
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

They get mad when we call them Fake News because…

I bumped into this tweet earlier today:

Her statement of Florida not doing background checks on gun sales is obviously mistaken. I thought she meant the background checks Faux Scandal for Concealed Weapons Permits we had back in June. Nope.

Click to enlarge.

This web rag appears to be part of the New York Magazine conglomerate.  Being brutally generous and saying the author initially got confused and said it was Gun sales instead of CWPs, he and his editors have had the chance to make the correction since publication and chose not to. They are purposely leaving the obvious lie stand without correction for motives they only know but we can suspect.

If your cause is righteous, why lie?

Assault Camera: The New Liberal Frontier to Ban.

I got several readers and friends sending me a copy of the pic.  I am very wary of unsourced screen caps, but this look very real so I went over Twitter and checked by myself.

Sweet gods of volcano sacrifice, it is true. This one is a fresh screen capture by yours truly”

And no, the guy is not trolling, he is that dumb.

I do believe we have people among us so stupid that require graphic instructions on how to breathe.

Old News: Sheep Murders.

Year and years ago, I remember reading Centennial by James Michener and learned about the war against sheep by Cattlemen in the West. It was kind of surprising and even though my ancestors raised sheep in Spain, it took me less than a week visiting them and working the critters to come to hate them. My mom to this day will not eat lamb and wants to do nothing with those animals.

Anyway, it was funny to bump into this small article and confirm that it was not a figment of Michener’s imagination. I will recommend both the book and the mini series, I think it was the last one done in full grandeur, full production value and with a lot of great actors.

Paypal helping Human Soceity of the US

I had gotten this email yesterday, but forgot about it.


Reader Dave H. sent me this link (AKA Clue By Four) from Ammoland


Fairfax, VA – -(Ammoland.com)- PayPal, the world’s largest money transfer service for online transactions, has aligned itself with the animal “rights” extremists at the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) through a deceptively named campaign called Paws United for a Cause!
PayPal has pledged to match donations made to HSUS through its Facebook page, up to a total of $100K, through August 31.
HSUS is no stranger to the charge of being deceptive, to put it mildly. The organization has long been accused of misleading people into thinking it has an actual relationship to directly helping mistreated or abandoned pets by operating shelters. In 2011, the group’s own tax records indicate it gave less than 1% of donor funds to pet shelters.

Never EVER donate to that scum organization.  You want to do something for abandoned animals? Call your local shelter, ask them what they need and then go shopping. One you have your bags full of stuff, go personally and donate them while thanking profusely to those working the shelter.

Comedian and Prankster Tom Mabe took it to another level and God bless him for that. But even your smallest of contributions will be greatly appreciated.

The Jacksonville Gamer Shooting: How many laws were broken by the killer?

Ladies and Gents, I present you asshole David Katz.

Apparently he got his ass kicked in the game and decided to show how bad of a loser he was by shooting his fellow players.  And as you can imagine, the Usual Suspects of Gun Control have jumped all over the place demanding more laws and solutions to mass shootings and stuff. But I just clicked on News4Jax and found a wealth of interesting information with what already knew from the initial reports:

1- The shooting occurred inside the GLHF Game Bar which by Florida Statute is a Gun Free Zone.
2- Asshole David Katz was from Baltimore Maryland and came to the tournament. Maryland and Florida do not have a reciprocity agreement so he was illegally carrying a concealed weapon.
3- Asshole David Katz violated Federal when he traveled from Maryland without the protection of FOPA as it was illegal for him to carry in Florida.
4- Shooting people and causing death and grave bodily harm is illegal in Florida and pretty sure the rest of the 49.

Questions remain: Where did he get the gun? In Maryland most likely, but we need to find out if legally or otherwise. If he got the gun legally in Maryland, passed then he passed the Background check (oops!). If he got it illegally, that is not only a crime up there but he also illegally transported a firearm across state lines, double miles if the gun is stolen. If he got it in Florida, he did so illegally that is another law he broke.

I am sure I am missing something or other, please fell free to add and correct mistakes in the comments.

PS: He killed 2 people officially so the Mass Murder tag also disappears. I predict his case will vanish from the media by Tuesday night.


David Hogg should do some research.

These two tweets from Young Gobbles are precious:

Number one: Using Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition fundraising tactics died sometime in the early 2000s. And extortion tends to be specially ineffective if you are this blatant about it.

Number 2: Out of all the gun companies in the US, you went and picked up Smith and Wesson to try to force them to go into surrendering to excessive government guidelines. You see, in 1987, S&W was bought by Tomkins a British company for $112 million, a bad time to do so with all the Anti Gun furor of the times.  But being very British, in 2000 they made an agreement with the Clinton Administration. It ran the standard Gun Control sopping list of high-capacity magazines, locking devices, prohibiting dealers to sell at Gun Shows, etc. In exchange, the administration was going to help them get police contracts and select them as only providers for Federal Law Enforcement.

It went bad, really bad.

You see, there is this law that forces the Feds to take bids from different companies and go through a process to acquire goods from private companies and the same applies to most of the states and city departments. This is to avoid corruption at government levels, but being the Clintons, they thought they were above that.  So that great scheme to be the only supplier went down in flames badly, but that was not the great fall, not by far: Once the deal was publicized with great fanfare, almost overnight the sales of Smith and Wesson products froze. Gun owners simply applied Wallet Warfare and stop buying Smith and Wesson products, gun stores returned their stock to the company and demanded refunds. Even Pawn Shops could not sell used S&W firearms because gun owners saw it as a brand of treason.

In May 2001, Smith and Wesson was sold by Tomkins to Safe T Lock, and American company for $15 million or basically 10 cents on the dollar. The company changed its business name and pretty much ignored any gun deal done  with the Clintons.

Smith and Wesson is going through a contraction in the market and they are not that stupid to be blackmailed by a teenager supported by the same assholes that keep betting they go under. They know that the demand for  5 million and the AWB are just the beginning and they will come back for more. So unless somebody substituted the S&W board with certified morons, there is no way in hell Hogg is gonna get what he is trying to extort.

One bitten, twice shy.