
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

As Predicted: Harvey Weinstein may not see trial.

New York (CNN)Harvey Weinstein, the disgraced movie mogul whose alleged sexual assaults sparked the international #MeToo movement, may be sentenced to a lifetime of shame and ridicule. Legal experts, however, now indicate he may never see the inside of a jail, let alone go to trial to face his accusers.

Is the case against Harvey Weinstein unraveling?

Harvey may not go back to be a top Hollywood producer, (and I have my doubts about that) but the rumors he was not going to be in real trouble began when he re-appeared after his initial seclusion in some spa for the rich and horny.

The #MeToo movement spent way too much political ammunition and the masses had convicted Bill Cosby as palate cleanser. Nobody wants to open more the cesspool cover in Hollywood and NY since the rumors of child rape are till bubbling in the background. Hollywood produces too much money and lots of that money goes to selected Democratic coffers.

Anyway, boys will be boys, right?

I landed in Facebook Jail.

I have been accused, tried and convicted on Hate Speech charges. Sentence is a 24 hour block.

Apparently this video is bad, very bad.

I barely recall sharing the darned thing. Something about Feminism and whatnots, but what called my attention was the incongruity of what the moron was saying, what was being displayed in the shirt and the fact that he is a man (more or less or at least in a basic biological matter.) So I shared the video, I was not even the original poster.

I can still read my timeline, but not allowed to post. So you guys in FB get a break from me and can insult me without evil returning replies for another 22.5 hours or so.

UPDATE: I am also blocked in the Facebook page of the Blog. Sneaky bastards, ain’t them?

Pelosi gets the Cuban American Treatment in Miami.

Your side called for increased confrontation, you got it. How does it feel to be “collateral”? I think they ruined her latest botox treatment.

In other times, I would have disagreed and even criticized the crowd. But not anymore.  We can’t risk that our epitaph be “They were polite all the way to the mass grave.”






Tough guy only goes after widows but takes off at clear and present beat up. (Language Warning – loud)

Remember the asshole in Portland that verbally abused the widow?  It seems that in the best of Jesse Ventura’s tradition, he was a real tough guy only against her.

Found over 90 miles


The Blue Tide is somehow acquiring a nice shade of brown and leaving a streak.