
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Republican with an AR 15 and Glock shoots Democrat over a political argument in Facebook. (Clickbait)

Well, that is what we are told is supposed to happen, but reality was the other way around.

Unfriended! Democrat drives to man’s house and shoots him after heated political disagreement on Facebook
Brian Sebring, 44, of Tampa, Florida, was arrested for shooting Alex Stephens, 46, also of Tampa, in the thigh and buttocks after their online disagreement
Police say the row was sparked by a political disagreement on Facebook
Stephens reportedly began sending Sebring ‘explicit messages and threats’
Sebring then armed himself with an AR-15 and Glock, drove round to Stephens’ house just two miles away from his own home, and opened fire
He fled the scene but later turned himself in and was arrested on charges of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and carrying a concealed firearm

But wait, it gets so much better:

Sebring is a registered Democrat who follows Barack Obama on Twitter.
Sebring was booked into the Hillsborough County jail, his bail set at $9,500.

Facebook political argument ends with Tampa man shot in buttocks


How many hard-core Democrats are packing AR 15s in secrecy? We know candidates who destroyed theirs and now we have one Obama fan engaging in Agg Batt with a Deadly Weapon. Isn’t this kind of hypocritical on their part?

Who wants to bet Sebring will claim Stand Your Ground?

Hat Tip Mike Kupari

@GunFreeZone does the Shadowban test.

I think I pissed off the Twitter Overlords with this tweet which I used as reply on anybody supporting the #endfamilyfire:


I found peculiar that after more than  a couple of dozen of individual replies none of them had anything to say or even blocked me. There is a website  Shadowban.eu that checks your status and breaks it down in the following categories:

Search Ban

This type of ban causes your tweets to be hidden from the search results entirely, no matter whether the quality filter is turned on or off. This behavior includes hashtags as well. This type of ban seems to be temporally limited for active accounts.

Thread Ban

This is what is referred to as conventional shadowban as well. It comprises a search ban while threads are completely ripped apart by hiding reply tweets of the affected user to others. Everything will look perfectly normal to the affected user but many others will not be able to see reply tweets of the affected user at all. Reasons for this ban include behavior like excessive tweeting or following. Again, this type of ban seems to be temporally limited for active accounts.

Quality Filter Discrimination

QFD causes your tweets to be invisible within the latest section of the search, including hashtags, when the quality filter is turned on. Note that this quality filter is located on the search page, is turned on by default and will be reset for each search anew. It differs from the quality filter controlling your notifications. QFD was introduced on May 15, 2018 as part of Twitter’s so-called healthy conversation project.

I went ahead and checked my twitter account and I got the following results:

Yay! I am officially a Twitter Non-Person! At least they have not kicked me out of the place yet.

Again, it is not paranoia if they are attacking you.

UPDATE: I decided to do a temporary change of Twitter Profile.

You know I had to go with a classic.

#EndFamilyFire is the new bad joke from the Brady Campaign.

I have been replying to people who post under the #endfamilyfire tag with the following:

Then I saw this post:

Resources? For a moment, I hoped that I was wrong and they actually and finally stepped up and started to provide real-life solutions like free gun locks.
I should have known better:

 This toolkit contains all the resources you need to extend the reach of this important campaign: PSAs, printable materials, social media assets, and helpful tips to engage your partners and your community.

Short answer: Nope. Just another useless campaign to clutter the waves with useless gun control crap. I did find this particular tweet ironic:

“Hey doc, I have a bad infection.”
“Here, read this pamphlet and post in social media. That should cure you. Your copayment will be $70.”

Yes, that stupid.

Alyssa Milano discovers Safe Storage of Guns.

What makes fun about beating on Alyssa is that she is repeating the same old mistakes and lies of her predecessors, giving us a chance to refresh some old points.

For her, this is totally new and nobody has done crap about it.  The old Gun Control groups will touch Safe Storage now and then because it is a yearly check-mark they need to get, but other than that, they know they get their asses beaten by NSSF’s Project Childsafe and its 37 million gun locks distributed for free.

And let’s not forget our dear friend Ladd Everitt from the almost dead Coalition to Stop Gun Violence who wanted the program not only defunded but said support for Gun Locks were not a good allocation of their time.

Let’s remember that safe kids, uninjured kids do not make money for Gun Control. Nothing props up donations like bleeding kids and if they can stop Project Childsafe to prop up those donations, they will do so.

My ballot for the Primaries.

And as promised, my vote for US Senator went for nobody:

Florida is a Closed State so I have no idea why I got a ballot that says I can vote for the Democrat . It probably won’t be counted, but just in case I voted not for the Cowboy “Clownette.”  If you noticed both individuals have the dame name, they are both from California and I would not be surprised if they are related.  Rocky is in several races in different states and running for office seems to be something he does for fun.