
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Take pictures of wasted water intended for hurricane relief, get investigated by authorities.


San Juan, PR – The government of Puerto Rico is going after the police officer who released pictures of millions of bottles of water sitting on a runway that was supposed to be given to Hurricane Maria victims.
For reasons unknown, that water has sat untouched for months.
A decorated member of the Policia de Puerto Rico’s elite FURA squad released multiple pictures of 20,800 pallets of water that have been left sitting abandoned on the runway of Jose Aponte De La Toree Airport in Ceiba.

Puerto Rico Policia Agente Abdiel Santana, a 34-year veteran of the Puerto Rico police force, told David Begnaud of CBS that when he released the pictures, he was “mad” the water was still there, and that it had never been distributed to storm victims in need.

Puerto Rico Cop Under Investigation For Photos of $22M In Undistributed Water

Again I ask, do we want Puerto Rico as the 51st State? We do not need a banana country as part of the Union.

Support Puerto Rico’s independence!

Florida: Republican State Senator bought by Bloomberg’s Everytown

David Hogg’s Sugar Daddy almost double the election war chest of Bill Galvano with one donation.

September 17, 2018
USF & NRA Member and Friends
Marion P. Hammer

USF Executive Director

NRA Past President

Incoming Florida Senate President Bill Galvano calls himself a Republican but is rumored to be the one who colluded with anti-gun Democrats to engineer the gun control package included in SB-7026 this past session. SB-7026 contained three major gun control provisions and was rammed down the throats of Senate and House Republican legislators. The report below below adds credence to that rumor. Looks like our Second Amendment Rights were sold for a large contribution from anti-gun former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

All of this while the anti-gunners keep accusing legislators of taking money from NRA. In reality, no Florida Senate or House member or candidate for the Florida Senate or House has received a direct contribution from NRA in almost 20 years.


September 13, 2018

NSF Staff

A political committee led by incoming Senate President Bill Galvano, R-Bradenton, last week received a $200,000 contribution from a national group that backs gun restrictions.

Galvano’s Innovate Florida committee received the money Sept. 4 from Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, which is heavily backed by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, according to a newly filed finance report.

Also last week, the Galvano committee spent $335,447. The largest chunk of that money, $250,000, went to the Florida Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee, which is helping fund GOP Senate candidates this fall.

Also, Galvano’s committee sent $75,000 to Friends of Dana Young, a committee backing Sen. Dana Young, R-Tampa, in her closely watched re-election battle in Hillsborough County’s Senate District 18.

Galvano’s committee had about $231,000 in cash on hand as of last Friday, the report shows

Moped Crime in England

Seems I am to be the compliment to J. Kb’s posts today. Mom is not having a good day, so my mind is not quite here.

Moped gangs are a scary thing in the formerly Great Britain. Here is a video of several incidents, but I reckon the attack on the jewelry and watch store is memorable, specially how brazen they are in their display of weapons.

There is impunity with this crimes. It comes with equal parts of properly disguising themselves and the fact that the Brit police do not bother much with “unsolvable” property crime. And when comes to number-crunching time for end-of-year reports, they have no issue fudging the stats.  And this is a State who is fully disarmed, killed the right of self-defense and it has surpassed George Orwell’s nightmares of surveillance’s capabilities .

But fear not: If the Government finds anybody carrying a potato peeler, rest assured he will be arrested!




Florida CWP: The road to 2 million.

I read J. Kb.’s post and realized I had not posted the updated Florida CWP numbers till August 2018.

1,935,833 valid licenses in circulation. 64,157 to get to the two million. If we keep the 20,000 licenses per month we would be able to be the first state to reach that landmark by December. If Gillum wins, we will see the 2 mill by November easy plus another jump in gun sales since they are already waving the Gun Banning flag.