
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Lunch’s ready.

Mom wanted tortilla de papas con cebolla,  jamon cocido and chorizo, and she was not going to be challenged. She might be 86, but don’t cross the old Spaniard biddy or she will go all conqueror on your ass.

This is the Spanish pizza: It is good hot off the stove, just warmed in the microwave (Never leave it for more than 30 seconds or overcooks the eggs) or cold out of the fridge. It can be lunch or supper and sure as hell for breakfast too.

And no, the Mexican tortilla is not the real one.  The only thing they have in common is the round shape. One is a meal and the other one is something to hold the diarrhea mix and guacamole.

UPDATE: Apparently I have amnesic readers requesting the recipe which I covered here! LOL 😀

Abolish ICE: The Honduran Migrant Caravan. (Cui Bono?)

This is a wet dream for the Mexican Drug Cartels. Thousand of people spread over the southern border trying to get in the US and overtaxing/overrunning Border Patrol and local LEOs.

Wouldn’t this be a magnificent opportunity to introduce as many tons of drugs in the US as they could?

Cui Bono? (Who benefits?) from all the Abolish ICE movement? Keep asking yourselves that question. And the ask, Why are the cartels being supported by US politicians and assorted Liberal activists? Is it cash or just being murderous stupid?

Mob For Hire: Paid Protesters being used for extortion?

 But according to a lawsuit filed by a Czech investor, Crowds on Demand also takes on more sordid assignments. Zdenek Bakala claims the firm has been used to run an extortion campaign against him.
Bakala has accused Prague investment manager Pavol Krupa of hiring Crowds on Demand to pay protesters to march near his home in Hilton Head, S.C., and to call and send emails to the Aspen Institute and Dartmouth College, where Bakala serves on advisory boards, urging them to cut ties to him. Bakala alleges that Krupa has threatened to continue and expand the campaign unless Bakala pays him $23 million.

Paid protesters? They’re real — and a Beverly Hills firm that hires them stands accused of extortion in a lawsuit

Very interesting article with lots of juicy info on astroturfing for cash below the fold.

Crowds on Demand isn’t the only outfit that hires paid protesters, though it is perhaps the most open about what it does, said Edward Walker, a UCLA sociology professor who wrote a book on astroturfing, “Grassroots for Hire: Public Affairs Consultants in American Democracy.”

“There are hundreds of lobbying firms and public affairs firms that do this work, though not all in the same way,” he said. “Some only do a little bit of this grassroots-for-hire, but things adjacent to this are not uncommon today.”

And that is why the hate us. We lobby for “free.” We put 70,000 people for a weekend of celebrating the Second Amendment and we actually improve both the local economy and drop the crime rate.

They have to pay to have their bullshit heard.

Remington V3 Tac-13 Firearm.

One of those guns you go, “I do like my wrists, thank you.” But then you go “Hmmm, why not?”

very glad to see that Remington got with the front strap idea. Makes for a much stable and safe firearm.

And six continuous shots of buckshot makes for a great home invader repellant. Switch the red dot for  green laser and that thing is just perfect for the close and medium range, awkward position engagement.


Why Carry? (This one I did not see coming)

A man has been ‘stoned to death’ by a group of “rogue” monkeys who threw bricks at him from a tree, according to reports.
Dharampal Singh, 72, suffered head and chest injuries in the attack and was later pronounced dead in hospital.

Man, 72, killed by group of aggressive “rogue” monkeys throwing bricks at him from tree

I was going to make a series of jokes about this incident, but apparently hyper-aggressive monkeys attacking humans is a real thing in India.

Deadly attacks by monkeys have been on rise throughout the country and wildlife experts say that rhesus macaques are usually to blame – although it is not clear which breed attacked Mr Singh.

Back in 2007 the deputy mayor of India’s capital of Delhi died after being attacked by a horde of wild monkeys.

SS Bajwa suffered serious head injuries when he fell from the first-floor terrace of his home on trying to fight them off.

I don’t think the authorities know what to properly do:

In a bid to curb the monkey problem the city ’employed’ larger, more ferocious langur monkeys to go after the smaller groups of Rhesus macaques.

If you have a gator problem, you don’t bring Godzilla to fix it. Bu that is just me.

Culling is seen as unacceptable to devout Hindus, who revere the monkeys as a manifestation of the monkey god Hanuman, and often feed them bananas and peanuts.

Great, we have a bunch of Vegans being assholes and attacking people. So, India’s Portland?

Pawan Sharma, founder of Resqink Association for Wildlife Welfare (RAWW), told VICE : “Monkeys in the cities is not the actual problem. It’s the human errors that have led to an increase in monkey population.

What errors? No free contraceptives for female monkeys? No free condom distribution for boy monkeys?

“This will make us a laughing stock.”

Embrace the suck.

Hat Tip Keith G.