they know it’s accurate.

Comparing it to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is an antisemitic misdirection.

The Protocols were a fabrication of the Czar’s secret police.

Everything we call grooming us put there.

Just look at the Twitter feed Libs of TikTok.

There are teachers in Florida threatening to quit if they can’t talk to their kindergarten kids about their sexuality.

That’s not a Right Wing fabrication.  They are admitting what they do.

This horseshit misdirection lets guys like Kristol accuse anyone who calls out grooming of being an antisemite.

We Jews are not your grooming shield you fucking asshole.

This Jew doesn’t abide groomers or groomer supporters.

I am a proud Jew and a proud anti-pedophile and I will call out grooming when I see it.

Masker goes stupid and could have gotten himself hurt



Dude needs to calm the fuck down.

Now image being someone doing nothing and having a fully grown adult male bear down on in full “I’m going to kick your ass” body language.

That guy sent every signal that would make a claim of self defense against him justified.

That mask doesn’t stop pepper spray or bullets and better than it does COVID.

That was an incredible display of stupidity and bravado and this guy is lucky, depending on where this was, that he walked away from this without being maced, tazered, or shot.

Lessons from a horrible accident


I have searched but cannot find more information about this incident (if you have any, post it in the comments and I’ll update this post).

From the short video it appears the instructor was surprised by the first accidental discharge and lost control of the gun.

That was the near-fatal, and permanently disabling, mistake.

One of the cardinal rules of gun safety is:

Keep your finger outside the trigger guard until ready to shoot.

But, one should be in control of the firearm prior to that last part.  Things can go wrong in loading, chambering, and manipulation before pulling the trigger.

If the instructor was in better control of the gun, he would not have dropped it when it slam fired.

From this terrible accident we need remember an important lesson:

When you are handling a firearm, always be mindful of its condition and be in control of it.