
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Migrant Invasion Army: Not all poor kids and pregnant women.

I decided to check on the position of the Migrant Invasion Army, and bumped into this article:  Mas the 3,400 migrantes de la caravana retornaron a Honduras (More than 3,400 migrants returned to Honduras)

First the Captain Obvious news: A boatload of migrants are calling it quits and heading back home. Mexico is not the warm and friendly place they expected (If ever by tradition) and maybe the help dried out, specially since the idea of an invading army of illegal aliens is not being accepted by the American people and the politicians who usually support them have gone silent and can’t be found for comments.

The following caught my attention, The site won’t allow me copy and paste of text so I went screen cap.

Original Spanish Version

Translated page

Mareros” refer to Mara Salvatrucha also know as MS-13 gang members or simply gang members in general.

So yes, we are facing a Trojan Horse of heart-tugging stories containing the worse gang members Latin American can provide.

Let’s see what happens in the next few days.


The Old Guard, carrying the new ceremonial M17 pistol

The Old Guard, the soldiers assigned to guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, carrying the new ceremonial M17 pistol.

Click to enlarge

From the Sig Sauer website:

  • Pistol Names: each of the four pistols bears the name of Silence, Respect, Dignity, or Perseverance and is featured on the dust cover. Dignity and Perseverance represent “The Sentinel’s Creed,” and Silence and Respect represent the request to the public by Arlington National Cemetery when visiting the Tomb of the Unknown, and during the Changing of the Guard;
  • Custom Wood Grips: in 1921 the chosen Unknown was transported to the United States of America aboard the USS Olympia. The custom wood grips are made with wood from the USS Olympia and include the crest of the 3rd Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier identification badge inset;
  • Cocking Serrations: XXI cocking serrations are engraved on the slide to signify the twenty-one steps it takes for the Tomb Sentinels to walk by the Tomb of the Unknowns and the military honor of a 21 Gun Salute;
  • Sight Plate: an engraved impression of the Greek Figures featured on the east panel of the Tomb – Peace, Victory, and Valor – are featured on the sight plate;
  • Sights: a glass insert made with marble dust from the Tomb of the Unknown fills the sights of the ceremonial pistols;
  • Engraved Magazines: the 21-round magazines feature an aluminum base plate engraved with the names of the Greek figures featured on the Tomb of the Unknown – Peace, Victory, and Valor – and include a name plate on the bottom of the magazine engraved with the Tomb Sentinel badge number.
  • Serial Numbers: the pistols are serialized with a unique set of serial numbers that incorporate items of significance to the Old Guard: “LS” represents line six of the Sentinels’ Creed, “My standard will remain perfection; “02JUL37” to signify the first 24-hour guard posted at the Tomb of the Unknown on July 3, 1937; “21” to signify the 21 steps it takes the Tomb Sentinels to walk by the Tomb of the Unknown, and the military honor of a 21 Gun Salute. The full series of M17 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Pistols serial numbers are LS02JUL37A21 (Silence), LS02JUL37B21 (Respect), LS02JUL37C21 (Dignity), LS02JUL37D21 (Perseverance).


I did not know you could polish Kydex that shiny.

No Halloween this year.

For some reason, I just don’t feel like doing it.  I know I am increasingly slipping in the grouchy “Get Off My Lawn” neighbor, but Halloween was my favorite holiday because it is a “legal” way to scare people and raise their sugar levels.

This has been a tiresome year so far and will continue to be so after the election, very possibly even a week after with all the complaining and recriminations.

I am just out of…

Migrant Invasion Army. That is a lot of walking.

I took mom to the doctor’s this morning and they had the TV on Univision. They have journos attached to the “caravan” and if we go by who they interview, the mass of people are only women, kids under ten and people over 60. What they mentioned was the location where they had arrived in Mexico: Tapachula.

I went to Google maps and located the town to find ou they are still way down south of the nearest entry point in the US Border, Brownsville.

Click to enlarge

That sis 1,089 miles and according to Google, it can be done by walking in 356 hours? That is 14 days by doing 77 miles a day every 24 hour, not happening unless all passed Ranger selection, including the little kids. Now, 25 miles a day seems to be a more reasonable pace but that would make it 43 days to reach Brownsville.

And here is another rub: From the border between Guatemala and Mexico (remember the bridge?) to the town of Tapachula is only 10 miles.

That is a one day gain, so unless Soros and Bloomberg cough up some dough and rent busses to take the 7 to 10 thousand “migrants” we may see them trying to reach US sometime early March, if they remain in the “caravan” at all.

If I were woke, I’d have to say this whole thing was concocted by Trump and the Republicans because other than a few militants, the idea of that many people just breaking through our borders and fuck you very much is not settling well with Americans and Legal Immigrants. I don’t see a lot of outward support in the street to this Mariel-By-Land invasion.

We may end up with both Trump’s Border Wall built fast and even my mine field.




NRA Money, bad. Bloomblerg Money, good. – If you have not applied for your Florida CWP, do it now.


 Everytown for Gun Safety, a gun-control group co-founded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, said Thursday that in addition to throwing $2 million behind Democratic candidates seeking Florida Cabinet positions, it will be dedicating $1.8 million solely to agriculture commissioner nominee Nikki Fried and attorney general hopeful Sean Shaw.
The organization told the Times/Herald that it supports “gun-sense” candidates like Fried, who called for a full audit of the concealed-weapons permit process.

Bloomberg’s gun safety group to spend another $1.8 million on Nikki Fried, Sean Shaw

After hammering about how bad was that politicians were getting money to run, specially if it was from the NRA (which is not that much) the Gun Control suddenly has found the idea of pouring millions in campaigns to be not only palatable but doubleplusgood. Bloomberg already bought the future Florida Senate President at the tune of $200K and wants to buy elected positions in the executive branch.

As for Nikki Fried, as much as she can, I don’t think she can upend the CWP, but she probably can slow it down to the three months allowed by the law rather than as fast as the modern methods allows.  She is saying that an overhaul is needed so I would not be surprised if suddenly new hires start making mistakes so the problem could be taken to the legislature for overhaul and eventually elimination from Florida statutes. And I will predict that they will go as bold as to try to eliminate carry altogether in Florida.

Florida led the country with the Concealed Carry movement. The Democrats want it to lead the roll back from Florida. They want to Californicate us.
I don’t know you, but I am already tired of the North Easterners trying to tell me their way (the way they are escaping) is better than ours.