
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Rick Scott and his road to Private Life.

I am the weird one, the one that gets that call from pollsters and actually sits with them and answers all the questions. And I am weird also that as Hispanic, I tag myself Republican and Conservative (sorry, pollsters give no options on the “conservative for some stuff and libertarian on others.”) which I have noticed it has startled some callers who seems to be working for the other side.

Last night I got a call and the two first questions were:
If the elections for Senator were held today, who would you vote for. The Republican candidate or the Democrat Candidate?

My answer was The Republican. (There is a method to my madness)

The next question was:
If the elections for Senator were held today, who would you vote for. The Rick Scott, the Republican or the Bill Nelson, the Democrat?

My answer was an emphatic:
I am not voting for either of those assholes.

That left the pollster in a bit of a bind. Apparently there is no “He/She ain’t voting for either asshole” in the poll form.  She asked me if I was undecided, apparently the only available box to check mark an my reply was “Oh hell, I am fully decided all right. Neither one of those morons gets my vote.”

I have no idea what she marked and really don’t care. if they have a section for notes, I hope she wrote that subject simply will not vote for the assholes in the ballot.

Bill nelson is a known asshole and we can mold strategy knowing for sure he will screw us up at the first chance. Scott is an asshole that will also fuck us up at the first sign of pressure. Senator Flake is retiring and we really don’t need to add another flaky bastard to the Senate under the disguise of a (R) after his name.

And this is an email I got this morning. It must be stinging a bit in Scott’s HQ.

PS: This is the way I am voting, just in case you needed to know.

Poll: Almost a third of US voters think a second civil war is coming soon

From USA Today:

 A war may be brewing within the United States, almost a third of voters say in a poll released Wednesday.
Amid widespread political polarization on issues like immigration and recent public confrontations of Trump administration officials, 31 percent of probable U.S. voters surveyed said they think “it’s likely that the United States will experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years.”

I am one of those and I do believe there is a group of politicians pushing for it thinking it can be controlled and regulated for their benefit.

Their mistake.


Floridians: Democrats are coming for your CWP. Fight for it or lose it.

The Holy Trinity of Florida Gun Control has been summoned: The elimination of Stand Your Ground, The banning of “Assault Weapons” and now threatening Concealed Weapons Permits.

The Florida CWP system is efficient and self-sustaining. It does not depend of the general budget because the fees the department collects are more than enough to run it and upgraded as needed. Obviously the NRA is not running things, but Democrats hate efficiency and a surplus so Ms. Fried must screw with it.

And the fact that we are the most law-abiding sector of the population of Florida and that has to piss the hell out of Democrats.

Her original platform as found in her website is marijuana.

 Nikki is running for Florida Agriculture Commissioner because she saw firsthand how our politicians failed the people with medical marijuana. Despite 72% of Floridians voting to approve a medical marijuana law, the Florida Legislature and Gov. Rick Scott have obstructed its implementation and denied access to sick, injured and dying individuals in our state.

Her sudden discovery of the NRA and  Concealed Weapons Permit maybe tell us that potheads are not enthusiastic about her much and that more than likely, Bloomberg already has deposited a sizeable chuck of cash in her coffers.

One of my few votes this November is going to be for Matt Caldwell for Commissioner of Agriculture.

Yard sign and sticker already ordered.

You remember the old political saying: Where California goes, the country goes?

When it comes to guns, it is where Florida goes, so does the country. We began the revolution with the Concealed Weapons Permits and they spread over the land like Freedom’s wildfire.  By the same token, we are the unicorn for Gun Control, if the kill us, other states will follow suit.

You have been warned, they are coming after you. Be ready, be active and vote.

And stock up.

400 guns stolen from UPS

MEMPHIS, TN (WMC) – Police are searching for suspects after 400 guns were stolen from a UPS facility.
The burglary happened Sunday on Brooks Road.
The one of the two suspects were seen wearing a black and gray jacket with dark pants. The other was wearing all black.
They left the scene in a U-Haul.
The ATF is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the suspects.
Anyone with information about this crime should contact ATF at (800) ATF-Guns (1-800-283-4867) or the Memphis Police Department at (901) 528-2274.

400 guns stolen from UPS, ATF offering cash reward

Don’t worry folks, I am sure the thieves had background checks performed before stealing the guns. [/end flowing sarcasm]

Yeah, I am the Gun Violence problem, right.


Again, that pesky First Amendment is verbotten in San Francisco.

We all know by  now that there is no expectation of privacy in public spaces and that includes the streets.  This is settled law, no argument.

Unless you are in San Francisco and organizing the Folsom Street Fair.

Now, Folsom Street Fair is not your average Market’s farmer with clowns making animal balloons for the kids and the smell of hot corndogs in the air.  There is rubber…and leather and it smells but more horndog than corndog.  Folsom Street Fair is a no-holds-barred Sexual Fetish extravaganza in which anything goes, except photography in public places.  

(Warning: The links will take you to articles with photos you may not want to see. You have been warned)

Organizers of the Folsom Street Fair, San Francisco’s famed fetish festival, took new measures this year to educate attendees — especially sightseers and gawkers — on the subject of consent.
“Gear doesn’t mean consent. What you’re wearing doesn’t mean consent. An enthusiastic ‘yes’ means consent,” said Edwin Morales, president of the Folsom Street Events board.
The message was distilled into a social media campaign and onto signage around Sunday’s 13-block fair, which featured bondage exhibits, people pulling their collared partners on leashes, and lots of bodies clad in leather — or nothing at all.

Folsom Street Fair stresses consent amid leather and BDSM

I predict that they will use this as to portray photography as the new rape. A rape that does not requite physical contact. I do love how their little minds twist themselves to make censorship sound polite:

Finger says that when it comes to the photography, the flier is an effort to establish best practices and be respectful. “It doesn’t say you can’t photograph people, it just says ask first,” says Finger of the fliers. In 2016, Folsom began a campaign to request that fairgoers “ask first” before photographing people. “We’re not telling someone not to do something.”

Folsom Street Fair emphasizes consent in advance of 2018 event

Yes, that is exactly what you are saying.

Finger says that showing an attendee out of the fair for repeatedly taking photos without a person’s consent would be a “last resort.”

“Tovarish, you have violated the illegal photography consent rule in a public are and you must be removed by Eric and Patty and their collection of whips.”  That is censorship, you effing moron.

Then again, if somebody were to take a picture of a White Woman flogging a Black Man, I’d be worry somebody  may take it the wrong way and feel insulted.


Or violence against women? If Liberals are shitting bricks about accusations without corroboration 36 years after the accuser say it happened but do not remember well about the event, shouldn’t photographic evidence be definite even if it is staged? Somebody may get confused and think they can tie a woman up just because they like it or just condemn the whole fair because its depiction against women, gays and People of Color..

Yeah, I know. Those rules do not apply to them.