J. Kb

I fully endorse this policy


I bet there are a lot of Ukrainians who grew up listening to stories about what Grandma and Grandpa saw in and did to survive the horrors of the Holodomor.

I suspect a deep, generations long grudge is held against the Russians for that.

I can only imagine if the Russians came back how these people would react.

I wonder what Ukrainian is for “a rifle behind every blade of grass.”

The Russian might be successful but it will cost them dearly.

Groomer teacher admits he’s a groomer – a follow-up

More video of that teacher from my previous post For the millionth time, students should not know their teachers’ sexuality.


He shows up in drag, daily.

“Harvey Milk meets Harvey Dent.  I’m here to recruit you.

Harvey Milk preyed on gay teenage runaways.

Harvey Dent was Two-Face the Batman villain.

How many red flags does this guy need to toss out?

His administration is fine with it.

That’s not a safe space, that is a homosexual pedophile grooming space.

This absolutely should not be legal under any circumstances.

You want to know why the conspiracy seems to be more real everyday theory that our nation is run by pedophile Satanists had gained so much traction?

Because when a teacher shows up in full drag to recruit students, the school administration gives that the thumbs up.

Democrats never stopped being Confederates – abortion edition

States rights, damn the federal government!!!

A few years ago California declared itself a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants.  California would not cooperate with federal law enforcement in enforcing immigration law.

The federal government never did what it should have done and curb stomped the fuck out of California and make it compliant with federal law.

Now that the future of abortion is being decided in the Supreme Court (the ultimate decision I doubt will be all that radical), California has once again decided to act like its own sovereign nation.

Gov. Gavin Newsom says California will be an abortion ‘sanctuary’ if Roe v. Wade is overturned

California Gov. Gavin Newsom said he planned for California to be a “sanctuary” for abortions if Roe v. Wade is overturned.

Speaking to the Associated Press, Newsom said he was aware that out-of-state patients are likely to flock to California if protections for abortion rights are rolled back.

“We’ll be a sanctuary,” Newsom told the AP. “We are looking at ways to support that inevitability and looking at ways to expand our protections.”

The group’s recommendations include asking California to increase its investment in abortion funds to alleviate the cost of medical services and make providers more easily accessible. They suggested creating and funding an “uncompensated care program” that essentially pays for lodging and care for out-of-state individuals seeking abortions.

So California tax payers will pay into a fund that will cover the housing, travel, and abortion costs for non-California residents to come to California for an abortion.

Unless they specifically raise taxes for this, the fungability of money means that in one was or another  federal tax dollars will contribute to this.

Also, I suspect California will cut all other restrictions on abortion and it will become a free-for-all.

California can’t deal with mass looting, retail theft that is causing businesses to close, a runaway homicide rate, the worst homelessness crisis in the country, but it will make sure every Red state pregnant person who doesn’t want to become a birthing person can have a free abortion.

I swear, by the end of 2022 California will be under strict vaccine passport travel restrictions limiting the free movement of everyone except for people looting or having an abortion.

I don’t understand why California thinks it can go rogue and the federal government refuses to reign it it.

If California does this it should lose all federal tax dollars. If they want to act like a sovereign nation, they can fund themselves completely.

Banks encouraging discrimination, what could go wrong?

Woke discrimination is still discrimination and this is one of the most insane things I’ve ever seen.

This is Daylight banking.

It’s a queer credit card.

This is from Daylight, explaining why you need queer banking.

We created Daylight to be the only bank account that rewards LGBTQ+ folks for spending in line with their values. We’re not only designed for LGBTQ+ folks but our chosen families and allies who want to put their money to work for themselves and for the LGBTQ+ community.

Our commitment is to not only provide you with great banking services, but to help you align your spending with your values. That means when you bank with Daylight, you don’t have to worry about accidentally supporting anti-LGBTQ+ or anti-trans initiatives. Chick Fil A anyone?

Doing the right thing is hard, and it’s hard to know who’s with us and who’s against us. Let us help. Here’s why Daylight is better for you, your community and your chosen family.

With Daylight you can stop worrying about whether you’re doing the right thing with your spending and with your money. Daylight takes the uncertainty out of queer banking so you can rest assured you’re doing the right thing, every day.

Each month we’ll send you a personalized spending report that shows you how queer friendly your shopping is and offers you better alternatives. The more queer friendly you are, the better rewards we’ll offer. Easy. Eat that chicken sandwich without leaving a bad taste in your mouth.

So the bank rates how queer friendly businesses are and gives you rewards points based on that.

So your rewards go up for spending money at queer owner businesses and less at non-queer owned ones.

If you buy too many Chick-fil-A sandwiches with it, do they cancel your card?

This is a bank that uses rewards to encourage the users to actively discriminate against non-queer businesses

This makes me wonder exactly how the cred card rates businesses.  Presumably, this would encourage discrimination against Christian owned business and any business owned by someone with Conservative values.

I did a quick search and found out that this is not the only identity politics card that does this.

ONE VIP bills itself as an “unapologetically black card.”

It also give rewards based on the identity of the business owners.

Use your ONE VIP Visa Debit card for all your qualified everyday purchases and earn extra points by spending with your favorite brands and select Black owned businesses.

Earn 1 point for every $2 spent on every day purchases. Earn 1.5 points for every $1 spent at your favorite brands like Netflix, Uber, Sephora and at select Black owned businesses. Your reward points never expire. Apply your cash back rewards to your ONE VIP account. Make a charitable donation to a worthy cause benefiting communities of color.

I am honestly shocked this is legal.

These are banks giving customers a financial incentive to deny patronage to business because the owners are of the wrong race or sexual/gender orientation.

How could this go wrong?

Just wait until everyone has their own identity credit card that discourages people from engaging in mutually beneficial trade that makes open and polite civil society great.

The Jewish card will suck.  Sure the rates will be fantastic but it will be accepted fewer places than Discover.

Maybe I can lie on the form and apply for one of those Master Race Cards so I can get 5% back at Aldi and Ikea (maybe Ford too, for service?).

On top of Bank of America and Wells Fargo engaging in anti-gun business policy, I absolutely believe banks should not discriminate or encourage discrimination.

Frederic Bastiat famously said: “if goods don’t cross borders, armies will.”

That point holds true in a country as well.  Groups that trade with each other peacefully become inclined to treat each other with respect.

Banks that encourage financial segregation only encourage the fracturing of society.

This bullshit needs to be halted now.


You are your own last line of defense

The media conflates guys who carry guns with gun guys.

There are many, many police and military who are not gun guys.  They do not like guns, they do not train any more than absolutely mandatory with their guns, they don’t maintain their guns.

There is a good chance that the cop who replies to your 911 call hasn’t put more than 50 rounds through his service weapon in the last year (or more) and has no idea if his weapon is in serviceable condition.  He may have no ability to put lead on target under stressful conditions.

There may be a good chance that the cop who responds decides the best approach is to set up a perimeter and hide behind a tree.

This is why maintaining your awareness and preparedness is so important.  You are your own last line of defense.

I’m surprised trust in the military is still that high

Americans used to trust the military more than the rest of the government, but now even that’s fading

Americans are quickly losing trust and confidence in the U.S. military, according to the staggering results of a recent survey conducted by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute.

The survey found that the number of Americans who said they have a lot of confidence and trust in the military has dropped from 70% to 45% in just the past three years, and that includes a steep 11 percentage point drop since February, a Reagan Institute news release says.

“The fact that ‘political leadership’ was the plurality response among those with low confidence (albeit only a 13% plurality) may be an indication of the corrosive effects of political polarization in the body politic generally bleeding over into attitudes towards the military,” Feaver said.

This last part is very true.

One of the things that burned working in the defense industry me was how the military has turned into a college campus.

There are fewer and fewer door kickers and more and more officers who got a commission to do administrative work as a resume booster and to gain access to the lucrative world of contracting.

This picture recently came across my radar:

Look at Secretary Mayor Pete, all armorered up like he’s about to kick Taliban ass, with no optic on his rifle, rifle mag pouches on his his rig, and his target range earplugs.

He got a direct commission to be an administrator for the navy to put on his resume for McKinsey.

This is why we lose wars, our military leadership sees military service as another credential to be collected as rungs on a ladder to success.