
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Philly: Official Police Innaction.

Large groups of dirt bikes are being spotted all over Philadelphia Sunday afternoon.
Police say hundreds of riders are all across the city, riding in memory of a young man well-known for his dirt bike stunts that he posted to social media.
Sunday is the fourth anniversary of the death of 23-year-old Kyrell Tyler, known as ‘dirt bike Rell.”
Tyler was gunned down in Southwest Philadelphia in 2014.

A similar scene earlier in the afternoon in Fairmount Park near Poplar and Sedgely. Dozens of dirt bikes and ATVs.
We saw them in numerous other city locations and police said upwards of 1,000 are riding this afternoon.

“I got nervous for my son because they started coming this way,” said Benjamin Johnson of West Mount Airy. “At first they were on the street. Then they came across the park, and they came too close to us. I kind of ran them off but he was standing there by himself and I ran them away from him.”

Dirt bike riders swarm Philadelphia in memory of ‘Dirt Bike Rell’

So, how was it handled? After some initial chases and arrests, the order came from above:

We have known long ago that you are your First Responder and now it is getting evident that we are our Only Responder. That is fine, we prepare for that.

What I have to wonder is if the Left understands that.  They shut down a police force of a major city because of ATV riders, what do you think it would happen if the reports are about a bunch of really pissed off citizens pissed off and armed?

Portland: Bound to happen.

Portland has been the official refuge of Antifa. They can do what they want and pretty much get away with it. Last weekend they were even interrupting and re-directing traffic with, if not the blessing, at least with the inexcusable complicity  of the Powers-That-Be.

Last night, the other side got tired and decided to play by the same rules. I think Antifa looked surprised and a dash bloodied.

Not seen in this video, Antifa initiating the attack by Pepper spraying Patriot March who returned and amplified the favor. But lo and behold! Suddenly when Antifa is getting its collective ass kicked, cops show up.

I was giving Portland PD the benefit of the doubt for not doing their jobs last weekend, but sorry, this no longer applies.

Will Civil War 2.0 will have its Bull Run/Manassas in Portland?



Donna Shalala thinks that buying insurance across states means getting in a plane or driving to Georgia.

Shit You Not. Click on the link here and go to 0:50.

This much stupid is amazing for any politician, but for somebody who was the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services during the Clinton administration for eight years this is colossal or she is simply lying out of her ass to scare seniors in Florida.

Stupid or Liar: take your pick.

Gainsville Sun refuses to a publish cartoon. Calls it “inappropiate.”

Jake Fuller is a cartoonist associated with the Gainesville Sun where Nathan Crabbe is senior editor.

But apparently this little piece of art making DeSantis look like he is abusing the poor working black man with “Gillum” stenciled in the helmet is not controversial nor raises dark images of the racist South, right?

Click to enlarge

I mean, just get him a whip , say he is a Grand Dragon from the Klan and get it over with.

They will shove a Socialist down our throats come hell or high water.

PS: Let’s achieve the Streisand Effect if you please.

GOP Senators finally getting the idea that fighting back pays off.

And she is probably complaining because the Senator was mean to her in front of her kids.

Bridgeport Chief of Police shows lack of Gun Safety.

From the source:

Chief Perez joined Mayor Joe Ganim Connecticut Against Gun Violence Members of Bridgeport State Legislative Delegation and City Council today to speak on the dangers of ghost guns.

They were bitching about the dangers of Ghost Guns and 80% receivers. The irony about danger was not even perceived.

I am the only one professional enough...”