
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

The deconstruction of a narrative.

There is no doubt that a majority of Blacks vote democrat. But that hold that the Jim Crow Party has held for decades appears to be cracking up.

I caught some tweets coming out of the Young Black Leadership Summit of 2018. And I have to say this has to be giving Democrats a small case of ulcers.

Yes, it is not a multitude but they are seeds. And seeds that do not care being seen with a MAGA hat which appears to trigger the worse in the Left. Seems White Boy does not like a black man getting off his political plantation.

Love him or Hate him but Trump has shifted the political tectonic plates of the country.  It is going to be interesting to see where will all of us be in 6 years and what the country will look like.

I am actually kind of hopeful. A smidgen.

Urgent Strategy Session at the Democratic Party Dirty Tricks Office

-OK, the  fake bomb campaign failed. People are laughing at us.
-I thought the media was with us?
-They are, but still they can’t get people to take it seriously.
-Truth be told, the bombs look like they were built by a drunk Joe Biden.
-I have an idea. Can we get somebody who really knows how to make a bomb?
-I can ask my nephew, he is one of them Antifa groups. Why a real one?
-We won’t be taken seriously unless we hurt somebody with it.
-So, who do we choose to have a bomb sent to?
-It has to be a Democrat politician that is recognizable, but we can afford to lose.
-Obviously, none of the people who we already sent one of the fake ones.
-Nope, somebody else.
-Let me think. I’ll get back to you.


Florida: Let’s have a conversation about Open Carry.

If Open Carry activists want more people supporting them, conversations like this have to be eliminated. I have seen and been part variations of this exchange way too many times and the only thing that contributes is for a good section of gun owners to ignore the Open Carry movement.

-Do you support Open Carry?
-Of course I do.
-Great, come with us and Open Carry fishing.
-Sorry. I don’t Open Carry.
-But you say you support Open Carry!
-Yes I do, and God Bless you if you do OC. I simply do not like to Open Carry.
-You are a effing traitor to the cause! Are you paid by Bloomberg? A Shannon Watts’ Bitchs Demand?
-Listen, I also support Gay Rights, but that does not mean I am planning on taking it up the ass to prove myself.


Hollywood adopts and adapts the Mosin Nagant Derp.

As a Gun Person, unless you do not have internet you have seen (and suffered) these conversions at least once.


Leave it to Hollywood to out-derp the Mosin-Nagan Cult derp.

Click to enlarge

I am ignorant about bolt-action rifles, but I am pretty sure that scope is kinda useless other than looking cool in screen.

And yes, it is another Liam Neeson action movie. I think it is “Taken, Part 16: Death by Global Warming” or something like that

Future “Celebrity” Death.

You know when somebody says “You look like death”? I think it applies to Kathy Griffin.

This is from 2 days ago.  Compare it against her famous beheading photo.

In other more civilized times when I would have been full of Christian spirit, I would have urged to do an intervention and try to get rid of whatever shit she is ingesting/injecting/snorting before she died.  But now I support her personal decision to contribute to the reduction of her Carbon Footprint and Carbon Dioxide Emissions.

Yeah, a bit nasty but I tend to be less charitable with the assholes that want me dead or in a camp. Sorry, I am only human.