J. Kb

A little more detail on Catholics Vs. Jews

I meant no offense to Miguel with my post on Shannon Watts.

I find his experience enlightening.

In response to El Mac and Miguel, let me give you my perspective.

I may have been over broad in my condemnation of the church as a whole.  What I speak of was deathly real in the Polish/German/East European tradition, which is my background.

I heard “scratch a Christian, find an antisemite” from not just my Grandfather, but many Old World Ashkenazim Jews from that region of the world.

My mother’s side of the family is Polish Catholic.  She never forgave my mother for “marrying one of those people.”  Yes, I heard her say that to my mother.

I was told a story about my parents wedding, that I have confirmed from multiple family members.

My Great Uncle on my father’s side was from the same region of Poland as my mother’s family.  My great uncle was talking to my maternal great grandmother at my parents wedding.  My great grandmother didn’t speak much English and my great uncle was fluent in Polish.  She asked him how he spoke such good Polish.  He said (in Polish) “I’m Polish.”  My great grandmother replied very loudly, “You’re not a Pole, your’e a Jew” and walked away.

In more objective history, the Irish community in the US had a history of terrible antisemitism.  Boston was notorious for being the most antisemitc city in America.  In that same vein was Father Charles Coughlin, who was an radio personality and priest who railed against the Jews and was an advocate for peace with Nazi Germany, until he was kicked off the radio in 1939.

I should also say that this was not entirely a issue with the Catholic church.  The pogroms of Poland and Russia were supported by both Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches.

I can say, growing up in Miami, I didn’t experience antisemitism from my Catholic friends and neighbors, almost all were of Latin American heritage.  Cuba and Argentina also gave Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany safe refuge, which the US did not.

I guess this is why the work of John Paul II sicks out of history so much for me, he was not just a Catholic but a Polish Catholic condemning antisemitism.

The history between Christians (in general, not just Catholics) and Jews is rocky, that is undeniable.  It has improved over time, and I acknowledge that.  Miguel’s experience is literally and figuratively half a world away from that of my background and experience, and I am sorry if I offended him.

I hold no animosity to the current Church for the past (we can have a long conversation however about this soft on socialism Pope).

Lastly, long time readers of my posts know that I do no hold back when it comes to big goverment supporting Jews.  I have called Bloomberg, Schumer, Feinstein, and their ilk Kapos before, and given the chance to say it to their faces, I’d do that too.  I cannot tolerate these Bagel Bolsheviks who seem to think being Jewish means understating the inside jokes in Woody Allen films.

Scratch Shannon Watts

My grandfather used to say “scratch a Christian and find an antisemite.”  That may have been true for Jews growing up a century ago, when the official doctrine of the Church was that the Jews killed Jesus.  Not anymore.

One of the reasons I have so much respect for Pope John Paul II, and a glad that he was beatified, was that he did away with that dishonor and really worked to improve the relationship between Christianity and the Jews, largely motivated by his experience in WWII.

Today, I believe that the accurate statement is “scratch a Progressive and find an antisemite.”  The social justice Left just loves their Jew hatred.

Tariq Nasheed is described as a media personality and relationship expert.  What he is, is vile scum that has written several books, and hosts a radio show, about how to score an easy lay with psychological manipulation.

Tuns out, he’s also a total racist and antisemite.

Yep, you read that right.  Ben Shapiro is “claiming to be Jewish” to be able to get away with white supremacist rhetoric.  He is also a member of the “everything I disagree with is white supremacism” school of thought.

Dana Loesch called him out on his Jew hatred on Twitter.  That back-and-forth is a hoot.

Tariq is a bigot who justifies his own bigotry by accusing other people of bigotry.  That is 100% the Antifa model, but in this case with Tweets not beatings.

Here is where this story goes to 11.

Shannon Watts, who has made herself Loesch’s foil, tried calling out Loesch for picking on a fellow Progressive.


It seems that a tiny detail was left out of Watts’ tweet…

I think that the NRA CCW insurance is a little excessive (not to mention a potential liability*) but supporting the right to self defense does no negate Loesch’s morals.

In effect, Watts was defending a viscous antisemite.  Scratch a progressive…

So here is the question: now what for Bloomberg?

You know, the Jewish billionaire bankrolling Watts.

If I were a mean SOB (and I am), I’d corner Bloomberg on this.  Either he, as a Jew, is willing to turn a blind eye to antisemitism to promote gun control OR he has to condemn his own minion for her antisemitic moral equivocation.

Let him stew over that.

The Harvard Quisling

In the September 2017 issue of Vogue, the magazine did a full spread and bio of Bradley Manning turned Chelsea Manning.  Photography was done by Annie Leibovitz, perhaps the most influential and popular portrait photographer alive today.

Chelsea Manning Changed the Course of History. Now She’s Focusing on Herself.  That was the title.  The article was obsequious.

From February to April 2010, while living as Bradley, an Army intelligence analyst stationed in Iraq, Manning sent three-quarters of a million classified or sensitive documents to WikiLeaks. The breach’s breadth was startling, as were its contents, ranging from the so-called Collateral Murder video, showing a U.S. helicopter killing a group of Baghdad pedestrians that included children and press, to hundreds of thousands of “Cablegate” documents, disclosing 44 years of State Department messaging. When Manning’s role became clear, she turned into a polarizing figure—celebrated as a whistle-blower by some, condemned as a traitor by others. In August 2013, after pleading guilty to ten charges and being found guilty of 20, she was sentenced to 35 years in prison. The day after the sentencing, Manning came out publicly as trans.

What utter fawning coverage.  What intellectual dishonesty.

“[W]hile living as Bradley” 

No.  He is Bradley Manning.  Let’s get that straight, first of all.  The article glosses over the 750,000 classified documents released to WikiLeaks.  It seem that Bradley Manning did what he did because he always had a problem with the military.

The Left has always loved dangerous traitors who change their names for political purposes.

Wesley Cook is a cop killer.  He shot Philadelphia PD officer Daniel Faulkner to death in 1981.  He was a member of the Black Panther Party and changed his name to Mumia Abu-Jamal and has henceforth become a hero to The Left.

JoAnne Deborah Chesimard, nee Byron, joined the Black Liberation Army and was convicted of the first degree murder of  NJ State Trooper Werner Foerster.  She escaped from prison in 1979 and has been hiding in Cuba ever since.  She changed her name to Assata Shakur and is now a “civil rights hero” of the Woman’s March and was honored with a mural at Marquette University.

But the last sentence of the Vogue paragraph is the most telling.  Not just was Bradley Manning a traitor, guilty of violating the Espionage Act, he changed his name to Chelsea, and changed his gender, and is now a celebrity darling for the same revolutionary chic Leftists.

James Kirchick published an OpEd in The New York Times, criticizing the Vogue spread, titled When Transgender Trumps Treachery.  It was intended to be warning to The Left not to make Bradley Manning into a hero.

Kirchick tried to appeal to The Left’s sense of reason.

According to The New Yorker, when the United States tried to locate “hundreds” of Afghans named in the documents and move them to safety, “many could not be found, or were in environments too dangerous to reach.” When pressed by a journalist about the possibility of redacting the names of Afghans who cooperated with the United States military, Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, reportedly replied: “Well, they’re informants. So, if they get killed, they’ve got it coming to them. They deserve it.”

Meantime, Mr. Assange gave a Russian Holocaust denier 90,000 of the cables. That man, who goes by the pen name Israel Shamir, delivered a trove to the Belarussian dictatorship, which then utilized the material to detain opposition activists. In Zimbabwe, President Robert Mugabe used a leaked cable detailing a United States Embassy meeting with opposition figures as pretext for an investigation into “treasonous collusion.”

The problem is, when it comes to their heroes, The Left has no reason.  They embrace cop killers, mass murders, and the most vile scum of the earth.  Harvey Milk was a child molester who prayed on teen boys who had fallen on hard times, but you’d never know that from the white washed history of him celebrated for being the first openly gay elected official.

Apparently the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard saw the Manning Vogue spread and float at the NYC Pride Parade and said “hold my beer.”

Chelsea Manning has been named a visiting Fellow at JFK as an expert in network security and technology.  He is also being hailed as the school’s “first transgender fellow.”

That is like making Ted Kaczynski a Harvard Fellow for expertise in domestic terrorism and rural American lifestyles.  Maybe if Ted weren’t a white man, they would.

This is absolutely unconscionable.

This will be a whole chapter in the history books of reasons for America’s Second Civil War, when The Left figured out how to use their institutions to bankroll and praise those who committed actual treason against the United States.

I think the name of that chapter should be “How to Cut Off Your Dick and Influence People.”

Deafening Bull S***

Moms Demand Action has ratcheted up the anti-suppressor rhetoric.

Except they are wrong about the background check issue, as the proposed law would make suppressors subject to a 4473 NICS check, just not an NFA tax stamp.

Of course, being a far Leftist organization, it’s not just guns that are the problem, it is profit.  Why allow gun companies to make profit?  That’s twice as evil.

The worst argument against suppressors is that it will prevent ShotSpotter systems from working.

ShotSpotter doesn’t work, and cities like Charlotte and Miami have spent huge sums of money on a system that “doesn’t work.”  When it was tried in the UK, it recorded over 1,600 false positives.  According to ShotSpotter, Birmingham, UK had more shootings than Chicago in a month.

This is the single dumbest argument against suppressors I can think of.  So, of course, Moms is going to run with it.  With any luck, the validity of the ShotSpotter system will come into question and all the data that the antis use that comes from that will go out the window too.


This time it’s the weather

Hurricanes Harvey and Irma have done an enormous amount of damage to Texas and Florida.

For those on the far end of the political Left, what to do about this is simple: round people up and put them in concentration camps.

The great past time of The Left is persecution and mass murder.  That is what they really excel at.  For them, there is no problem that can’t be solved by just putting the right group of people in a prison camp or mass grave.

The Science is Settled™ and Harvey and Irma were the result of global warming man made climate change.  The people who doubt that must be punished.

Operate a blog questioning the validity of climate change claims and The Left thinks your children should be burned alive.

For the Leftist propagandists at The Nation, Climate Denial™ is murder.

Many other experts have issued warnings, starting with NASA scientist James Hansen’s landmark 1988 Senate testimony that global warming had begun and, if left unchecked, would threaten the future of human civilization. Recent years have also brought abundant evidence that shifting to wind power, less meat-heavy diets, and other climate-friendly alternatives would result in lasting economic and health benefits: more jobs, less inequality, cleaner air, stronger communities…

With Hurricane Irma churning toward Florida, the horrors and heartbreaks will only get worse until we change the game for their perpetrators. The first step toward justice is to call things by their true names. Murder is murder, whether the murderers admit it or not. Punish it as such, or we encourage more of the same.  

The logic here is, that if we ate just a fewer steaks and didn’t buy as many SUVs starting in 1989, Houston would not have flooded in 2017.  Of course there is no way to know that.  But it’s not about science but Science™ and Science™ says that the people who ate steak and drove V8’s after 1988 committed murder in Houston and should be punished for it.

The people who do not believe in Science™ should be forced onto a government registry so they can be dealt with in an appropriate manner.

Of course, not believing in the climate diktat should be a crime and people should be jailed and shamed for it.

This is really, truly, all The Left knows how to do.  Disagree with their stance on an issue and it is off to the gulag with you.

They murdered 100 million people in the 20th century over income inequity.  How many people do they feel they need to murder over climate change?

My only question for them is this:

When the Nazis exterminated 6 million Jews and 5 million other dissidents and undesirables, they did it with cyanide and crematoriums.  Cyanide is environmentally toxic and cremating millions of people would create a hell of a carbon footprint.  Just how do they indent to bring about the final solution to the global warming question in an eco friendly way?

Insurance commercials

The point of a commercial is to make me want to buy a product.  I don’t have a degree in media studies or anything, but that is one of those ideas the seems to be just plain common sense.

I don’t think it bodes well for a company, when their commercial infuriates me so much I have to mute the TV when it comes on.

Allstate has done a damn fine job of alienating me from their product with their commercials.  I don’t know who the ad agency is that Allstate contracted with or who at Allstate approved these commercials, but I want to know what type of market research was done that concluded:

The best way to sell insurance to families is to shit all over boyfriends, husbands, and fathers.

The first of these terrible commercials is the “superior drivers” ad.

Apropos of nothing, this girl decides to rub her safe driving bonus check in her date’s – a presumably boyfriend’s – face in public.  Interrupting him an humiliating him.

First, of all, why would an insurance company bring up the “who are better drivers” debate?  From an insurance standpoint, it’s about a dead even split.  When you look at the numbers, men and women get into different types of accidents.  Women hit stuff more, but men do more damage.  Women will side-swipe a car while parking.  A man will speed and crash.  It seems like even getting into this debate is pointless.

But just look at that girl’s face.  Look at the condescending look as she breaks into Dennis Haysbert’s voice.  It’s not the money that is making her happy.  It is belittling her hapless, pajama-boy, boyfriend that gives her pleasure.  It’s just mean.

Next is the “leaky pipe” ad for homeowners insurance.

The message of this commercial is “you need Allstate insurance because your husband is a pathetic shit who doesn’t know what end of the hammer to hold.”  The wife mocks her husband, TWICE.  Once to his face and then again in front of the repair man.

If this commercial had a sequel, I’m pretty sure it would be the repair man fucking the guy’s wife.

Last is the “all alone” ad.

Yeah, fuck dad.  Nobody has to listen to him.  Nobody wants to.  He’s just driving the car, probably paying for the road trip to wherever they are going.  Nobody has to care about his feelings.

Look at the look mom gives dad.

She doesn’t give a shit about her husband.  She’s probably listening to Eat Pray Love on her Audible ap, thinking about fucking the repair man from the last commercial.

I just don’t get why Allstate has chosen this sales pitch.

Why should I give my hard earned money to a company that doesn’t respect me?  The answer is: I shouldn’t.  I’m with GEICO and will not be switching to Allstate… ever.

As people reevaluate their insurance carriers in the wake of all these storms, maybe other husbands and fathers will feel the way I do and decided not to go with Allstate.  The only way to make these people learn is to kick them right in the wallet.


It seems Aflac has contracted with the same ad agency.  Their commercials were simply annoying.  I can deal with annoying.  The “dad’s choice” commercial needs to be the first and last of the no respect for dad type.

Mom and Junior don’t seem to really care about the condition of dad’s face.  Just how dad’s face will cost them their trip to Hawaii.  As long as Mom and Junior get to go to the Luau, does it really matter that dad won’t ever be able to eat solid food again.

Maybe I should do commercial for a health insurance company where mom is in labor but dad doesn’t want to pay for the anesthesiologist to give her an epidural because the anesthesiology copay  will dip into his bass boat fund.

No, wait, that’s fucking horrifying.  I can see the protests now.

It’s just as bad when you do it to dad.  So as an Aflac customer, knock that shit off.

Crap Meme

Shortly after the dust-up in Charlottesville, I saw a quasi-viral tweet that attempted to sum up the progressive stance on the situation.

The point, was of course, to mock the people who agreed with the “violence on both sides” position taken by Trump and others.

I have touched on this subject before, but in the last few days some news has brought me back to this tweet.

I think I’m going to have to give my own take on it.

Nazis: Let’s get rid of the Jews.  

Yeah, that is pretty much unchanged.

Now Antifa.

Antifa: Jews are Fascists.  Let’s throw the Jews off of the U Illinois campus.


How about #BLM?

Black Lives Matter: We stand in solidarity with Palestinian Terrorists, and spread lies about Israel and the Jews.

  That leaves the Centrists.

Centrists: When it comes to their opinion on the Jews, I literally cannot tell these apart.   

The truth about these people is becoming more clear every day.

I think I can simplify this even further

Nazis: White identitarian, Jew hating socialists.

Antifa: Progressive identity politics, Jew hating socialists.

BLM: Black identitarian, Jew hating socialists.

It’s a diversity of Nazis.